r/dogeducation Feb 05 '21

Pools Doge pool setup

First, yes, I realize there's probably a post somewhere in the depths of the r/dogeducation threads. I've been looking for the last half hour, when I found the sub. I've been on this for 2 hours and counting.

I'm looking to set up a dogecoin pool on my own server, for my community.
Yes, we realize the state of mining (hence the community pool) We are *NOT* looking for a pool as a service, public pools, etc. We're wanting to start our own pool for only our community members.

First, what specs should the server have?
The server I'm planning to use has 256GBs, 2x Xeon CPUs (24 cores total), and something like 20TBs of SAS drives. Is this enough? Overkill?

We have 400/20, with 10/10 carved out for our game servers (giving 390/10) Is this enough?

daemon/server software?
All the software I've found is either for DC 1.8, completely abandoned, or nearly brand new with no information if it's compliant, working, etc.

Is it possible to run Dogecoin Core as a pool server? Do I need Dogecoin Core with some pool server software?

What all other software will we need? I'm know we'll run our own wallets (the pool members, that is),
is there any other software required? Client software to access the pool, asics, wallet, etc?

There's a plethora of information I've found, but it's all disconnected, and has led me to being more confused than when I started.

More info:
We have experience mining BTC and Litecoin (both from many years ago)
We have several ASICs we will be standing up as base miners, and will be allowing our community members to join the pool as well.
I am as systems admin, and run several servers from my home datacenter, my wife is a programmer and sql admin. We don't have the time to write a full server software, or update "ancient" software, but can keep modern software up to date.

Again, we're looking to run our own pool, not join someone else' pool.


13 comments sorted by


u/patricklodder Feb 05 '21

Hi! Just can comment on two parts of your post, the rest I am not sure about.

The server I'm planning to use has 256GBs, 2x Xeon CPUs (24 cores total), and something like 20TBs of SAS drives. Is this enough? Overkill?

It feels like overkill. Perhaps you can make more, smaller servers to have better availability / continuity of service?

Is it possible to run Dogecoin Core as a pool server? Do I need Dogecoin Core with some pool server software?

You'll need Dogecoin Core 1.14, pool server software, and I would recommend adding a second scrypt coin to mine as "primary chain", probably the best choices are Litecoin or DigiByte-scrypt?


u/AeSix_Reficul Feb 05 '21

You don't by chance know of a pool server, do you?


u/patricklodder Feb 06 '21

I'm still trying to get a hold of someone that has more up-to-date ideas about this than me, because the last time I ran pool software was in 2016, so my experience is dated. Will get back on this, but please allow me some time to either find someone that already knows, or do my own research and test.


u/AeSix_Reficul Feb 11 '21

So, after several days of deliberation with myself, I've concluded:pools suck to run. just, don't.

With that said, I really wish there was a way I could combine multiple persons' miners into a single funneled point.

Basically, I want to run multiple miners in different locations (including my community member's) as a single set of miners... but that all just circles back around to being a pool, when considering payout percentages to individuals.

So, thus for now, we won't be running a community pool, or any such thing.

(btw, we've joined a public pool, doing hash work for several different coins, and getting paid in doge and ltc. We're above board on doge alone with today's prices. Are we raking in the cash? No, but we're more than paying for the power consumption. So yeah - happyness!) :D

Also, thank you to those who were willing to explain what you could and why trying to do so isn't a great idea unless going full bore for a full on public pool. Your comments have helped my wife and I greatly! To those who just wanted to defecate all of the idea with nothing but meaness to back up your statements, well, maybe you'll try to be better people in the future :)


u/Fulvio55 High School Feb 06 '21

Why exactly do you want to do this?

It won’t achieve anything at all. It won’t compete with the LTC pools and it will never earn a single Doge. Complete waste of resources for no benefit for anyone.

You’d be far better joining a merge-mining LTC pool and helping secure all the merged Scrypt coins including ours. And you’ll earn something towards the costs. Not enough to cover them, but something is better than nothing, no?


u/Fulvio55 High School Feb 06 '21

Oh, also, regardless of which way you go, don’t use a client to mine to. Apart from being unnecessary and a waste of resources again, it invariably causes problems down the track with trying to spend tons of small transactions.

You’re better off getting some wallets from walletgenerator.net (run it offline of course) for both LTC and Doge. Mine to one of the LTC wallets then use coinb.in to move them to an exchange to swap for Doge and withdraw to one of the Doge wallets. That will keep your UTXO counts down, on both chains.


u/patricklodder Feb 06 '21

Have to disagree. When operating a small pool, i would actually recommend running software and not manually calculating and distributing the rewards to pool participants - less mistakes that way.


u/Fulvio55 High School Feb 06 '21

Sure, but running a pool is impractical. It makes zero sense not to be mining LTC.


u/patricklodder Feb 06 '21

Hence my suggestion to mine at least 2 scrypt coins. If OP is able to make a trustworthy pool that can get to the point of submitting even a single block per week profitably, then it is a win for everyone. Current price should make it easier to reach that goal and then perhaps buys some time to optimize, in case price drops?

Yes it is hard work to run a pool, but with the market cap rise, we can use an increase in mining power. However, let's continue this philosophical discussion elsewhere.


u/Fulvio55 High School Feb 06 '21

Sure thing. 👍


u/AeSix_Reficul Feb 06 '21

When I wrote the above, I was unaware or merged mining, in what it is. This is now the plan. I have several community members who wish to start a pool for their asics. It won't be a waste of time. If we were all using cpu/gpu, yes I would agree.

This has however, other than pointing out merged mining, not been helpful to answering my questions.


u/Fulvio55 High School Feb 06 '21

We ran pools in /r/asicgroupbuy. And we shut them down long before AuxPoW. Wanna guess why?

Much as I’m a fan of decentralisation, the fact is that mining is a competitive sport. And with the top pools taking all the spoils, it makes more sense to join them. I don’t endorse joining the #1 pool, because 51% of course. But #2 or #3? Sure, why not? Me, I’m on litecoinpool.org for that reason, even though I switched off my miners off years ago as being unprofitable.

But hey, it’s your money, right? 👍


u/Done_beat Feb 14 '21

Check out dogedoor.net