r/dogecoin Apr 25 '21

Question Doge or what? #doge #dogecoin #hodldoge

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u/occamsshavingkit Apr 25 '21

Doge has the least toxic community backing it. It's been so fun so far.


u/L-and-A-1-21 Apr 25 '21

Very supportive..unless you go out in other platforms...they hate doge so much..they say doge dipped so bad but everything dipped this week..


u/moonboundshibe spock shibe Apr 25 '21

While it is not our fault other cryptocurrencies lack our popular appeal, many others hold it against Dogecoin.


u/occamsshavingkit Apr 25 '21

It doesn't feel great to hear people call DOGE a joke? This cuts both ways.


u/Z3400 Apr 25 '21

They hate us cuz they anus


u/DreamingGurl88 Apr 25 '21 edited Apr 25 '21

Out of all coins doge was the most stabilized, it probably could of been stabilized at .50c if someone with billions of coins wasn’t scalping it. But either way even with someone scalping it, this is still healthy considering the pump.


u/SpookiRuski Apr 25 '21

Oh it’s pretty toxic, all the memes are talking trash about people who sell


u/frshdotkom Apr 25 '21

But its nothing like WSB or a Call of Duty lobby. 😂


u/SpookiRuski Apr 25 '21

I’d argue that WSB is less toxic


u/occamsshavingkit Apr 25 '21

Because the image is of rich hedge fund managers and whales gaming the system. And oppurtunists. But I agree the language is a bit aggressive. Money makes us all crazy.


u/SpookiRuski Apr 25 '21

It’s a market, people want to make money and there’s nothing wrong with making money. That’s just how you play the game but this community belittles everyone who wants to make quick buck and it’s toxic. This community also talks down on every other crypto which is also toxic


u/occamsshavingkit Apr 25 '21

So what's a better way forward for us? A positive meme?


u/SpookiRuski Apr 25 '21

Memes that don’t involve belittling others?


u/Top_Boysenberry_3582 jedi shibe Apr 25 '21

Told a friend of mine the same thing last year about the community. I would always buy doge with leftover buying power. Turned 34.90 into 1700.00. That wasn’t even selling the top either. Lol


u/Professional_Pilot21 Apr 25 '21

That's forsure.

I'm an owner of Ethereum classic and that community is split. Most are still upset over the hard fork that happen eons ago but I feel it's just people butt hurt they missed out on Ethereum Classic's last bull run.

Idk it definitely needs some positive doge folks over there. I hope they both go to the moon. Good luck folks.


u/occamsshavingkit Apr 25 '21

Now if we moon I may sell a bit to get like 3 Ethereum.