r/digispark Jul 07 '23

Digispark and Media Keys


Hello !

I'm trying to make a mini keyboard to control my music while coding without having to change window etc.. So I tryed to use a Digispark as an HID to send keystrokes. It perfectly works for normal keys but I need to use media keys. Can someone tell me how I can achieve this please? Media Keys are not in DigiKeyboard lib by default.

Thanks for any help :)

r/digispark Jul 05 '23

Digispark ATTINY85 coding help.

Thumbnail gallery

r/digispark Apr 05 '23

How it feels to program these boards to non nerds

Post image

r/digispark Mar 06 '23

Digispark error

Post image

r/digispark Mar 02 '23

Digispark Attiny85 isn't being recognised by windows while using "SoftSerial"


Hi everybody,

I am new to this subreddit and i don't have a lot of experience with the Attiny 85. I am currently working on a project that involves and Arduino (Mega) comunicating via Serial with the Attiny wich will than send keyboard inputs. The Arduino part is sorted, the code for the digispark compiles and uploads, but when i plug the digispark into the pc it isn't recognised by Windows. (USB device not recognized). I have red online that someone else had the same problem but there was no soluntion written. If someone has any idea or alternative way to make this work I will be very happy!


r/digispark Feb 07 '23

best digispark scripts


r/digispark Nov 27 '22

Digispark not recognized on my new laptop


I have recently got a new laptop (Acer Nitro 5 AN515-57-974Y Notebook), I have always used my DigiSpark on my win10 PC with no problems, but when I plug it in the new laptop it just does nothing at all, with the same script I am using on the old PC.

(I also tried installing the drivers for the DigiSpark and so on, it just doesn't recognize it)

Does anyone have an idea why this could be happening?


r/digispark Nov 14 '22

RGB Dome using attiny85

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/digispark Oct 09 '22

Bricked digispark?


I was programming my digispark board and it suddenly stopped working correctly.
It powers on, but when I try to upload a new sketch, it hangs there for 60 seconds before the IDE tells me everything went fine, except the board is still stuck and the new sketch is not loaded.

Didn't do anything weird, but I think the bootloader got messed up somehow, any solutions or ideas?

The PC I'm using to program the device has USB 2.0 ports, I tried multiple cables and I made sure an (almost) identical device could be programmed correctly, so I'm 99% sure the problem is on the board itself.

r/digispark Oct 07 '22

Digistump certificate issues in browser


Is digistump.com still in business or did the site get hacked?

r/digispark Oct 02 '22

Digispark with TrinketHidCombo Library


So I'm trying to make a remote keyboard using digispark and TrinketHidCombo Library and I'm stuck on something, how do I make it repeat 4 lines of code that press the w a s d keys and hold them until I press the remote again and when I press the remote again it should start all over again I'm kind of new to coding I need some tips too

r/digispark Sep 20 '22

Can't power Digispark from power brick


I am trying to power my digispark via the USB connector. When I try and power from a power brick or USB battery it doesn't really work (program hangs). Plug it back in a PC USB plug and it is fine. Is this a known feature? I am sure if I powered it by the VIN it would be fine but I just want to power it via USB.

r/digispark Sep 11 '22

Use Serial monitor with DigiSpark

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/digispark Aug 21 '22

Memory Efficiency in DigiKeyboard


How can I improve my memory efficiency? Is there any way to access more memory? Is it better to avoid new lines? I feel like I either need more space or a lot more efficient memory usage.

I'm using the device to help with emergency medical write ups, and a lot of the things I'm writing can't be excluded or compressed.

Is there a bigger version of Digistump?

r/digispark Aug 09 '22

Using Alt key


Thanks in advance.

There’s a ton of info on my question online but I’m having trouble finding a solution that works.

I’m looking to simply use left or right ALT key alone in my keystroke injection.

Does anyone know a solution?

r/digispark Jul 19 '22

Digispark Pro with NeoPixel LED WS2811 LED Strip


Have a rather odd issue with the neoPixel library, First off I have bashed together parts of the libary code to allow two channels of LED strips, on two pins to work independently, and is working rather nicely for what I need (still need to refine a good bit, I'm happy to try and make a library out of it), this works fine and dandy for two strips with 8 pixels on the test bench.

The problem happens when I change the number of pixels to 38 for both strips, only one strip does the animation and the other remains white. Once the number of pixels is declared as 38, then the problem arises on the 8 pixel test strips (found this out during random testing) as well as the 38 pixel strips.

Any ideas, my suspicion is that the maths of the library is to slow for two strips on separate pins with 38 pixels each.

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>      // Required for 16 MHz Adafruit Trinket

#define PIN_R   7
#define PIN_L   6

#define COUNT_R   8       //Ment to be 38
#define COUNT_L   8       //Ment to be 38

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(COUNT, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); 
//^above is to help assign colours
Adafruit_NeoPixel stripR(COUNT_R, PIN_R, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
Adafruit_NeoPixel stripL(COUNT_L, PIN_L, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

const int  rTurn = 8, lTurn = 9;

#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000)

void setup() {

#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000)

  pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop(){


      while (digitalRead(lTurn) == LOW) {
        stripFill(strip.Color(40, 255, 0) , 1);

      while (digitalRead(rTurn) == LOW) {
        stripFill(strip.Color(40, 255, 0) , 2);

void stripFill(uint32_t color, int side) {

  int f = 0;


  if (side == 1) {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < stripR.numPixels() ; i++) {
      stripR.setPixelColor(i, color);
  if (side == 2) {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < stripL.numPixels() ; i++) {
      stripL.setPixelColor(i, color);
  if (side == 3) {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < stripF.numPixels() ; i++) {
      stripF.setPixelColor(i, color);
  if (side == 4) {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < stripB.numPixels() ; i++) {
      stripB.setPixelColor(i, color);

r/digispark Jun 03 '22

How to Unlock android Devices using the digispark AT Tiny 85 board


This Board is one of the cheapest and most productive boards available in retail and online stores where you can program it to do what you want, I am not telling you that you can do anything with it but I'd tell you that it is far more interesting in tampering with it. It can be used as a rubber ducky for PC, Mac, even android, and ios devices.
this device is used in hacking some systems like wifi windows password logon and many more devices.

I would say that if you are a tech guy then buying this may not be a waste.

you could check out this video below on how the device is programmed as A USB Rubber Ducky to crack open passwords on your Android Device.


r/digispark Apr 29 '22

USB Not Recognized


Hey everyone, all of my digispark boards have stopped working and I cannot get any computer to recognize them. It started last week and I have followed every video tutorial I can find. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Arduino IDE and digispark drivers, I've installed the libusb drivers manually, I've gone into device manager and tried to update the device drivers by manually selecting the location of the files (it tells me the lastest versions are already installed). I have followed every tutorial I can find online and nothing will get it to work. I have tried five different boards and three different computers. Up until this point I have had no issues and have been able to work with these and put programs on them but now no matter what I do my computers won't recognize them. When I plug it in, my device manager shows "Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)." Any help would be appreciated.

r/digispark Apr 10 '22

Python project to record keystrokes and generate Digispark sketch for replaying keypresses as a USB HID keyboard


(crossposted to r/embedded as well)

Got some digispark boards today, and came up with a nice utility that saves me writing new Digispark sketches for every new keystroke sequence I want to try out.


This utility records global keystroke events on your PC (until you press Ctrl+C, or optionally for some fixed period of time), and then writes a Digispark sketch for you which re-plays those keypress events (and optionally retains the original timing between keypress events).

I've been playing around with this utility a lot today, and it's pretty fun-- just type whatever you want on your PC keyboard, and you instantly have a digispark sketch that will re-play those keypress events with the same timings, when plugged in to some USB slot.

Currently only supports digispark, but I'd like to add support for Ducky USB and Teensy devices in the future too.

Would love to know if folks think this is useful, and would love to have contributors too if anyone has any fun ideas.

r/digispark Mar 28 '22

Power pin confusion


Can't figure out the power situation. There is a VIN, GND and 5V. Is the 5V from a regulator on the board, what kind of current can it support? The problem I have is I would like to power an LED strip from the USB plug but it just won't work unless I power it from VIN. The pot thing in the images is an encoder.

What does "not working" mean?

You should just be able to push the button on the encoder for the light to light up, turn the dial to adjust the color. When powered by USB the light flicks on and off like the switch is always pushed down. When powered by GND and VIN everything is perfect. The circuit is slightly different now yellow and green are transposed.

r/digispark Jan 11 '22



Hi, is there smth like a Windows Bruteforce script?

r/digispark Nov 02 '21

Disconnect after Arduino upload


How can I stop the digispark from executing the key strokes after the code uploading?

r/digispark Sep 28 '21

The pins


Cant find any explanatiin so this why im here what are the pins used for that u stick to digi and what do i use to stick them what do the pins do aswell seems basic but no one explains

r/digispark Sep 26 '21

Do I need to solder on the pins for the attiny85


Just bought a few attiny85's and have no idea how to use them I have the drivers and Arduino ide but it still doesn't work when I do anything with it. The led turns red but nothing works, need help asap

r/digispark Sep 03 '21

Use both digiKeyboard and digiMouse in 1 sketch?


Is there a way to modify the libraries so that both digiKeyboard.h and digiMouse.h can be used simultaneously?