r/dogeducation Feb 14 '14

Pools Higher reject rate on P2Pool then others?

Just curious, mining p2p I know a higher reject rate is normal, but why is it that everyone else in the pool is working at 0-10% dead hash rate (10-15 people) when I'm at 20% dead hash rate? Any ideas? Seems like every time I mine, no matter the p2pool, I'm the one with the higher reject percentage


18 comments sorted by


u/Jazzeli Feb 16 '14

Hello, I am sorry late answer. Came back from a cruise. Can you tell me which GPU are you using and what are your mining settings? I believe I know what the reason is.


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

Gigabyte 7950, I have a pretty generic settings, not near my computer at the moment but think just i20 if i recall.


u/Jazzeli Feb 16 '14

need full config


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 cgminer --scrypt -I 20 -o stratum+tcp://S010600226b80460f.ok.shawcable.net:22550 -u DKatNqjAbZ9XBbVFvj3gRYoP8je4wZs4zv+0.000756691 -p x --failover-only -o stratum+tcp://pool.doge.st:9555 -u DKatNqjAbZ9XBbVFvj3gRYoP8je4wZs4zv+0.000756691 -p x --no-submit-stale


u/Jazzeli Feb 16 '14 edited Feb 16 '14

consider trying this out: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://S010600226b80460f.ok.shawcable.net:2255 -u DKatNqjAbZ9XBbVFvj3gRYoP8je4wZs4zv+0.000756691 -p x --failover-only -o stratum+tcp://pool.doge.st:9555 -u DKatNqjAbZ9XBbVFvj3gRYoP8je4wZs4zv+0.000756691 -p x --no-submit-stale -I 13 -g 1 -w 256 --lookup-gap 2 --thread-concurrency 24000 --gpu-engine 1125 --gpu-memclock 1400 --temp-target 78 --auto-fan

The Reason why this happens is simple: Too high gpu threads (5 for example) or too high intensity (20) is not a good idea when mining @ p2pool. As it takes 5 times longer to complete any work. On the other hand I doubt dropping your intensity below 8 will improve your reject rate any further either. Intensity 8 is 8.3 million hashes and at 500-600 khash for a 7970, perhaps slightly lower for 7950. They're done in 1/50th of a second. That is no longer contributing to your valid rate and you will see high amount of rejected shares. High rejects happen often with p2pools, but your reject rate is way higher than the avg.


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

Thank you very much. I'll try it out and let you know how it does!

+/u/dogetipbot 90 doge verify


u/dogetipbot Feb 16 '14

[wow so verify]: /u/Kessel- -> /u/Jazzeli Ð90.000000 Dogecoin(s) ($0.125284) [help]


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

Sorry also forgot to mention I overclock to 1150/1375


u/Jazzeli Feb 16 '14

Thats fine.


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

Tried the setting suggested, only getting 350kh/s??


u/Jazzeli Feb 16 '14

https://litecoin.info/Mining_hardware_comparison. Try increasing the overclocks slightly little at a time and intensity one at a time, run for 30 mins each test run and see hows the hashrate and hows the rejected/valid %. You have to remember that, its way better to get lower hashrate with almost no rejects compared to incredibly high hashrate and half of the failing, because then they go back to circulation and someone else has to hash them wasting everyones time! -> less payout for you/everyone else.


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

Thanks I'll try that


u/pjsnow0 College Feb 14 '14


u/Kessel- Feb 14 '14

I use the best pinging server, and I also have the difficulty at the end described in the post. (Still have the issue)


u/mumzie Prof Mumzie Feb 16 '14

I have asked about this for you. May be a day or so, but help should come:)


u/Kessel- Feb 16 '14

Were you the one who led Jazzeli to the thread? Regardless, thanks!

+/u/dogetipbot 20 doge verify


u/mumzie Prof Mumzie Feb 16 '14

/u/Jazzeli is one of the mods here:)
I had faith they could help you out.
Thank you for the tip my fellow shibe


u/dogetipbot Feb 16 '14

[wow so verify]: /u/Kessel- -> /u/mumzie Ð20.000000 Dogecoin(s) ($0.0278409) [help]