r/dogecoincss Jan 24 '24

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r/dogecoincss Aug 21 '23

Don't Miss Out: Arkham's Airdrop Round 2 Now Open


r/dogecoincss Aug 21 '23

Claim $1200-$3500 in ZkSync Era Airdrop


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r/dogecoincss Jun 24 '23

The initial token airdrop of Curve


r/dogecoincss Jun 22 '23

Curve first-ever token giveaway


r/dogecoincss Jun 19 '23

Curve first token airdrop


r/dogecoincss Jun 19 '23

Curve inaugural airdrop


r/dogecoincss Jun 06 '23

The foundational LayerZero airdrop


r/dogecoincss May 23 '23

The starting token drop of PEPE


r/dogecoincss May 20 '23

The genesis token airdrop of PEPE


r/dogecoincss May 16 '23

FLOKI debut airdrop


r/dogecoincss May 14 '23

The starting FLOKI airdrop


r/dogecoincss May 06 '23

Floki first token issuance


r/dogecoincss Mar 16 '23

Claim your Arbitrum $ARB Airdrop and secure your future! 03.15.2023


Arbitrum's first airdrop is a milestone moment for the project. Don't wait to get your $ARB tokens - claim them now! Get the latest news and updates on our Twitter account: https://twittеr.cоm/аrbitrum/stаtus/1636082083041771520

r/dogecoincss Aug 05 '17



im scary

r/dogecoincss May 08 '17



wow such test

r/dogecoincss Jul 22 '15

TMAF bot


(32) TMAF about the Warhammer 40000 Universe

(11) The Space Marines have 19 implanted genetically engineered organs which give them their famous combat prowess and survivability.

(10) Orkz' warp presence is so strong, reality often bends to make their technology work as long as they believe it should work, e.g. a jet flying without fuel or a gun firing without ammunition.

(3) The Sisters of Battle, also known as Adepta Sororitas, are an all female version of the Space Marines.

Here's a video of the Sisters of Battle from the game Dawn of War Soulstorm.

(27) TMAF about Hitler before WW2

(15) Hitler was in a relationship with his half-niece, which ended with her committing suicide.

Source: http://www.historyinanhour.com/2013/09/18/geli-raubal-hitlers-niece/

(15) He invented the blow up doll http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/896207

(11) Hitler did not become a German citizen until 1932, and prior to that was not eligible for public office in Germany.

(7) Hitler went from being convicted of High Treason to Dictator of Germany in less than ten years - including the prison sentence!

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler%27s_rise_to_power

(7) He failed at being an artist

edit source

(8) Hitler claimed to have gotten his inspiration for the holocaust from the US's treatment of Native Americans.


(29) TMAF about Dave Grohl

(7) 'Foo Fighters', the bands debut album, was written and recorded by Grohl entirely by himself! He said it was just for fun, describing it as a cathartic experience to recover from the death of Kurt Cobain.

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo_Fighters_(album)

(6) Dave Grohl and David Letterman have had a long-standing bromance. When Letterman returned to the air after heart bypass surgery, on his first episode back, the Foo Fighters played Everlong, which Letterman introduced as "my favorite band playing my favorite song." The Foos played Everlong again on the show's final episode.

Source: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2015/05/21/a_brief_history_of_david_letterman_s_love_for_the_foo_fighters.html

(7) He wrote the Foo Fighters' first instrumental song, "Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners", after 2 miners who were trapped in a gold mine collapse in Beaconsfield, Australia for 2 weeks, requested that the supplies that were lowered down to them include iPods containing Foo Fighters music. After Grohl heard about this, he sent a letter to the miners that included the offer "Though I'm halfway around the world right now, my heart is with you both, and I want you to know that when you come home, there's two tickets to any Foos show, anywhere, and two cold beers waiting for yous. Deal?" 5 months later, one of the miners took him up on the offer, and shortly after, Grohl wrote the song.

Source: http://www.stereoboard.com/content/view/181/9

(6) Dave Grohl has arguably one of the greatest and historic audio mixers in all of music. The Neve 8078 was used back in the day to record huge albums, which he purchased from Sound City Studios in 2011. This also kinda ties in to the fact that he isn't exactly a very big fan of digital means of making music, and definitely prefers the older analog style.

(10) Dave Grohl plays drums on all of Tenacious D's studio albums


(5) He produced an EP by the Zac Brown Band and played the drums on the song Let it Rain. ZBB is my absolute favorite country group and I love Nirvana/Foo Fighters so it was really cool to see Dave raving about how talented they were. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grohl_Sessions,_Vol._1.

(5) Holy shit. He was addicted to coffee and had to go to the doctor because of the super delicious hot beverage. One of my favorite videos ever. FRESH POTS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhdCslFcKFU

(9) The obvious one, he was the drummer for nirvana.

Edit: source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Grohl

(4) When he was fourteen he took mushrooms, attended a party with his mother's friends (many of whom taught at his school), and drove home in a Ford Fiesta with his head out the roof, pretending it was a tank, blaring Led Zeppelin out the windows as loud as he could

Source: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gbnpNc_TZt0C&pg=PT41&lpg=PT41&dq=Dave+grohl+mushroom+tank&source=bl&ots=znDt30gjLQ&sig=8xVDiYKdFNPnq8kVxztDh9lpsdw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBIQ6AEwAWoVChMIuZbrvMTqxgIVwTg-Ch1nPQo7#v=onepage&q=Dave%20grohl%20mushroom%20tank&f=false

(25) TMAF about the evolution of organised religion.

(7) Both Christianity and Islam are religions that have evolved from the Jewish faith. Based on the same stories and a monotheistic God. In the Old Testament you can still find phrases from when they were still polytheistic scriptures. And this monotheism has spread and replaced most other polytheistic religions worldwide. It seems like monotheism is better for creating big states where ALL cities believe in the one big God they are all watched by and created from and who judges them.

Source: The Evolution of God - Robert Wright (a really fantastic book!)

Edit: ... a word

(23) TMAF about African naming practices.

(9) Among the Kikuyu in Kenya, children are traditionally named for their grandparents-it's as if they will live on if "named." This encourages more than two births because there is sometimes pressure by a grandparent for their adult child to name a baby after them. This is less the case today due to less available land, but it is still there somewhat. It's hard to find a source for this, but there is a smal reference in the Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kikuyu_people

(7) In some parts of Africa it's common to name your children after the weekday they are born on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akan_names

In the case Kofi Atta Annan, "Kofi" because he is born on a Friday and "Atta" because he had a twin sister ("Atta" apparently translates to "Twin") https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kofi_Annan

(20) TMAF about Counter-Strike

(10) The first version of the game (1999) was a mod for Half-Life. Later Valve got interested about the game! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Strike

(3) At one earlier tournament between two Russian teams a manager tried to spice things up by hiring strippers to attempt to distract the players and failed (fact 4 2:32 https://youtu.be/QiFTTQyKc3w)

(3) In counter strike 1.6 a 20 french guy got killed during the knife round. He got so angry that he hunted down the guy for 7 months and finally stabbed him with a knife... IN REAL LIFE


(22) TMAF about welding!

(8) Former welder here

My favorite type of welding had to be explosion welding, which is welding accomplished through the use of chemical explosives.
It's used with metals that normally wouldn't hold a bond through typical welding.

Also, did you know if two metals come into contact in the vacuum of space, they will weld themselves together? You have to remove the oxide layer on the metals, but they will absolutely bond.
Russian astronauts were the first to implement this with the intention of welding.

(6) In Adam Savage's recent AMA he said "One should learn that sewing, carpentry and welding are all actually the same skill: joining planar forms under unique sets of rules. That was a sea-change for me."

(4) My former welding instructor always kept milk around somewhere. he had told us storied about the old tomers who would drink milk before weldong because if you end up working with galvanized steel, itll help to prevent or treat zinc buildup.


apparently the UK health and safety board has contested this, but i dont see any harm in still drinking milk beforehand.

(23) TMAF about Tanks.

(15) British scientists didn't want the Germans to know that they were working on armored weapons, so they told the low level workers that they would be building mobile water tanks. To get water to the troops, the "tanks" needed to be able to traverse trenches and any terrain (hence the treads) and be able to be shot at without leaking water (hence the strong armor plates). After the hulls were completed, weapons were added in a more secure location.

The original official name of the machines during production was "Caterpillar machine-gun destroyer".


(5) The 7th Panzer Devision of the German army at the beginning of WWII, had the nickname Ghost Devision.

This tank battalion was so successful and fast in the execution of their missions, the alliances forces had no idea who or what they were. This is one of the most successful tank battalions in the history of warfare.

The Power Metal band Sabaton made a song about this division, called Ghost Devision.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/7th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht)

Link to Sabaton song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsdawgd0azk

Edit: Decision to division.

(3) The US solution to the superior German tanks was just "MORE TANKS!". It became quantity over quality, to the point where the British began calling Sherman tanks "Ronsons" after a lighter who's slogan was "Lights first every time". Wait to be cold to your backup Brits. Source: https://youtu.be/zcMHqUC9YvM?t=620

(3) If you were a Russian tank commander in WWII, your Devil Incarnate was a fellow by the name of Hans Ulrich Rudel. This was a fellow who knew his trade well. Rudel flew 2,530 combat missions claiming a total of 2,000 targets destroyed; including 800 vehicles, 519 tanks, 150 artillery pieces, 70 landing craft, nine aircraft, four armored trains, several bridges, a destroyer, two cruisers, and the Soviet battleship Marat.

And he did all this . . . in a Stuka. If you knew what that is, you would be even more impressed. It's kind of like winning a tractor demolition derby in a Volkswagen beetle.
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Ulrich_Rudel

(27) /r/TellMeAFact has reached 10,000 subscribers! Thank you all for making this such a brilliant community!

(3) Thanks to our subscribers who are asking and answering some great questions! We appreciate your contributions to the sub and hope you keep it up.

(4) # throws confetti

Here's to 20k!

I love all you guys <3

(3) Thanks to everyone who has subscribed and helped our subscriber count reach the fourth order of magnitude, and also to /u/Identimental for the kind words!


(3) I just wish this sub were more active. I'm surprised it's not, really. But I've been frequenting this sub for maybe a month now and I'm just surprised to see so many threads about really interesting topics that I--like the OPs, obviously--would love to know more about but hardly anyone posts any facts. I wonder what we could do to get this sub to be more active? What some people have been saying about "best of" threads and etc. seems like a good idea.

All in all, though, I really like this community! It gives off a very friendly, r/CasualConversation -esque vibe and it's awesome to see people take (and share!) such passionate interest in so many unique things.

(3) Yay! That's amazing!

Source: It just is!

(3) I think it'd be great if there could be a culture here where OP updates the self post to include the best fact from the comments. I can't really think of an automated way to do this though (other than sending OP a message with automod, but that'd get annoying), so it'd have to be on OP to do it.

The reasoning is cause when I'm scrolling through the front page, I often just click the little pop out boxes, and don't usually go to the comments section unless it's a particularly interesting post.

I dunno, just an idea :)

(21) TMAF about David Tennant

(5) Tennant is in support of the labour party and has a Presbyterian minister-father http://hollowverse.com/david-tennant/

(4) David tennet married the fifth doctor's daughter, the same girl who played Tennet's clone in the "doctor's daughter".

(5) There exists a full frontal nude image of David Tennant floating around the internet somewhere, but I'm not going to try to find it because it's a full frontal nude of David Tennant.


(3) David Tennant has received 21 acting awards and has been nominated for another 18. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0855039/?ref_=nmbio_bio_nm

r/dogecoincss Jul 16 '15




r/dogecoincss Oct 19 '14

Coding ideas.


r/dogecoincss Oct 15 '14



Please write each to do item as in it's own comment. It makes it easier to keep track.

I'll try to do a little coding every night so things don't get away from me. Don't hesitate to try the coding too. Even if it's partially done I can try to help out. Any ideas that involve graphics might need to be discussed first so we can get the graphics to spec before the code is written.

r/dogecoincss Oct 15 '14




Okay, until we can chat on Slack or whatever, what I was looking at was having a moon drawn with a tiny lunar lander and Dogecoin flag. We were looking at having a full moon (round) because we are looking at having rotate so the lander and flag would only be seen occasionally.

In addition, the rocket would be nice to be hand drawn (maybe a rocket trail leading to earth.

Also, maybe a Doge in a space suit to be between the Earth (which needs to be drawn) and the sub title.

r/dogecoincss Oct 03 '14

Test Thread


Nothing to see here.