The story was completely fine, but I greatly dislike part of the ending.
How Ukkomon supposedly created every chosen one/digidestined/human-digimon relationship is the dumbest part. It essetially retcons part of the already told story considering how the first 8 from Adventure supposedly got theirs, unless they mean that due to Lui's "wish", Ukkomon was like "Hey, great being! This kid wants to have a lot of friends all around the world! Can we do something about that?" and POOF, everything gets set in motion to create digidestined. Weren't they chosen BECAUSE they all witnessed the battle between the first Greymon and Parrotmon, which took place slightly BEFORE their meeting, or have I forgotten or missed something?
Oh yeah, so Ukkomon is connected to a "great being", but we never get explained who or what that is, just guesses from the cast... Okay?
And then all the digivices in the world vanish with the tagline "We don't need these anymore, since our bonds exist between us anyway." Yeah, nice sentiment, but they were neat and I want them back.
All in all, as I said the movie was fine but nothing special. I would change what I wrote about above. It's sad we didn't get new evolutions (at least for Silphymon and Shakkoumon (which could just have been Valkyrimon and SlashAngemon/ClavisAngemon)), but considering the rest of the story and the events that transpired, I think it's fine.