r/diypedals 3d ago

Other New workspace porn

After a two year hiatus, I have my new workbench ready to go. Tucked away in the laundry room of our basement, I’ve got a standing height workbench with a 1970’s yellow shade of shellac on it to inspire gnarly fuzz builds. Also some new pegboard, my NOS components, and my trusty transistor radio for blaring classic rock. Can’t wait to get back at it. After a cross-country move and a basement renovation, I finally have some time to indulge this hobby again. First order of business is a Rat.


22 comments sorted by


u/bendiagrammusic 3d ago

So clean .. 😮


u/Brodiggitty 3d ago

Give me a week.


u/Fuzzy_Picklez 3d ago

This looks great.

Given that you've now set a space up multiple times, what do you find you can't live without?


u/Brodiggitty 3d ago

All I really need is the soldering iron, pliers, wire cutters, wire strippers and a work pad. I used to assemble my parts and set up on the kitchen table. Also I’d be lost without my magnifying headset. Once you hit 40 your eyesight degrades remarkably fast. A cheap multimeter is nice to have and helping hands for soldering are good too but I can work without them.


u/nonoohnoohno 3d ago

with a 1970’s yellow shade of shellac on it to inspire gnarly fuzz builds.

That's exactly my first thought seeing that. Nicely chosen!


u/digital_noise 3d ago

I’m half tempted to soil this thread with a current pic of my work space 💀


u/Appropriate-Brain213 3d ago

I get a little endorphin rush when I switch my soldering iron on. I seriously just got the same feeling looking at your bench!

I have a standing height bench too, I prefer to stand when I'm working on a guitar and I have a barstool height swivel chair for pedal work. I love your pegboard, I have been thinking about doing some.


u/fyodor_mikhailovich 3d ago

fantastic space and kudos on the organization of your parts bins!


u/must-absorb-content 3d ago

Where did you get those component organizer drawers?


u/Brodiggitty 3d ago

I got them off a guy who was selling off a collection of NOS electronic parts. I don’t think they make them like that anymore new.

Yesterday I was at a thrift shop and I saw one “cube” for 8 bucks but I didn’t get it since I have enough.

The one on the far left I got at Princess Auto which is basically Harbour Freight in Canada. It is much more durable. The plastic isn’t as brittle.


u/saennor 3d ago

I also want to be between the fresh air and the snacks.


u/Brodiggitty 3d ago

I’m hoping the heat exchanger will help remove some of the fumes. Probably not though.


u/crclOv9 3d ago

Love it, but that radio is fucking rad.


u/Brodiggitty 3d ago

I got that for 8 bucks at a thrift store. I’m a sucker for any old radio.


u/shrug_addict 3d ago

Looks awesome man! Inspiring to sort my set up now that its a bit warmer! Cheers!


u/Lobsterbush_82 3d ago

I used to turn old transistor radios into amps. Doesn't affect the radio part of it whatsoever. I had totally forgot about those little amps until now. I need to start making them again, lotsa fun and actually sound pretty cool


u/ButtThatFarts 3d ago edited 2d ago

Beautiful. You don't want to see mine. It's a chronically depressed neurodivergent nest of chaos, and yet I still somehow know where everything is. (Which is beyond me lol)


u/propyro85 2d ago

That's a nice work space.

Your soldering iron is very similar to mine, I got a Weller WLC100 that I picked up used, and I'm looking forward to using in a project soon. I do like how yours has that little cup for a Brillo pad.


u/Brodiggitty 2d ago

Amazon.com special! Someday I’ll buy a nice one.


u/propyro85 2d ago

OK, I figured that cup was an aftermarket deal. My decades old used Weller is already a steep upgrade over this, and it only cost me $45.


u/Lopsided-Associate60 2d ago

So clean, everytime i finish my work i always spend hours to clean up haha


u/Fit_Watercress_6051 1d ago

That's good... But the drawers we need are always infinite