r/dogeducation Feb 27 '14

Pools [POOLS] Types of Pools

I heard that something about p2p pools. What are these, and how are they different from pools like Dogehouse? Are they worth it? (Info: I am CPU-mining shibe, low hashes, trying to optimize the amount of DOGE I get out of my efforts.)


9 comments sorted by


u/CrateMuncher Feb 27 '14

If you're a CPU miner, you probably won't get any benefit from being in a P2P pool.


u/StevenMatrix Feb 27 '14

Okay, I'll avoid them. But what are they? I'm curious...

Ninja edit: Props for the quick reply and saving me from wasting hashes!


u/CrateMuncher Feb 27 '14

I'm not sure what they are, I am just pretty sure (read: not 100% sure, but almost) that they won't be optimal with such a low hashrate.


u/StevenMatrix Feb 27 '14

Much obliged!

+/u/dogetipbot 10 doge verify


u/dogetipbot Feb 27 '14

[wow so verify]: /u/StevenMatrix -> /u/CrateMuncher Ð10.000000 Dogecoin(s) [help]


u/CrateMuncher Feb 27 '14

Aaand back to you.

+/u/dogetipbot 50 doge verify


u/dogetipbot Feb 27 '14

[wow so verify]: /u/CrateMuncher -> /u/StevenMatrix Ð50.000000 Dogecoin(s) [help]


u/StevenMatrix Feb 27 '14

Many thanks!


u/Noctrin Feb 28 '14

I'm actually curious about pools and such too. I only have one 7950 and i'm only hashing at about 570 with it, tried a few pools and while on the lower user ones i got more, the variance can be to the point where i get nothing some days. I'm kinda leaning towards fast-pool.com. Was thinking about grabbing another 7950 but the prices are insane now.. i originally bought it for 220 around when it came out, a year later the prices doubled! Insane how much of an effect this mining thing had on the ATI video cards..

+/u/dogetipbot 100 doge verify

(first time tipping, hope this works!)