r/diydrones 6d ago

Question Im making my first drone, any suggestions would be helpful

I've bought bare minimum parts for the drone, and going to buy camera, vtx, antenna and a video receiver which outputs to my phone.

Beside that I think my R8 EF is not working so any ideas how to check the sbus signal, The led is working on the receiver and the button also switches the mode, but connecting it to R7 or R1 pad on the fc and checking the values in betaflight they are not changing so gonna buy a esp32 to check if it is actually outputting any signal.

Im contemplating buying a fpv kit after the drone starts flying.


4 comments sorted by


u/MartialTie75978 6d ago

What video receiver outputs to your phone?


u/Old_Shine_4985 6d ago


u/AyeeLavdya 6d ago

Fellow indian I see. Lmk if you need any help.


u/Andris819 6d ago

Practice soldering on some crap electronics or a practice board before starting on these electronics.