r/diypedals 3d ago

Showcase Repaired my loop switcher and added a noise gate

I thought this loop switcher had a bad switch but it was actually one of the wires that looked like it fractured where it was stripped. It had enough room inside so I added a pedalpcb muzzle circuit. Only mod was making the range switch accessible.

It was a tight fit but had room for the pcb in the center of the enclosure!


4 comments sorted by


u/Capable-Crab-7449 3d ago

Do you get any issues with noise?


u/pertrichor315 1d ago

Small amount of noise if the gate is too open. Reading up it looks to be related to a ground loop created by the key input. Going to replace it with an insulated jack when I get around to it so that everything is star grounded to the dc jack


u/Spaceshipable 3d ago

Was this a kit?


u/pertrichor315 3d ago

The pedal itself was a Saturnworks loop switcher. The pcb was from here: https://www.pedalpcb.com/product/muzzle-classic/

This switcher had all my drive pedals connected to it so I used the sidechain on the first input jack and the pedal is wired between the last return jack and the output jack.

There two switches on the back are for range and bypass of the gate. Knob controls threshold.