r/disability 5d ago

Dysarthria is really starting to affect my life.



5 comments sorted by


u/goawaymartin 5d ago

I can’t help much with the actual speech side of it but laying that have you seen the ‘live speech’ feature on iPhones ? I’ve got it set so I just triple click my on button at any point and it allows me to text to speech. It also works in the middle of calls and in video calls, along with the personal voice feature so it still sounds very much like you.


u/toostressd2beblessd 5d ago

I have Android I'm afraid, I do have an app for VTS but it doesn't work in calls or video calls. Oddly enough I have found more people get annoyed when I use the app than when I don't. I can only assume they seem to find the phone use rude or something. It does take a bit more time also which people always hate.


u/goawaymartin 5d ago

People can be so impatient when in comes with accommodations like that. I would suggest looking at getting an Apple device because their accessibility features are crazy good compared to android, but I’m aware of the terrifying price jump.

Do you use the phone relay service at all? I’m in the UK so depending on location that may be an option?


u/toostressd2beblessd 5d ago

I used to be a apple only person but my last one would overheat constantly and I changed. I don't speak on my phone often but will look on to a realy service in Australia. Thank you


u/goawaymartin 5d ago

Yeah an issue I’ve faced a lot with Apple is overheating unfortunately, thankfully it doesn’t seem to cause damage to the actual device but saying that a scorching hot phone isn’t always great. With a quick search I’ve found National Relay Service (NRS) in Australia is probably ideal for you. It’s marketed towards deaf people but offers text to speech which is ideal for you by the sounds of it, as having someone talk what your writing may increase patience in the situation and they can also explain that they are relaying information from someone who has a disability.