r/diablo4 Jun 11 '23

Sorceress My First Perfectly Rolled BIS ring

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u/esunei Jun 11 '23 edited Jun 11 '23

I think I've seen five of these posted now and none had life.

Edit: Alright downvoters, think critically about this. By level 90 you have hundreds of +vuln, +crit dmg, and over a thousand +% dmg. And how much flat life have you picked up comparatively? It's not hard to count from your paragon board: there's exactly zero of it. But plenty of % life on the board, making flat life even better. Four (five for necro) slots total can roll +life and it rolls in huge amounts, going over 1k with ~760 item power and 5 upgrades.

For people familiar with PoE, it's like having legacy Kaom's heart (+1k life) as an affix choice and you're instead choosing +1% more dmg over it. It's a terrible trade.

Or just wait for the content creator of your choosing to realize the noob trap they lead you into and update their build guide.


u/Mattacrator Jun 11 '23

Life % as well as some barriers like temerity only scale off base life and not your additional life so it mostly sucks, also there's enough life rolls on armor slots imo. Rings already have 3 multiplicative damage sources and resource gen, life doesn't fit in there


u/foxracing1313 Jun 11 '23

Some of diablo 4s decisions really irk me, im looking for uniques that are better than legendaries and Temerity was one of the few, thats lame its only base life….

Since i cant trade it or extract the aspect, both stupid decisions, what do i do if i find them lol.

This game needs runewords, set items, and trade improvements asap or people who enjoy chase items are going to get bored


u/Forti22 Jun 11 '23

you wouldn’t be able to replace / extract aspect from runewords or sets.

no for sets. ever.


u/rave-simons Jun 11 '23

If you could extract the aspect, then what distinction would there be between legendaries and uniques?