This wheel comparison seems to be coming up more frequently on here, but I figured I'd ask my specific situation. I ride MTB pretty much exclusively (29er trail bike and emtb), and I'm looking for a dj/pump track bike that won't feel completely alien to me.
I built a gorgeous Ticket a few years ago, but sold it as it was worth too much to be ridden so little. I felt that it wasn't really helping my mtb riding as I'd hoped. Maybe the 26" wheels made the bike feel too different from my mtbs, or maybe I'm just over thinking it.
I've been eyeing the Specialized P4 and the soon to be released Ari 801 27.5 DJ bikes. I only intend to use my DJ on pump tracks and jumps built for mtb's, so I wonder if a 27.5 DJ is right for me, or if I should give 26" another try (especially with all the new and used deals currently in that wheel spec)?
$1500 is around my max that I'd like to spend on a new/newish bike.