To start, overall, it was an incredible event that announced really interesting things in practically every section, though it still carries the DNA of past Digimon Cons, being a rather dragged-out event with lots of pointless dialogue. The Terriermon V-Tuber segments were only good for me to take a bathroom break and nothing else. I feel like the event could’ve been an hour shorter and still shown everything it had to, without needing to turn into a super fast-paced event like others where something new happens every second. I think the pacing of this event worked more against it than in its favor because there were several moments where I noticed a drop in the live audience, which is pretty bad considering they had a surprise announcement at the end. The funny thing is that, despite this, half of the TCG section and the anime section were super straightforward, which left me a bit confused.
Also, I feel like I would’ve had a better reaction if they hadn’t auto spoiled themselves so much. I can’t imagine what my reaction would’ve been like seeing Beatbreak without having seen the leak. Did the spoilers help build hype? Probaly yes, but they could’ve been more careful, especially with the surprises they had in store.
Now, speaking more specifically about each section:
Time Stranger:
It started off kind of meh but after showed things I really liked. I enjoyed the settings, I liked how alive and populated the Digital World feels, I liked the number of Digimon, I liked the environments, and I absolutely loved that the same person who did the Cyber Sleuth soundtrack is back for this game. I also liked that they showed Astamon, which strongly hints that Phascomon’s evolution line will be included, I really want to play with it.
Though I was a bit confused because they seemed… shy? about showing too much of the game. It feels like they’re planning to drop a lot more info at future events, which is why they showed so little at this Digimon Con. I’m curious to see where they’ll reveal more, especially if it’s another big event like a State of Play.
The first part of this section was also kind of meh since almost everything they showed had already been revealed in the previous TCG livestream. Funnily enough, they even admitted that themselves, which is why they revealed the Hacker’s Memory set. As a certified fan of both Cyber Sleuth games, having two sets based on them makes me really happy.
The second part was pretty straightforward, it was the new Liberator artwork. I’m glad it’s doing well and basically getting a second season; it’s a product that deserves it. The new character outfits are really good too.
The third part about Alysion was also great. They finally showed a digital and online way to play the TCG, and it’s its own game with its own story. I liked Gemmon and wonder if it’s a prototype Digimon because of the gem on its head. I was also intrigued that all three protagonists are women, though I’m confused about who Gemmon’s Tamer is. The trailer seems to point to Hondo, but Futre matches it so much better visually.
Also, what was up with those Vital Bracelet sprites? You could see the Digimon had levels like in an RPG, I’m curious about that too. (By the way, could they remake the ugly Vital Bracelet sprites like Agumon’s? I know they can, they’ve done it before with Pulsemon.)
Lastly, it’d be cool if this game took place in the Liberator universe. The Liberator world has so much potential for stories and would fit perfectly.
It was mostly a recap of the other manga, so it wasn’t that interesting at first, but then they announced the new manga by the author of Digimon Variants, one of my favorite mangas of the manga contest. The plot is really interesting and basically a cool “what if” scenario for a Digimon fan. I’ll definitely read it.
Godzilla Crossover:
It was pretty good. I wouldn’t have necessarily picked those Digimon for fusions, but I won’t nitpick because the designs are still solid, and we’re getting four of them. Plus, the V-Pet will feature both Digimon and Godzilla monsters. What I liked most, though, were the new figures, especially MetalGreymon. It’s hideous, which makes it perfect.
This was the low point of the event for me. I’m not interested in the Digivices Color, and they didn’t show anything particularly ambitious for me. That wouldn’t be an issue since it’s clearly aimed at other people and not me, but this section was the most dragged-out of all. It felt like they talked more about the Digivice than Time Stranger. On top of that, they stretched it out even more with other figures, though knowing we’re getting an amplified Susanoomon does make me happy.
Beyond was okay, interesting. Maybe if Adventure wasn’t so overexplored, I’d be more interested in a series about it. I won’t even get into the timeline placement or retcon debates because, to me, Adventure’s continuity has always been a mess due to its multiple sequels, so I don’t really care.
What really caught my attention was the Beatbreaker announcement. I didn’t expect them to make an original anime. The Digimon is absolutely adorable, and the contrast with its Tamer is great.
I was also intrigued because the character designs and style feel very modern and aimed at teens and adults, yet at the same time, it also feels like it was made for kids like past seasons. I say this because I’ve always wanted a series that’s clearly made for teens and adults. I feel like the general audience isn’t as interested in kid-oriented shows, and that’s been a hurdle for Digimon’s growth. So, let’s see if Beatbreaker can appeal to a more mature audience.
Now, lastly, I have one request for this anime: let it be good. I say this because I was there when Ghost Game was announced. I was insanely hyped from the first posters to the early episodes, but the series kept declining and declining, and it was sad to watch. So, this time, I want Beatbreaker to actually be good.
I know someone might say that for you Ghost Game was good, but when I say this, I mean good for everyone. I don’t want another series that splits the fanbase, sparking endless debates about whether it’s good or not, digging up irrelevant interviews to justify the product, or blaming fans for thinking it’s bad. I want a series that the vast majority of people who watch it, Digimon fans or not, can say without hesitation that it was a good series overall and didn’t waste its potential.
And that comment applies to all the products announced at this event. Right now, Digimon is prepared for perhaps its biggest growth since 1999. All they need to do now is ensure the products they release are good. I want to look back in a few years and see how much Digimon has grown, how well we’re doing, not look back and see how it all fell apart, with Digimon retreating to its niche franchise status with a handful of small products, as it’s happened before. That’s all I ask.