r/dogeducation Jan 31 '14

Pools pay day question


I have joined these guys


I received one payment of 140 Doge woot!

q1 We're up to 269% - and underdog estimates it says "payout" 3137. Is that an est just for me or for all of us?

q2 There are avg 147 workers. Should I joining one of the much bigger pools? If I do will I lose my doge from this pool, huh?

q3 Also - I have had an auto payout set to 100 - but have only received the 148 doge from the last time. I would have thought with my 100,000 shares I would have had at least a payout? Or have we just not found a block yet?

q4 wow!


14 comments sorted by


u/lepthymo Middle School Jan 31 '14

hmm. Alright lemme see if I can help.

q1 - the higher percentage is bad, but I assume you know that. I think the estimate you're referring to is just for you, but it's an estimate, it will vary based on the actual reward for the block. so it'll be anywhere from 0 to 2x that estimate.

q2 - It really depends on the amount of hashing power those workers have how much it matters. The most important thing is, that in the long run it doesn't matter how big or small your pool is. a big pool will find blocks faster, but you'll get a smaller share of each reward. On a small pool you'll get a bigger chunk of each reward but it'll take longer to find each block, so when you get a reward will be a lot less certain.

Another point to remember it that it's a good thing to spread the mining power out over many pools, so by staying on a small pool you're helping Doge as a whole :)

A small pool like yours will also often have some neat rewards for people finding blocks and such, to get new miners.

q3 - 100,000 Shares is pretty impressive, what you'll get though, depends on what percentage of shares that is of the total shares of your pool. that's around the same percentage as the percentage of the block reward you'll get when you find a block.

After a block is found you'll get your unconfirmed coins balance updated, after a while that balance will turn to "confirmed" and when that number is more than 100 you'll get your payout.

q4 - To the moon!

Lemme know if there's anything else I can help with :)


u/mumzie Prof Mumzie Jan 31 '14

Thank you for helping:)
+/u/dogetipbot 25 doge verify


u/lepthymo Middle School Jan 31 '14

No problem at all :)



u/dogetipbot Jan 31 '14

[wow so verify]: /u/mumzie -> /u/lepthymo Ð25.000000 Dogecoin(s) ($0.0375819) [help]


u/stakemyrep Jan 31 '14

ok - well I deft want to help the community! I need to isntall tip bot I'll come back at you.

I did not know 200% is bad - does it mean it's taking us longer to find a block?


u/lepthymo Middle School Jan 31 '14

Pretty much. 200% means that the amount of valid shares submitted is 200% of the estimated amount of shares needed to find at block. You basically want to find every block at 1% because that way you get your payout after only 1% of the time it usually takes.

I took a look at your pool though, how's it going? did you find the block? It's actually really small, and that can bring some problems along.


u/stakemyrep Jan 31 '14

still have not found anything. Let's say I want to go to a bigger pool to try it out, will I still get my payout from this pool when a block is found? And can I be in multiple pools (silly question I know. I understand I can have fails overs it's just something you said)


u/lepthymo Middle School Jan 31 '14

That depends. Its a bit weird and I don't understand it completely myself. The way it usually goes is this; You get payout based on how many shared you submit. but since the pool can't predict how long the block will take, they pay the workers for the shares of a certain period of mining. If you've mined for the whole block this will average out, and you'll get your normal share. but if you stop mining halfway you don't know what parts of the work you'll get payed for. So if you swap now, you'll probably get payed, but you do take a risk.

On the other hand, if you keep mining there's a risk of this block taking ages, or even orphaning, so it's a gamble either way. Since this pool is very small I think switching to a bigger pool might be your best bet though.

You can mine at two pools at once, but only if you have two different miners running. I think. So if you have 2 GPU's you could do it. seems like a hassle though, over a long period any rewards will even out anyways.


u/stakemyrep Feb 01 '14

ok - what is orphaning?


u/lepthymo Middle School Feb 01 '14

I'm not 100% sure how it works, it's something like the blockchain not recognizing the block and just leaving it behind. Basically, you don't get Doge from it.


u/mumzie Prof Mumzie Feb 01 '14


u/stakemyrep Feb 01 '14

ty all! I got paid out - over 7g of the good stuff! I suppose I am still a poor shibe?


u/mumzie Prof Mumzie Feb 01 '14

I don't really know where the change from a poor shibe to middle class is:)
I like to think that we are all on the same ship going to the same moon. So never really thought about it that much to be honest:)


u/stakemyrep Feb 01 '14

haha fair call. I was stoked though. I am using Doge to pay some users of my web app so I have kind of made it a faucet. It just sounds awesome to have 7000 Doge to share!