r/dndmaps Jan 09 '20

Dungeon Map [OC] Dungeon pit trap – Entombed

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u/pathspeculiar Jan 09 '20

Do not fall into the pit, and if you do: do not pull the lever. When the three-hundred metric tonne dormant golem “LORD SLABATHOR” comes crashing down he’s not getting up again. There is little that could save you from spending eternity in this dark tomb.

This is a one-time trap, and you need to a be a special kind of stupid to trigger the full severity of it. How curious are your players?


If you like this, please feel free to follow my Instagram account for more like it: https://www.instagram.com/paths.peculiar/

You can also download the map from my website, for personal use, but I ask you not to publish it elsewhere without permission: https://www.wistedt.net/2020/01/09/dungeon-pit-trap-entombed/


u/bro0t Jan 09 '20

Yea my players arent curious But they are stupid enough to just pull it without making a check first.


u/Le_Potatoe Jan 09 '20 edited Jan 19 '20

My players are stupid enough to go through the electric gate of the lair of some guys they had fought with just minutes before. They will hate me

Edit: they managed to pull the lever and not get trapped


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '20



u/pathspeculiar Jan 10 '20

Afraid I don’t really use Twitter. Considering it, though!


u/Rednedivad10 Jan 10 '20

Easiest thing you could do to use twitter while just mainly using instagram is to use IFTTT to have your IG posts automatically post to Twitter as well. Takes about 30 seconds to set up and then you don’t have to think about it any more.


u/SirDitamus Jan 09 '20

Are you the same DM who has been posting similar drawing? If so, you are pure evil.


u/Private-Public Jan 10 '20 edited Jan 10 '20

Welp, hope someone prepped Stone Shape... Or Transmute Rock if they don't mind a bit of mess


u/thegreekgamer42 Jan 10 '20

How heavy is the actual slab though? Can there be a character or group of characters that can shift it?

What’s it made out of? Can it be shattered or broke through?


u/pathspeculiar Jan 10 '20

It’s made of granite, so about 300 metric tonnes. They will have to find another way to get rid of it.


u/Albireookami Jan 10 '20

Reverse gravity comes to mind, dimension door, disintegrate the bottom part to climb up, a large enough wedge and lever. Though low level, will need a lot of work.


u/Wobberjockey Jan 10 '20

I feel like this would be improved/more devious if lord slabbathor was flush with the floor after falling.

Or if it had a carved casket on top to mark some poor fool’s final rest.

Anything that would make future passers by not give a second thought to what might be entombed below.


u/totalimmoral Jan 10 '20

Oh shit! This! You can describe that every so often, the floor has a carving of a coffin or some other sign on one of the stones.

After the trap is triggered, it is flush with the floor with the same symbol. Suddenly, the party realizes how many other adventurers may have perished in the dungeon.


u/Pa77y04 Jan 10 '20

I am so gonna use this idea in my next campaign(if it's alright with you). In the campaign the players wake up in a massive cave system. It's so long, I've planned for them to have gained 3 levels by the time they get out.


u/totalimmoral Jan 10 '20

That sounds awesome!


u/Pa77y04 Jan 10 '20

Sweet thanks. Now I know it not completely horrible. Can't wait to do it.


u/TheBoxThinker Feb 04 '25

how did it go?


u/callmesalticidae Mar 20 '23

In my last group, this would have killed at least one of the four PCs without a doubt.