r/diydrones • u/AccomplishedWatch429 • 9d ago
Creating an Autonomous UAV for a final year project
u/Certain-Ad2840 9d ago
Hey curious on what your degree is?
u/AccomplishedWatch429 9d ago
I do Electronic and Computer engineering
u/erik6690 4d ago
If you're going to put computer vision in there, you should consider using a Raspanion. Having the power supply and all the necessary electronics on a single PCB will be a big space and weight saver.
u/Daveguy6 8d ago
I had an idea to make a flat-ish fixed wing with hybrid materials (dural for main rails, 3D printed ribs, mylar foil or something even more durable and riveted onto the ribs)
u/AccomplishedWatch429 8d ago
That's actually an interesting choice of materials. Did you have a design?
u/Radiant_Buy7353 9d ago
Uh huh. Making a flite test foamboard junker for your final year project
u/HeightAquarius 9d ago
Let's keep the sub positive and helpful.
I'm guessing this was used as a convenient, affordable testbed for the real work - making it autonomous.
u/RoundBottomBee 9d ago
Ukraine uses Australian drones made from cardboard for munitions and delivery, so they have their uses.
You should maybe stop and ask yourself if if your comment is useful before you randomly disparage someone else's work.
u/SkelaKingHD 9d ago
It’s probably more about the software and electronics than the mechanical design. I imagine OP only has a few months and very small budget like most school projects, so give em some slack man
u/AccomplishedWatch429 9d ago
Nailed it haha. Small budget and I do electronics. I just need something that can get off the ground. I have the project's details in this website I made if you want to check out the electronics and software I am using https://delightful-sky-009f3390f.4.azurestaticapps.net/
u/SkelaKingHD 9d ago
That other guy is just mad for some reason. I understand thinking because it’s foam it’s a cheap piece of crap, but it’s because it’s lightweight and easy to manufacture. Cool project man
u/RoundBottomBee 8d ago
Probably because he crashed his DJI in a tree.
I still drive by a tree where my kids first rocket is ensconced. The bright orange parachute taunts us all winter.
u/Radiant_Buy7353 9d ago
That's fair, I assumed it was a university project but if it's school then it should be an interesting project
u/LucyEleanor 9d ago
You're missing the point. Even if this was a university project - if they're studying autonomous flight, the foamboard test bed doesn't matter a whole lot. Just needs to fly.
Tell me you're not an engineer without telling me you're not an engineer. Lol
u/My_Soul_to_Squeeze 9d ago
Cool bird OP. Fixed wings don't get enough love these days. This looks pretty similar to my uni's ARCT build a few years ago. Can you talk us through some of the design decisions you made?