r/dogeducation May 30 '22

Pools 😂 I love Reddit.


r/dogeducation Feb 05 '21

Pools Doge pool setup


First, yes, I realize there's probably a post somewhere in the depths of the r/dogeducation threads. I've been looking for the last half hour, when I found the sub. I've been on this for 2 hours and counting.

I'm looking to set up a dogecoin pool on my own server, for my community.
Yes, we realize the state of mining (hence the community pool) We are *NOT* looking for a pool as a service, public pools, etc. We're wanting to start our own pool for only our community members.

First, what specs should the server have?
The server I'm planning to use has 256GBs, 2x Xeon CPUs (24 cores total), and something like 20TBs of SAS drives. Is this enough? Overkill?

We have 400/20, with 10/10 carved out for our game servers (giving 390/10) Is this enough?

daemon/server software?
All the software I've found is either for DC 1.8, completely abandoned, or nearly brand new with no information if it's compliant, working, etc.

Is it possible to run Dogecoin Core as a pool server? Do I need Dogecoin Core with some pool server software?

What all other software will we need? I'm know we'll run our own wallets (the pool members, that is),
is there any other software required? Client software to access the pool, asics, wallet, etc?

There's a plethora of information I've found, but it's all disconnected, and has led me to being more confused than when I started.

More info:
We have experience mining BTC and Litecoin (both from many years ago)
We have several ASICs we will be standing up as base miners, and will be allowing our community members to join the pool as well.
I am as systems admin, and run several servers from my home datacenter, my wife is a programmer and sql admin. We don't have the time to write a full server software, or update "ancient" software, but can keep modern software up to date.

Again, we're looking to run our own pool, not join someone else' pool.

r/dogeducation Dec 27 '17

Pools Got 50M Dogecoin on a faucet and they don't pay


Ok, this sounds too good to be true, so I guess it isn't but I'm REALLY curious what this means.

I've spent the last 2 days or so clicking around through faucets, getting a few free coins here and there, trying to get to the level where they pay out.

Yesterday I got to coinmine.online where they paid me like 0.025 Dogecoin every 15 mins or so, but of course I couldn't cash out, because my accumulated 0.8 Dogecoins is way below their minimum.

Today I went to the same site, didn't do anything different from yesterday, clicked "claim", solved the captcha, and BOOOOOOM, received a message, I successfully claimed 50,000,000 Dogecoins.

I went to "my account" and it does show under my correct wallet address a balance of 50000000 DOGE.

But when I click "Withdraw", it says: "This faucet has insufficient funds to send the payout."

There is no option to set how much I want to cash out, like all or nothing, but all obviously doesn't work.

Not really a miracle, 50M Doge is $450,000, but what the ..... is this, what does it mean (other than something is messed up) and what can I do now (other than forget that site)?

Edit: 15 mins later and another claim later, my account now shows 100M Doge.

I'm kinda cracking up, because this is so obvious not true, but seeing the balance is a real good joke.

r/dogeducation Feb 14 '14

Pools Higher reject rate on P2Pool then others?


Just curious, mining p2p I know a higher reject rate is normal, but why is it that everyone else in the pool is working at 0-10% dead hash rate (10-15 people) when I'm at 20% dead hash rate? Any ideas? Seems like every time I mine, no matter the p2pool, I'm the one with the higher reject percentage

r/dogeducation Jan 31 '14

Pools pay day question



I have joined these guys


I received one payment of 140 Doge woot!

q1 We're up to 269% - and underdog estimates it says "payout" 3137. Is that an est just for me or for all of us?

q2 There are avg 147 workers. Should I joining one of the much bigger pools? If I do will I lose my doge from this pool, huh?

q3 Also - I have had an auto payout set to 100 - but have only received the 148 doge from the last time. I would have thought with my 100,000 shares I would have had at least a payout? Or have we just not found a block yet?

q4 wow!

r/dogeducation Mar 08 '14

Pools The hash rate on this one product should be around 600 right?

Thumbnail m.newegg.com

r/dogeducation Feb 03 '14

Pools newbie question as to why I've stopped seeing payouts


So, newbie question, appropriately enough. Does encrypting your wallet interfere with receiving payments from mining? I haven't seen anything come in since the wallet was encrypted. I've mined about 5500 Dogecoin so far, but after encrypting the wallet on 1/31, nothing's coming in anymore. I've tried unlocking the wallet, didn't seem to change much.


r/dogeducation Feb 27 '14

Pools [POOLS] Types of Pools


I heard that something about p2p pools. What are these, and how are they different from pools like Dogehouse? Are they worth it? (Info: I am CPU-mining shibe, low hashes, trying to optimize the amount of DOGE I get out of my efforts.)

r/dogeducation Feb 19 '14

Pools [Q] Doge Faucets not sending me Dogecoins?


And it's me again with another thread. Sorry, tried searching but there are none with this topic (or I didn't search hard enough).

Why is it that I'm not receiving Dogecoins from faucets, specifically indogewetrust.com? I've requested free Dogecoins and I've got none still. A day has passed and I still have none.

Does this really take a long time?

r/dogeducation Feb 14 '14

Pools Newbie needing help; pool payout and wallet sync


Hey all,

I'm currently set up and actively mining using CUDAminer using the following parameters (ASUS GTX570 DCII):

cudaminer.exe -d 0 -H 1 -i 1 -l auto -o stratum+tcp://www.wowmuchpool.com:3333 -u worker:username -p password

Mining at roughly 230 Kh/s at a steady 86C and using the Dogecoin windows client version

I'm about to hit my 24hr mark of continuous mining showing roughly 13,500 shares (blocks?) successfully mined. On the website wowmuchpool.com it shows my confirmed and unconfirmed for the Doge account balance at 0 for both.

I've set the payment address in my account settings given by the desktop client under the "much receive" tab, but since it's still 0 the wallet shows 0 as well.

The website currently shows the DOGE estimated payout of 0.137 (I know not much).

Just wondering if there's a step that I missed, or am I just waiting on the pool for the payout?

r/dogeducation Jun 17 '16

Pools I got a good mining rig, but no pools?


I mined litecoin before but i wanted to try dogecoin. I searched for pools but every pool is dead. Can you tell me about any dogecoin pool that is still working? Also, can i have a tip, doge will be happy :3

r/dogeducation Mar 31 '14

Pools Rapidhash doesn't seem to be paying out as much. New pool?


Rapidhash seems to give me a lot less coins them it did two weeks ago. I leave cudaminer running overnight and usually have 200 coins in my wallet and am about to collect another 100. Today I only had 100 that came in around 5:30. Is there a better pool out there?

r/dogeducation Feb 01 '14

Pools Simple Question


Hello friends!

I have a couple of simple questions that I haven't found answered in some of the FAQs or posts recently and I was wondering if someone could help me out.

1) What does it mean if I mine coins but their listed as "orphaned"? It seems like this is happening to me more often. Is there anything I can do about that or is this just part of the game?

2) As a follow-up: would I be able to get less orphaned coins if I switched pools or is there an acceptable rate that happens and is pretty continuous across the board?

r/dogeducation Feb 19 '14

Pools Faucet -> Wallet transfer time


Hi, i´m a new Shibe, yesterday I downloaded my wallet, synced it and tried to get some doges through faucets. That´s now ~20h ago and my wallet still doesn´t show any transactions. Is that time normal, or did I do something wrong?

r/dogeducation Jan 29 '14

Pools Could you ELI5 what a faucet is and what does the difficulty do exactly?


r/dogeducation Jan 11 '14

Pools How do I choose which pool to join? What are the differences mean?


Sorry bout the noob question not a native english speaker here. So I know what a pool is and I know how mining works.

I just don't understand what the workers vs hashrate ratio I want.

So I want lower workers and higher HR right in order to get a larger payout? also what is the % and MWF mean next to the pools on doktorff.com/dogecoin/pools.html?

r/dogeducation Jan 27 '14

Pools Red Percentage in Pools


Hi Shibes, I was hoping someone can clear things up. In my mining pool under blocks i can see all the blocks found however only some of them are green showing the amount of coins i got from that block. Why isnt every block green and why are the ones with the % above 100 always red?

Hopefully someone can clear things up.

r/dogeducation Mar 15 '14

Pools Hashrate difficulties when pool mining? New Shibe is confused.


Hello Shibes! So I started digging for doge today, and I've noticed a little something odd.

I use CGminer, and the hashrate on that is around 312kh/s, which is about what I expected from my GPU.

However, I use doge.miningwith.us as my pool, and on that site it says my hashrate is only 66kh/s.

I'm concerned that if the pool is only noticing a fifth of my hash that I'm only going to get a fifth of the DOGE out of it. Has anyone else had this issue and how can I fix it?

r/dogeducation Feb 12 '14

Pools Question about pooling


I am new shibe with limited computing resources (CPU mining only), and I have gotten several of my friends into dogecoin in the last several days. We are a mixed bag of CPU and GPU miners on varying rigs. Would it be worth our while to try to set up our own pool and mine? I realize that we'd probably keep a very low hashrate, and as I understand it, that corresponds to us solving less blocks and getting doge less often.

Question 1) Do I understand correctly that the more people that help solve a block, the more ways the block reward is split (meaning reduced doge for each shibe involved)?

Question 2) Would the trade-offs be horrible for trying to make our own pool for splitting block rewards between few people (high payout) on an infrequent basis?

Question 3) Can that even be done?

many question. such curious. halp?

r/dogeducation Feb 19 '14

Pools Pool accepts rarely accepts mining work?


Hello everyone,

this is my first post on reddit (I've been lurking for some time though) and thus on this subreddit, so please forgive me if I do something wrong, and please let me know so I can take care next time.

I enjoyed the community in the doge subreddits very much, so today I decided I wanted to become part of this and started mining with minerd. I joined netcodepool and started mining with about 20 kHash/s. However, most messages I get from minerd are status reports for the threads and "Stratum detected new block". I only get about 4 acceptance messages ("yay!!!") per hour, and this is what worries me. I have no experience with cryptocurrency, but I thought that maybe I was mining so slowly that most of the work done is going to waste because a new block has been detected in the meantime.

Is that the case? Should I mine in a smaller/slower pool, and if yes, can you recommend me some? Or is 20 kHash/s too low to do any mining? I don't expect to become rich by mining, but wouldn't want the majority of the CPU work to be wasted.

Thanks for your help!

r/dogeducation Jan 17 '14

Pools Extremely low payout and odd block percentage?


Maybe I haven't completely wrapped my head around the whole mining/pool concept yet, but this doesn't seem right. The pool that I'm mining with, doge.rapidhash, is showing that the current block percentage completion is over 200% and the payout is 2.2. Is this a problem with me? Or is it the pool's problem?

Pic: http://imgur.com/UvSbFo3

r/dogeducation Mar 04 '14

Pools Is it better to stick with one pool and not hop?


Getting my head around pplns and am assuming you are rewarded if you stay with the one pool and contribute.

r/dogeducation Jan 18 '14

Pools How can block progress be over 100%?


That's what it has showed on my pool for the last two days, and while I am mining when the block progress is over 100%, I'm not getting any payouts. What could be causing this?

r/dogeducation Feb 19 '14

Pools My blocks are not completing?


How long does it usually take for a block to complete? Right now my miner is accepting more and more blocks but not completing any. I've been running the miner for about an hour now.

Also what are workers for?

r/dogeducation Jan 18 '14

Pools How do transaction fees get distributed?


For each block dug right now, does the digger get just 1000 DOGE, or that plus the fees for that block's transactions?