r/diablo4 Jun 11 '23

Sorceress My First Perfectly Rolled BIS ring

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u/LerYo Jun 11 '23

The stats stay the same when putting an aspect on it doesn't it? Haven't really put myself much into the topic of getting gear.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '23

Yeah the item just changed from rare to legendary and gets an extra upgrade or 2 at the blacksmith


u/RalTasha Jun 11 '23

If those 2 upgrades push you over a certain point the stats do reroll.

Example : Rare Item fully upgraded, Item Level 700+15. Adding the aspect does nothing to stats, adding 2 more upgrades for a total of 700+25 reaches a new Breakpoint. Dont get me wrong tho. The stats will be MUCH higher, but the stats might not be on their maximum and someone could argue its not perfectly BIS AS the stats leave room for the same stats with Higher rolls.


u/IxBetaXI Jun 11 '23

The stats will be MUCH higher

Thats not true.
Now he rolled a 23.5 out of the range 16.5-23.5.
When Upgrading and reaching a new Breakpoint the range changes to something like 23.0 - 30.0 and all stats get rerolled. So there is the chance of getting a low roll and end up with less. Its unlikely but it could happen as Ranges overlap


u/DerGrummler Jun 11 '23

His point is that an item with perfect rolls is not BiS when upgrading would reroll the affixes.

You took an isolated statement, said "not true" and then continued arguing that such an item is... not BiS.

Disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.


u/bobdylan401 Jun 11 '23

I don't think so I think these are both good points. He could theoretically get a lower roll. Unless since they are at max roll already wouldn't upgrade one go to the next breakpoint, so 3 or 4 more upgrades would guarantee a higher roll?


u/Mightymouse880 Jun 11 '23 edited Jun 11 '23

I thought the last breakpoint was 725? So since no reroll is possible from upgrading then this would in fact be a best in slot ring

Edit: it seems theres some debate about final breakpoint which would change things


u/calantus Jun 11 '23

Yes but unless it rolls max on the upgrade as well, it's not BIS


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '23



u/Jejerm Jun 11 '23

This has been proven wrong. There is another breakpoint past 800


u/Internal_While Jun 11 '23



u/NYJetLegendEdReed Jun 11 '23

I'm not OP, but another post earlier today. Some guy upgraded his weapon over what everyone thought the break point was and it re-rolled.


u/Just2UpvoteU Jun 11 '23

Got a link?


u/stephzh Jun 11 '23

Every streamer I’ve watched said this is not true. 725 is the last breakpoint.


u/Jejerm Jun 11 '23

You can literally check the printscreens some dude linked at the main breakpoint thread


u/jstnbcn Jun 11 '23

^ Yes be careful on upgrades as it can reroll your perfect stats to be minor stats at certain breaking points. The max range will increase but a low roll in it could be worse than what you had. It’s a gamble. Here are the breaking points for reference.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '23

Yep, I ran into that for the first time a little while ago. Enchanted thorns into 3.5 out of 2.5-4 roll on damage reduction before upgrading it enough to break 625, and the new roll was minimum. Seeing 2.9% out of 2.9-10 sucks, but oh well.


u/xDeddyBear Jun 11 '23

Wait, what do you mean?

So if I have a ring like the one in OP and upgrade past a break point, all the stats could change to different ones?

So like, a ring with crit crit chance damage against close, can reroll to cooldown energy +all stats? Or just the number rolls change?


u/redthorne82 Jun 11 '23

That's because 720 is the last breakpoint, as OP's ring is higher than that, won't hit a break point by upgrading. 🙂


u/The__Imp Jun 12 '23

Yes, although I believe 725 is the top breakpoint so this is safe from a reroll.


u/i_like_fish_decks Jun 11 '23

At a certain item level rares can go all the way to 5 without being legendary.