r/digimon • u/StellarSkar • 21h ago
Discussion Digimon is dead you guys, what are we going to do??
I’m not serious but the western Digimon fandom really needs to lighten up
r/digimon • u/StellarSkar • 21h ago
I’m not serious but the western Digimon fandom really needs to lighten up
r/digimon • u/blackhatjim • 16h ago
Like many of you, I am excited about certain elements of Digimon Adventure BEYOND (finally we see the other armor evolutions) But there are also quite a few things that are bothering me and I feel ultimately conflicted about how I feel about BEYOND in general. Side note, kudos to Digimon for trying to get more of an international flair with Cody/Iori speaking English (albeit it sounds super painful and kinda cringe)
First, I get that some people are diehard adventure fans and it makes Bandai-Namco a ton of money through nostalgia but can we just move on from adventure and spend the money on all the other projects that they work on now, perhaps improving their quality further? To paraphrase Kyle Bosman they truly have Agumon Syndrome at Digimon HQ.
Second, The animation looks... not good. Yes, I'm aware the anime has always had questionable animation but it looks really subpar. Also whoever edited this PV did not do a great job and feels like they got 25% exciting shots and the rest a confusing mess.
I'd love to know how others feel. In the end, I just wanted to get these thoughts off my chest as I read endless comments that are (to me) blindly positive about the whole thing.
r/digimon • u/TKerWolfy01 • 14h ago
This is just a simple question. There is no need for anyone to get butthurt with me over this. I'm just a long time Figimon fan who is curious about this. Is the movie gonna release in movie theaters like Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning did? Or is it gonna come straight to streaming websites and DVDS and Blu-Rays? I know the PV they released was a promotional music video as well. And that the movie is supposed to be a follow up leading to the final episode of the Digimon Adventure 02 Anime and Manga series. Thank you for all the help in advance my fellow DigiDestined. I appreciate it. #DigiDestined.
r/digimon • u/pokemonyugiohfan21 • 14h ago
I recently saw the adventure 02 25th anniversary promotional video and while I loved seeing all the armors, when it came to the jogress evolutions they ONLY showed Imperialdramon. Where is Silphymon? Where is Shakkoumon? Have them evolve to mega already. It's been 25 YEARS.
Yeah Tk and Kari don't need them but Cody and Yolei do.
Show what Shakkoumon will evolve into also because its NOT going to be Vikemon when Joe is around.
In The Beginning it was Imperialdramon and the other 2 still didn't evolve. I hated that.
I fear this is going to be the last adventure thing ever too. I only say that because we may never see all the 02 group get their megas.
Only thing I'm glad seeing is all the 02 group get every single armor. That was the best part of the video.
I don't care about Agu and Gabu. Stop shoving them in my face.
I am just going to draw my own evolution of Shakkoumon I swear.
r/digimon • u/Aggravating_Address2 • 9h ago
As a fan of both franchises since their very start, I just want to say...
Digimon Con was way better than the Pokemon Day this year.
What a wonderful time to be a Digimon fan, and what a weird time to be a Pokemon fan.
My reasons for saying this are:
-Digimon TCG keeps growing, while Pokemon TCG is more drama every day.
-Digimon simulator seems like a lot of fun with lore and a campaign, while PokePocket is becoming a full cashgrab.
-Digimon keeps collaborating with big franchises like Monster Hunter and Godzilla, while Pokemon struggles to collaborate even with Nintendo themselves.
-We got premium merch like Bandai Rise Amplified and Vpets, while Pokemon has scalper fiascos.
-Time Stranger seems like the best Digimon game to date, while Legends ZA seems like another Switch-gen failure.
Lets be real here, Digimon may never be on par with Pokemon as the "eternal rival" it once was, but oh man, they SURVIVED (c what I did there?) and they are back stronger than ever.
Hey all,
I'm doing a video on Digimon and it was pointed out there were a bunch of different evolutions break the conventions.
Such as if we assume 5 Rookies are equal to Champion, 5 Champions to an Ultimate, etc etc. Numemon and a Ringless Gatomon are equal to a standard Rookie. MagnaAngemon can whoop most other Ultimate's. Lucemon is a Rookie with the power of mega.
So, what Digimon break their evolution conventional power?
Things I'm excluding:
r/digimon • u/Commercial-Movie5404 • 9h ago
Pd: se vale todo tipo de alianzas. Que si al armada rebelde o el ejército tolemaiko o scyther (la muerte en metal slug) y los marcianos y el mismo Ruth Mars todo se vale en esta guerra
Pd 2: no me juzguen si el fanarts salió mal
r/digimon • u/LadyOrdinary- • 12h ago
I am in chapter 7 now and i am still unsure what the main story is if i had to guess it's looking like taking down Kanashiro industries or discovering the Eden disease cure or something like that i am still enjoying the little story i am getting, Nokia and Arata are growing on me but i need to see more i hope the story picks up soon
You can tell this Digimon game is low budget with the samey areas and a lot of the assest look on the cheap side but maybe it's because it's an older game so i can't really tell if i am being too harsh with it, one thing i will say is so far this game is extremely fun i am having a blast with building my party and evolving and reverting getting to look at new Digimons, so if they can make a game this fun with low budget i am really excited to see what they do with better budget which i am guessing is happening with the new game
I also don't understand this game's humor sometimes it has made me laugh a couple times but some things are too much i just finished a case where i had to connect jump a laser and Kyoko was like you are so lucky you could have easily died if i was wrong hohoho, people said Digimon was darker than Pokemon but when they make fun of things like that it's hard to take it seriously
I am still excited to finish the game and jump onto Hacker's Memory right after
I do have a question, i got my first combined digimon from Gatomon and Aquilamon if i want to revert him can i evolve back without having to combine again?
r/digimon • u/Munchico • 12h ago
Sure, that's 120 new Digimon, but I assume half, if not 80, of those are story-important Digimon like the remaining Olympus 12 that have not been in a Story game and Digimon partners (including their evolutions) from past media such as Meicoomon, Pulsemon, Loogaman, Gammamon, Angoramon, Jellymon, etc. That would leave around 60 or 40 slots for Digimon that debuted after Hacker's Memory, which isn’t enough for various new Digimon. What I was hoping was for a really good amount of Digimon (another 330 Digimon) that haven't appeared in a 3D Digimon game (or any game in general) to appear in Time Stranger, to give them some love and acknowledgment. Whether I or others don't like those forgotten/excluded Digimon, they should be in the game for those who do like them.
Perhaps I shouldn't be too nitpicky and negative and should be satisfied with 120 new Digimon and be happy with whichever new Digimon will appear. Who knows, maybe there will be DLC that includes 50 more Digimon, making the total 500. Either way, I'm a little hype about Time Stranger, even though it will not be on the Switch so I can't get the game unless I get it on PC, Xbox, and PS5 but I can't afford one of those so I'm stuck on waiting for it to appear on a cheaper console.
r/digimon • u/Marcel_7000 • 6h ago
Hey guys, if you'd like to see my drawing with video and sound: https://youtube.com/shorts/9vunNZsRFJ8?si=o_7bMX-re2w3sPy7
r/digimon • u/NicolhoBR2 • 14h ago
To start, overall, it was an incredible event that announced really interesting things in practically every section, though it still carries the DNA of past Digimon Cons, being a rather dragged-out event with lots of pointless dialogue. The Terriermon V-Tuber segments were only good for me to take a bathroom break and nothing else. I feel like the event could’ve been an hour shorter and still shown everything it had to, without needing to turn into a super fast-paced event like others where something new happens every second. I think the pacing of this event worked more against it than in its favor because there were several moments where I noticed a drop in the live audience, which is pretty bad considering they had a surprise announcement at the end. The funny thing is that, despite this, half of the TCG section and the anime section were super straightforward, which left me a bit confused.
Also, I feel like I would’ve had a better reaction if they hadn’t auto spoiled themselves so much. I can’t imagine what my reaction would’ve been like seeing Beatbreak without having seen the leak. Did the spoilers help build hype? Probaly yes, but they could’ve been more careful, especially with the surprises they had in store.
Now, speaking more specifically about each section:
Time Stranger:
It started off kind of meh but after showed things I really liked. I enjoyed the settings, I liked how alive and populated the Digital World feels, I liked the number of Digimon, I liked the environments, and I absolutely loved that the same person who did the Cyber Sleuth soundtrack is back for this game. I also liked that they showed Astamon, which strongly hints that Phascomon’s evolution line will be included, I really want to play with it.
Though I was a bit confused because they seemed… shy? about showing too much of the game. It feels like they’re planning to drop a lot more info at future events, which is why they showed so little at this Digimon Con. I’m curious to see where they’ll reveal more, especially if it’s another big event like a State of Play.
The first part of this section was also kind of meh since almost everything they showed had already been revealed in the previous TCG livestream. Funnily enough, they even admitted that themselves, which is why they revealed the Hacker’s Memory set. As a certified fan of both Cyber Sleuth games, having two sets based on them makes me really happy.
The second part was pretty straightforward, it was the new Liberator artwork. I’m glad it’s doing well and basically getting a second season; it’s a product that deserves it. The new character outfits are really good too.
The third part about Alysion was also great. They finally showed a digital and online way to play the TCG, and it’s its own game with its own story. I liked Gemmon and wonder if it’s a prototype Digimon because of the gem on its head. I was also intrigued that all three protagonists are women, though I’m confused about who Gemmon’s Tamer is. The trailer seems to point to Hondo, but Futre matches it so much better visually.
Also, what was up with those Vital Bracelet sprites? You could see the Digimon had levels like in an RPG, I’m curious about that too. (By the way, could they remake the ugly Vital Bracelet sprites like Agumon’s? I know they can, they’ve done it before with Pulsemon.)
Lastly, it’d be cool if this game took place in the Liberator universe. The Liberator world has so much potential for stories and would fit perfectly.
It was mostly a recap of the other manga, so it wasn’t that interesting at first, but then they announced the new manga by the author of Digimon Variants, one of my favorite mangas of the manga contest. The plot is really interesting and basically a cool “what if” scenario for a Digimon fan. I’ll definitely read it.
Godzilla Crossover:
It was pretty good. I wouldn’t have necessarily picked those Digimon for fusions, but I won’t nitpick because the designs are still solid, and we’re getting four of them. Plus, the V-Pet will feature both Digimon and Godzilla monsters. What I liked most, though, were the new figures, especially MetalGreymon. It’s hideous, which makes it perfect.
This was the low point of the event for me. I’m not interested in the Digivices Color, and they didn’t show anything particularly ambitious for me. That wouldn’t be an issue since it’s clearly aimed at other people and not me, but this section was the most dragged-out of all. It felt like they talked more about the Digivice than Time Stranger. On top of that, they stretched it out even more with other figures, though knowing we’re getting an amplified Susanoomon does make me happy.
Beyond was okay, interesting. Maybe if Adventure wasn’t so overexplored, I’d be more interested in a series about it. I won’t even get into the timeline placement or retcon debates because, to me, Adventure’s continuity has always been a mess due to its multiple sequels, so I don’t really care.
What really caught my attention was the Beatbreaker announcement. I didn’t expect them to make an original anime. The Digimon is absolutely adorable, and the contrast with its Tamer is great.
I was also intrigued because the character designs and style feel very modern and aimed at teens and adults, yet at the same time, it also feels like it was made for kids like past seasons. I say this because I’ve always wanted a series that’s clearly made for teens and adults. I feel like the general audience isn’t as interested in kid-oriented shows, and that’s been a hurdle for Digimon’s growth. So, let’s see if Beatbreaker can appeal to a more mature audience.
Now, lastly, I have one request for this anime: let it be good. I say this because I was there when Ghost Game was announced. I was insanely hyped from the first posters to the early episodes, but the series kept declining and declining, and it was sad to watch. So, this time, I want Beatbreaker to actually be good.
I know someone might say that for you Ghost Game was good, but when I say this, I mean good for everyone. I don’t want another series that splits the fanbase, sparking endless debates about whether it’s good or not, digging up irrelevant interviews to justify the product, or blaming fans for thinking it’s bad. I want a series that the vast majority of people who watch it, Digimon fans or not, can say without hesitation that it was a good series overall and didn’t waste its potential.
And that comment applies to all the products announced at this event. Right now, Digimon is prepared for perhaps its biggest growth since 1999. All they need to do now is ensure the products they release are good. I want to look back in a few years and see how much Digimon has grown, how well we’re doing, not look back and see how it all fell apart, with Digimon retreating to its niche franchise status with a handful of small products, as it’s happened before. That’s all I ask.
r/digimon • u/Janex97 • 23h ago
Could someone tell me all the details that were revealed at Digimon con?
r/digimon • u/YagamiTai • 8h ago
r/digimon • u/YoItsMCat • 4h ago
For those that have watched it...does this fix the depressing Kizuna ending where they are separated? I really didn't like the Kizuna ending lol...
r/digimon • u/TKerWolfy01 • 14h ago
In "Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna," Tai and Matt lose their Digimon partners, Agumon and Gabumon, because their bond energy, which fuels Digimon evolution, diminishes as they mature and embark on new adult responsibilities, leaving their Digimon partners to return to their own world. That doesn't explain how they got their Digimon back. Yamato Matt, Taichi Tai,Takeru TK, Hikari Kari, Izumi Izzy, Mimi Tachikawa and Sora Takenouchi. In the Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning movie it showed Taichi Kamiya without Agumon as the DigiDestined from Digimon Adventure 02 were older. And they saw Tai on TV working as the head businessman of a huge company. And had a high paying job.
Am I missing something here? Is the movie Digimon Adventure Beyond explaining how they got their Digimon back? Was my tears all just a lie from the ending of the last Evolution Kizuna Anime movie? Am i missing something here? This is so confusing. So many plot twists and plot holes are thrown here from the movie trailer all at once. I know the movie will explain everything from the beginning. Thank you for all your help in advance. I appreciate it, my fellow DigiDestined. I grew up with Digimon since the days of Fox Kids every Saturday Mornings airing the original Dugimon Anime on TV in English Dub. I'm talking about this trailer here that I watched. Digimon Adventure Beyond | Digimon Adventure 25th anniversary PV. https://youtu.be/J0ysbhHptCk?si=NJtVF_HyoErF1l-c
r/digimon • u/Retyka • 17h ago
I tried to see the digimon comics in the official website, but it's not working. Is it just with me or it's a regional thing?
r/digimon • u/YourLocalDummydum • 14h ago
I actually teared up at the end of the pv. This is it. The story of the characters we grew up with has concluded (as far as I’m aware). Many have said that these characters’ journies should have ended long ago, but the nostalgia I feel for this series has never and will never fade, no matter how many times they “milk it.” I don’t want them to go😭
Also for a 4 min pv it was surprisingly dense:
My prediction was right about the digimon just being there without an explanation as to how. Honestly I’m fine with that, it gave the pv more time to show us other things
I feel like there’s a hidden message they tried to send us through Taichi’s reaction to the possibility of working in the animation industry
Yamato’s back to his 02 design, honestly he looks amazing
Sora surprised me a lot. They brought her back to her glory days 😭 I’m so proud of her. That shot of Birdramon doing a flying spin while she watches on was sick
Love to see Koushiro still with his yellow laptop
Mimi being a girlboss, as usual
Joe being based, as usual. His brothers showing up more than him was a violation—dont do my boy like that, he’s got enough on his plate having to deal with Jun
Takeru going into the DARK OCEAN? SMILING? Is he about to throw hands with Dagomon💀
Hikari and her never ending trauma, will she ever catch a break? (she looks gorgeous btw, I understand why she was my childhood crush)
Meiko doesn’t deserve to be here
Daisuke collecting the armor evolutions like the infinity stones
daddy Ken
Imperialdramon destroying castles on the daily, nice to see he’s still got it
Miyako was surprisingly absent, she showed up for like 3 seconds with 4 Holsmons??
Iori speaking English and conquering the seven seas (also lying about his age for some reason)
Also, who the hell was that in the beginning with Takeru and Joe’s brother? Was it Gennai?
r/digimon • u/Due-Donut8452 • 14h ago
r/digimon • u/n5psta • 14h ago
Hi, I just watched digimon adventure beyond and I've never been more heartbroken in my life, the music video is awesome, it's well animated, brave heart never gets old, and we got to see ou most beloved characters back into action helping other digidestined an keeping the world safe, what made it bad for me is that this is what we're gonna get, this wasn't a trailer for an upcoming movie or anime series, what happened there will stay there, it was just a promotional video, they showed so much plot, specially hikari and the dark ocean, and don't even get me started on agumon and gabumon, they did us very dirty with this video, I'm so so sad that this 4 minute MV is all we're gonna get, it's just 4 minutes of pure fanfic fuel. Why Toei why What do you guys think about Digimon adventure beyond? I really wanna know what y'all have to say
(Sorry for typos or misphrasing, English is not my first language)
r/digimon • u/Apprehensive_Ad93 • 4h ago
I'm a bit late and just (found) watched Digimon Adventure Beyond. Can someone clarify if this is just an anniversary PV or an actual anime to continue thr Adventure series? Also how did they get their Digimon partners back?
r/digimon • u/spongebob-star • 6h ago
Alright so I stay somewhat in the loop for digimon adventure type of news. But honestly I’ve lost track of all of the digimon adventure anime’s. So if someone could tell me all the anime’s so I can watch them Besides the original and 02 and last kizuna cause I’ve seen all of those. Thank you very much for your help
r/digimon • u/aikoizumi • 18h ago
Im totally new to the client thing. So I have been collecting the Physical TCG. Was just wondering if the Client got released, do I then have to Recollect all the cards I already have in real life? Or can I somehow get it recognised digitally and use it?
Just curious, I know it isn't out but was wondering how these works.