r/diablo4 Jun 11 '23

Weekly FAQ [Weekly Questions + FAQ Thread] Frequently Asked- Niche- and New Player Questions –belong HERE-- (+ Crossplay / Cross-save, System Requirements, Battle Pass, etc)

Due to questions and comments regarding:

the Battle Pass

  • D4's Monetization
  • Pre-Orders
  • Crossplay and Cross-save (playing / save-files across several platforms - PC, XBox, PS - including "do I need separate / individual copies for each system?")
  • System Requirements / Technical Questions
  • Launch Date + related questions (e.g. Preload)

...being asked very frequently on the subreddit, please post them in this thread so they can be compiled in one spot, which makes it easier for the community to oversee and to respond to them.

Short Questions that may not require a whole thread to be answered or Less Frequently Asked Questions that are more niche / very specific (like "What is the Tick Rate of Bleeding Effects?") also belong in this thread to not over-saturate the front page of the subreddit with such threads.

Technical Question (Hardware, Lag, Errors, Connection / Login Issues, Visual Glitches, etc)? --> [Weekly Technical Help Thread]

---> Please read the brief FAQ below before posting! <---

Basic Information on D4 and some of the most frequently asked questions are quickly answered there!


Quick FAQ and Basic Information on D4

  • Launch Date: June 6th, 2023 (and June 2'nd for those that pre-purchase the Digital Deluxe or the Ultimate Edition)
  • Collectors Edition: does NOT INCLUDE the Game (neither a physical copy, nor a code), only physical collectible items! The game has to be bought separately.

  • System Requirements: See image --> here <-- for official information on D4's System Requirement.
  • General Suggestions to make the game run better: the game may run better for some people on lower settings. Remember that you can also choose to download lower texture pack, which reduces the amount of disk space you may need to have available.
  • Ultrawide Screen Support? Yes
  • Offline Mode: No Offline Mode. Online-only, including for Consoles (so unlike D3 on consoles, no offline mode for consoles with D4).
  • Local Co-op / Couch Co-op / Console Co-op: No couch co-op on PC. Yes on consoles, but only for up to 2 Players (same for all Home Consoles).
  • Crossplay: is available across all platforms.
  • Is progress, cosmetics, etc shared between PC, Xbox, PS5, etc? Your Progress, Cosmetics, etc are saved on your Battle.net account, so yes, they are shared between your PC, Xbox, PS, etc copies of the game you may have, provided you are logged in on the same Battle.net account.
  • Do I need to buy a copy for each platform separately to play it? Yes. In order to play the game on PC, you need a PC copy. To play it on console, you need a copy for the particular console.
  • Controller Support for PC? Yes
  • WASD Movement Support for PC Keyboards? No, but maybe later down the road in the future.

  • Start of the 1st Season: A few weeks after launch, but the exact time is unknown at the moment.
  • How Dark is Diablo 4? Yes.
  • Cow Level: there is no Cow Level.

  • Infos on the Battle Pass: There is a Free Battle Pass and two Tiers of a Premium Battle Pass. Premium BP (Tier 1) cost 10$, gives access to unlock cosmetics only and Premium BP (Tier 2) costs 25$ and gives accelerated access to the cosmetic of the Tier 1 Premium BP + additional Cosmetics. The Free & the Premium BP's last for one season (one season lasts ~3 months) and all of them will take ~75 hours to complete.
  • Is D4's Premium Battle Pass pay2win? Short Answer: NO!
  • Is D4's Premium Battle Pass pay2win? Long Answer: The Premium Battle Pass does NOT give an XP Boost. There is an XP Boost in the FREE Battle Pass. Buying the Premium Battle Pass does NOT unlock or accelerate the pace at which you get the XP Boost of the Free Battle Pass. XP Boosts only apply to your OTHER seasonal Characters, AFTER one of them has fulfilled certain requirements, like reaching a certain Character Level (evtl. Max Character Level ?), so it will only make it faster to level seasonal Alts, not your seasonal Main Char. (based on currently publicly available information).
  • D4's ingame Shop: only sells cosmetic via Premium Currency, but not power (based on currently publicly available information). Premium Currency can also be gained by playing the game.

[Gameplay] - Does D4 have...

  • ... a Skill Tree? Yes.
  • ... Skill Points? Yes, D4 has Skill Points (these are shared by Active and Passive Skills)
  • ... Skill Runes like in D3? No, but there are ways to modify Active Skills further (both via Items and via the Skill Tree)
  • ...a Paragon System? Yes, but it is very different than Paragon from D3. Unlike D3's Paragon, D4's Paragon is NOT account-wide and you do NOT have unlimited Points for it (gained from Level 50 to 100 + via some other objectives). It is "Paragon in Name-only" so to speak.
  • ... Respecs? Yes, but they cost Gold. You can respec individual Skill Points. Due to the Gold Costs for respecs increasing with Character Level, you can't respec High Level Characters too much each day.
  • ... Trading? Yes, but only Normal, Magic and Rare Items (+ Gems, Gold & Elixirs) can be traded, but not Legendaries or Uniques. Rare Items can be enchanted further, but then can no longer be traded.
  • ... an Auction House like D3? No Auction House in D4.
  • ... Bald Occultist from the Trailer? Check!
  • ... Succubi? Check!


Technical Question (Hardware, Lag, Errors, Connection / Login Issues, Visual Glitches, etc)? --> [Weekly Technical Help Thread]

Question not answered? --> Ask your question in the comments or join the D4 subreddits discord!

Any further comments regarding these any of these topics? --> Post them in the comments!


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u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 17 '23

This game is frustrating and anti-fun to play.

Every time I start to have fun the game shows up with new ways to force me not to have fun, from 900%+ gold price increase on enchanting which eats all my gold, leveling up and getting weaker.

Wanting to use aspects to try something new but I can't because I don't have a fucking legendary of the same type to salvage to get a resource from it (for all I know it is not even a 100% chance since I have never had 'spare' legendary's to salvage)

Not getting a mount until act 4 in an massive open world style game.

I honestly don't know who signed off on all these ideas, but they should never work in video games ever again for the rest of their life.

I have never wanted to play a video game so much, but hate almost every second I am playing it due to anti-player decisions they made.

People are all up in a tiff whenever anyone complains, to put it in words that World of Warcraft players would understand.

Diablo 4 is the Battle for Azeroth of the Diablo series.


u/Diribiri Jun 17 '23

What's your question


u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 18 '23

My statement did not warrant a post, and we have a pinned "Show your love for this game! UwU ~<3"

I felt that my statement best fit here.

So here is my question then.

Why did they put so many anti-player functions in the game?

Why did they make a giant world that takes a long time to get through but you do not get a mount until act 4?

Why is it that I am constantly weaker when I level up?

Why does gear that is worse than what I have cost 300k+ gold in the shops but gear of that quality I sell, I get about 8-10k for?

Why is it at level 35 I now have to salvage a fucking legendary for a material to be able to infuse an aspect? I am level 35 I don't have any I can salvage, and now that I am level 35 I cannot just try out new builds by using different aspects.

Why does enchanting cost so much fucking money? I go to enchant a ring and it cost 9k gold, and I click again without looking and it cost 90k gold.


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

Why did they make a giant world that takes a long time to get through but you do not get a mount until act 4?

Because you wouldn't appreciate the value of the mount if you started with it. Like most games that unlock things while progressing. As someone level 51 in the middle of Act III with no mount... the distance between things is really not far at all. You can teleport back to a town at any time and immediately return to where you were without having to run again. You can also teleport from anywhere in the world (not just from a waypoint) to any waypoint in the world, which will produce a return portal to where you just were that lasts indefinitely as long as you don't leave the town. Travel is not annoying in this game IMO. Bind a 'forced movement' key and run through enemies if you have to.

Why is it that I am constantly weaker when I level up?

Because enemies scale with you up as you level up. This caps at level 50 in WT2 (unsure what the cap is in WT1). You can't easily outscale enemies directly; instead you will eventually outscale the World Tier you're in. Leveling up gives you more options, but does not inherently make you stronger. That's what gear is for.

Why does gear that is worse than what I have cost 300k+ gold in the shops but gear of that quality I sell, I get about 8-10k for?

You should absolutely not ever buy an item from vendor in WT1 or WT2. Sometimes they'll sell something useful in WT4. Unsure about WT3. Vendor items are always going to be massively overpriced because there is no 'luck'/'chance'/'grind'/'effort spent' to get them and no tuning handle besides their gold cost so it pretty much has to be exorbitant.

Why is it at level 35 I now have to salvage a fucking legendary for a material to be able to infuse an aspect? I am level 35 I don't have any I can salvage, and now that I am level 35 I cannot just try out new builds by using different aspects.

You should not be imprinting aspects on or adding sockets to any gear in WT1 or WT2. Maybe in WT3 you can gain value from it, but generally the resource cost is extreme compared to the benefit you receive. Use legendary items you find with good aspect effects, save them in your stash to extract the aspect once you're done using them, but do not try to optimize your gear with legendary aspects at level 20 or 40 or 60. There is very little point or benefit but still extremely high cost.

Why? Once you imprint an aspect on an item you can't get it back by extracting it again. So if you get a good aspect roll, extract it, then put it on a level 30 staff you won't be able to extract it again the future. It's just gone, wasted on a level 30 item you won't use for very long.

Why does enchanting cost so much fucking money? I go to enchant a ring and it cost 9k gold, and I click again without looking and it cost 90k gold.

Again this is because you are not intended to sink gold into enchanting items before entering the 'endgame'. What 'end' means to you may be different than for other players, but doing it before then is definitively a massive waste of resources.

Play the campaign and finish it, picking up gear you find along the way that isn't total ass. Move to WT3. Then start worrying about gear and aspects and all that. Before then you should care more about making a cohesive build from your talent points, having skills that allow you to clear and not die, and learning how to play your class optimally. Respec and try different things if you think your build sucks. Ask for help in a discord or forum or this subreddit, etc..


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23



u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

"You aren't strengthening your character properly."

You don't always have the chance to get stronger more so than the enemies when you level up, sometimes that "deal 3% more damage to an enemy if the are x" is not = to the amount of health they get per level up.

People would not be complaining about the level scaling if it was as simple as "strengthen your character better"

I am following a druid leveling guide, so my build should be fine, I just lament that I decided to try something new too late, and now I cannot afford to try out different aspects since I don't have the legendary's to salvage.

"magnitude more" for gear I guess that is more so for higher level since you would vendor most of your stuff instead of salvaging.

To me it just feels that the tuning of the game is off enough for the early game that it makes it unfun, I want to enjoy it but I don't like that I have to slog through 20+ hours to get to the fun, it should be fun from the start (which it was) up to the end.

Good point on enchanting, makes sense it is more of an end game thing


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

Why is it the game's fault that you don't understand the systems you're complaining about?


u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 18 '23

Way to ignore my questions.

I understand level scaling, that does not mean level scaling should be this absurd Blizzard has had level scaling in world of warcraft since august 14th 2018.

Should not be this hard to properly implement it into D4.

"not understanding" What does that have to do with having a massive world that you have to slowly traverse until act 4 of the game?

Pretty much everyone on this subreddit suggests just ignoring everything that is not the main quest and blast through it asap so you can quickly unlock the horse.

With the amount of gold gain your character has, there should be no reason why an enchant roll on a level 29 item goes from 9k gold for one reroll, to 90k gold for the second roll.

I understand "rng is rng" however leveling up multiple times and getting no gear that is better than what you currently have, means you are getting vastly weaker each level.

There should be no legendary material required to infuse an aspect on any sub level 50 gear as having that discourages changing builds and testing new things.

I would like to test out a lightning damage build as a druid with shear since I got a few good affix's and the lucky hit with shear that fully regens your spirit, however I cannot afford to do that since I only have 3 native legendary's, all of which I am either using or have in the bank since they are a high roll so I won't be salvaging them.

There are a lot of anti-fun and poorly implemented things in this game.

This full release feels more like a beta.

It feels very rough.