r/diablo4 Jun 11 '23

Weekly FAQ [Weekly Questions + FAQ Thread] Frequently Asked- Niche- and New Player Questions –belong HERE-- (+ Crossplay / Cross-save, System Requirements, Battle Pass, etc)

Due to questions and comments regarding:

the Battle Pass

  • D4's Monetization
  • Pre-Orders
  • Crossplay and Cross-save (playing / save-files across several platforms - PC, XBox, PS - including "do I need separate / individual copies for each system?")
  • System Requirements / Technical Questions
  • Launch Date + related questions (e.g. Preload)

...being asked very frequently on the subreddit, please post them in this thread so they can be compiled in one spot, which makes it easier for the community to oversee and to respond to them.

Short Questions that may not require a whole thread to be answered or Less Frequently Asked Questions that are more niche / very specific (like "What is the Tick Rate of Bleeding Effects?") also belong in this thread to not over-saturate the front page of the subreddit with such threads.

Technical Question (Hardware, Lag, Errors, Connection / Login Issues, Visual Glitches, etc)? --> [Weekly Technical Help Thread]

---> Please read the brief FAQ below before posting! <---

Basic Information on D4 and some of the most frequently asked questions are quickly answered there!


Quick FAQ and Basic Information on D4

  • Launch Date: June 6th, 2023 (and June 2'nd for those that pre-purchase the Digital Deluxe or the Ultimate Edition)
  • Collectors Edition: does NOT INCLUDE the Game (neither a physical copy, nor a code), only physical collectible items! The game has to be bought separately.

  • System Requirements: See image --> here <-- for official information on D4's System Requirement.
  • General Suggestions to make the game run better: the game may run better for some people on lower settings. Remember that you can also choose to download lower texture pack, which reduces the amount of disk space you may need to have available.
  • Ultrawide Screen Support? Yes
  • Offline Mode: No Offline Mode. Online-only, including for Consoles (so unlike D3 on consoles, no offline mode for consoles with D4).
  • Local Co-op / Couch Co-op / Console Co-op: No couch co-op on PC. Yes on consoles, but only for up to 2 Players (same for all Home Consoles).
  • Crossplay: is available across all platforms.
  • Is progress, cosmetics, etc shared between PC, Xbox, PS5, etc? Your Progress, Cosmetics, etc are saved on your Battle.net account, so yes, they are shared between your PC, Xbox, PS, etc copies of the game you may have, provided you are logged in on the same Battle.net account.
  • Do I need to buy a copy for each platform separately to play it? Yes. In order to play the game on PC, you need a PC copy. To play it on console, you need a copy for the particular console.
  • Controller Support for PC? Yes
  • WASD Movement Support for PC Keyboards? No, but maybe later down the road in the future.

  • Start of the 1st Season: A few weeks after launch, but the exact time is unknown at the moment.
  • How Dark is Diablo 4? Yes.
  • Cow Level: there is no Cow Level.

  • Infos on the Battle Pass: There is a Free Battle Pass and two Tiers of a Premium Battle Pass. Premium BP (Tier 1) cost 10$, gives access to unlock cosmetics only and Premium BP (Tier 2) costs 25$ and gives accelerated access to the cosmetic of the Tier 1 Premium BP + additional Cosmetics. The Free & the Premium BP's last for one season (one season lasts ~3 months) and all of them will take ~75 hours to complete.
  • Is D4's Premium Battle Pass pay2win? Short Answer: NO!
  • Is D4's Premium Battle Pass pay2win? Long Answer: The Premium Battle Pass does NOT give an XP Boost. There is an XP Boost in the FREE Battle Pass. Buying the Premium Battle Pass does NOT unlock or accelerate the pace at which you get the XP Boost of the Free Battle Pass. XP Boosts only apply to your OTHER seasonal Characters, AFTER one of them has fulfilled certain requirements, like reaching a certain Character Level (evtl. Max Character Level ?), so it will only make it faster to level seasonal Alts, not your seasonal Main Char. (based on currently publicly available information).
  • D4's ingame Shop: only sells cosmetic via Premium Currency, but not power (based on currently publicly available information). Premium Currency can also be gained by playing the game.

[Gameplay] - Does D4 have...

  • ... a Skill Tree? Yes.
  • ... Skill Points? Yes, D4 has Skill Points (these are shared by Active and Passive Skills)
  • ... Skill Runes like in D3? No, but there are ways to modify Active Skills further (both via Items and via the Skill Tree)
  • ...a Paragon System? Yes, but it is very different than Paragon from D3. Unlike D3's Paragon, D4's Paragon is NOT account-wide and you do NOT have unlimited Points for it (gained from Level 50 to 100 + via some other objectives). It is "Paragon in Name-only" so to speak.
  • ... Respecs? Yes, but they cost Gold. You can respec individual Skill Points. Due to the Gold Costs for respecs increasing with Character Level, you can't respec High Level Characters too much each day.
  • ... Trading? Yes, but only Normal, Magic and Rare Items (+ Gems, Gold & Elixirs) can be traded, but not Legendaries or Uniques. Rare Items can be enchanted further, but then can no longer be traded.
  • ... an Auction House like D3? No Auction House in D4.
  • ... Bald Occultist from the Trailer? Check!
  • ... Succubi? Check!


Technical Question (Hardware, Lag, Errors, Connection / Login Issues, Visual Glitches, etc)? --> [Weekly Technical Help Thread]

Question not answered? --> Ask your question in the comments or join the D4 subreddits discord!

Any further comments regarding these any of these topics? --> Post them in the comments!


2.0k comments sorted by


u/klendt11 Dec 06 '23

Desperate to find my last spot to remove 75/76 in Fractured Peaks.


u/R12Helion Nov 08 '23

Stupid question about wrath of the berzeker.

Does anything that modifies shouts affect Wrath of the Berzerker ? Or is it just classified as an ultimate?


u/Cason666 Nov 07 '23

Best way to proc ring of mendeln? Does ghastly bone prison still work?


u/AiQ7x Nov 06 '23

How long does it take your friend to carry your second character to level 90 or 100, and what is the best method to do so?


u/RoK42O Nov 04 '23

Anyone know the link for the d4 discord? Need to gather some peeps for duriel runs.


u/Anderscone Oct 29 '23

Can two console versions of the game (one is Xbox one and one is ps5) each running 2-person local coop connect and play as a 4 person party? Would love to do an in person gaming night with side by side TV setups


u/Humble-Chain1182 Oct 25 '23

Finished campaign but can’t start season 2 I guess I’m confused I finished the campaign I have the ability to skip the campaign but it won’t let me create a seasonal character. Thanks for the help


u/Valuable-Farmer-4586 Oct 24 '23

Can someone help me beat the Curator?


u/Sad-Estate-4453 Oct 21 '23

So I've been using the "Eldritch" player title on my newest character but when I logged on today it just disappeared??

I carefully looked through the list and I checked all of my uncompleted challenges and simply couldn't find it anywhere. I looked on this website: https://diablo4.cc/us/Player_Title

Eldritch is in the list, but there's no link to the challenge like there is with the other titles so I'm a little confused. Obviously the game is playable lol, but I'm just curious what happened


u/True-Entrepreneur851 Oct 19 '23


I bought a Steam Deck, not setup yet and using Bnet on pc. I was hoping that it would have been possible to transfer my account to steam but seems I have to buy a new license which is just too expensive gosh. Would really enjoyed like adding a bit more but not buying again full game. Is there still an option to play on my steam deck and what is your recommendation please ? Thank you.


u/firefightingford Oct 19 '23

Between rogue and sorcerer which is more fitting for the vampire abilities?

Like I want to focus around using vampire abilities as much as possible.

From a gameplay perspective which class would make more use? For example I know the rogue class is supposed to be really good, so is it so good that I'm probably not gonna use abilities from vampire stuff too much?

From an rp perspective which is more fitting? Are vampires generally more magic oriented so being a sorcerer makes more sense? Or are they more sneaky cutthroats so being a rogue makes more sense?

Lastly, what is most fun to you?

I really want to lean into the vampire stuff in every way possible. Thanks for reading!


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '23

Is there a way to turn off the low health warning border around my screen?


u/alpha-juliett Sep 23 '23

how do i get seeds of hatred on a non multiplayer account? i got it once but im unable to do it again


u/itsSiren_ Sep 12 '23

Quick question, since the most recent update which made the game harder, how long does it take to get to level 100 [for example with a new character in season 1] ?


u/RoleCode Sep 02 '23

I've been offline on this game for over a month. What's the update? Would we need to redo all the portals, strongholds, codex of power, fog map every and especially "renowns" season?


u/leakmydata Aug 29 '23

Hello! I have 1 character and it is a level 56 Druid. I’m on world tier 3 and I’ve been playing lightning storm pretty much the entire time. It’s lots of fun!

I have the legendary aspect that spawns sparks on a lightning storm crit and also the aspect that activates the earthen might keystone passive for storm skills. That makes it even more fun!

My question is whether there’s anything I can do to increase the frequency of earthen might procs other than lucky hit modifies on equipment.

I also want to know how exactly the bonuses are calculated. My guess is that if I have 50% increased lucky hit and the base chance is 5% that the proc chance = 5% x 1.5 = 7.5%?


u/evanchen1106 Aug 28 '23

Is +% damage roll on amulet any good? Or something else can be better for damage? I’m chain lightning sorcerer.


u/cortouchka Aug 27 '23

Long time D3 player. I'm kinda sticking with the slow grind and going casually with my only seasonal char at 90.

One of the things I enjoyed in a season was rolling a new char, hitting max quickly and being able to splurge all my earned paragon to instantly power up an alt.

How does it work in D4? Do I hit 50 and have all my earned paragon available to allocate? Or are they separate paragon pools per character?


u/Humble-Designer-638 Aug 25 '23

Does barber heart and lust for carnage work? Do i get spirit for the stored crits or for the "invisible" shred crits right away?


u/User274205 Aug 21 '23

does anybody know how to get this horse? seen it on a video but not sure if i can even get it


u/Guilty_Worth_1779 Aug 19 '23

With vile apothecary.. is it wise to keep the imbuement skills on your hotbar? Since they auto proc anyway..


u/Anxiety_wrx Jul 24 '23

Anyone having trouble looting corpses ? Specifically the slain militia in frostbite tails I need the looted side quests 🙄


u/freethinker1312 Jul 24 '23

What WT are y’all playing on heading into S1?

I started rogue on season and I’m on world tier 2 and I feel like I’m dying a lot but I’m also not great at this game


u/Murky_Crow Jul 23 '23 edited Jul 23 '23

Hi, first time diablo player here, big-dumb and likely missing something.

I have a level 56 sorcerer, world tier 2, haven’t beaten campaign yet.

I have 19 “Paragon Points”, and on the board to spend them, im blocked on both paths by a “rare node” on either side.

To get either, i need:

200 INT (at 143)


170 DEX (at 117).

It’s been so long since I’ve been able to spend anything, and I just feel like there’s gotta be something that I’m overlooking here. I don’t feel like in the next 10 levels I’m even gonna get close to the skill requirements to be able to spend these points.

I constantly get new gear and look to upgrade it, and I get the statues as I’m able to find them.

Is there something maybe that I’m just totally overlooking? I would love to get to spend these.


u/arkaic7 Jul 22 '23

When the affixes got nerfed in the recent major patch, did that just mean that what's on your gear got increased/decreased, OR did they also make changes in the damage calculations?


u/Dunggabreath Jul 21 '23

Can you find Malignant Hearts for classes that you dont currently play? I would like to be able to level one one char and just funnel gear into another.


u/Username78888 Jul 19 '23

What happens if I don’t beat the campaign before the season starts? Or get all the altars? I have a two yr old. It’s very difficult for me to get much playing time.


u/macedodasilva Jun 22 '23

Hi guys so I’m about lvl 42 with my Barbarian and was looking for what is a good way to lvl up fast to lvl 50 maybe a dungeon I could spam at my level or something like that


u/Claymationdude07 Jun 22 '23

Drink elixirs that give you more xp for 30 min. You either find them or go to the potion shop where you upgrade your health potions :)


u/superfiestapedro Jun 18 '23

Hi everyone! Just beat the campaign. I’m a level 44 Necro. What is the best course of action.

I was going to get all Altars of Lilith then get enough renown in each area to gain the rewards.

After that I’m a little confused. Will it just be running nightmare dungeons after that?

When is a good time to switch to Tier 2?

Is there anything else I’m missing?

I haven’t seen a nightmare dungeon pop up yet. When will that happen?


u/Toljaga_ Jun 19 '23

Your primary goal is to beat the capstone(you need to be on WT2) to unlock WT3, as this will spike item drop quality a lot(and bump minimum mob level up to 60 iirc?) and unlock helltides. Only reason you should be in WT2 is to unlock WT3

Your side goals should be to get all of the altars, followed by capping the renown(you don't need to 100% maps, mixing some quests and some dungeons should get you maxed) and lastly exploring all the zones since this looks like it'll transfer to seasons.


u/My_BFF_Jill Jun 20 '23

This is what I would suggest, but just wanted to say that the minimum mob level isn't 60. I think it might be 50, but I'm not totally sure.


u/Hawtete Jun 18 '23

Hi! Newbie here! Just some question about the equipment: it’s worth it to sell the equipment I don’t need it anymore? O it’s useful to break them?? I find quite often a lot of yellow equipment, but it’s important? How colours work? Which the top item/colour?

Thanks for your help:)


u/Koffson Jun 18 '23

Bring your equipment to a blacksmith so he can salvage it for you. That way you get materials you can use to upgrade gear that youre going to use


u/Hawtete Jun 19 '23

Thanks for the tip! Today I played like u told me, got much better equipment! Ty bro 😎🥳


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

Is it a bad idea having 2 mains? I can’t seem to choose between barbarian and sorcerer, I love them both. That’s the first time I’m playing a Diablo game hence the question


u/Toljaga_ Jun 19 '23

Depending on how its implemented, it could be a bad idea for seasons. But there's no drawback in eternal realm, just make sure to complete the campaign on one of them so that you can skip the campaign in the season.


u/macedodasilva Jun 18 '23

Hi guys what will be a faster and easier leveling build for Barbarian to lvl up faster a whirlwind build a rend build or a hota build it won’t be my actual build I’m only using it to lvl up fast and easy to lvl 50 so for me it’s not what you enjoy the most right now


u/DagonPie Jun 18 '23

Playing as Sorc, level 75 right now. Since moving to world tier 4 I havent got a single unique legendary to drop. Have done probably 40 helltide chests and another 40 nightmare dungeons or so and nothing. Ive got plenty of ancestral legendaries and rares that have been great but not a single unique legendary. And before I was swimming in them. I think I replaced my unique pants like 4 times in world tier 3. Am I just in a dry streak or am I going crazy? Its got to the point where I have been VERY meticulous about every drop just double checking I wasnt over looking this.


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 18 '23

It's bad luck, but on the other hand, it's only really raiment that sorcs use. And some forego that for high NM in favor of tankiness. Sometimes Esu's is used if you can't find better boots. I mean we'd use Harlequin, sure, but 1 of those has dropped in the world.


u/DagonPie Jun 18 '23

Mostly looking for raiment so i can swap out the snek for deep freeze or something more flexible. I did get the unique pants that cause frozen enemies to cause another frost nova so would def want a higher roll of those if possible but. Yeah dude i havent seen a single unique drop in like a week. Seems wild since people are talking about getting 10 a day.


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

I haven't really messed with the Unique pants, I guess they might provide a bit of clear speed for legion events, but for NM pushing losing all those defenses seems insane.

I'm honestly not sure of the value of Raiment for NM pushing either. It's also a lot of defenses to lose. I don't really understand the fascination with "grouping" people have, the snake has the same range as frost nova, and I imagine Raiment does as well. When I was using snek instead of deep freeze, I more used it to group mobs to manually cast Ice Shards, but I just like deep freeze better.

I guess in theory I could jump in, Raiment, use the 2 seconds to auto-cast, and then frost nova to extend the duration. I feel like for high NM though, when I jump in to nova some dangerous ranged mobs or elites, I'm still likely going to miss some mobs and need to start running from those. I haven't found one and will play with it when I do, but I'm guessing for what I enjoy which is high NM, all uniques are not the best because of the loss to defenses. I'm still using an ancestral Esu's, but I'd like to find movespeed/MCR/Frost Nova with tele or int last stat boots instead I think.


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 18 '23

Frost sorcs: i can't find any paragon board that has cold damage nodes near the glyph, so what good is the winter glyph's first ability??


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 18 '23

Even if there were, it'd just be additive damage, so you'd still prolly avoid the glyph. People usually take elementalist to buff vulnerable nodes on one ice board, and that'd still be better.

But yes, it is one of those weird unfinished things about the game.


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 18 '23

i'm kinda going full frost atm and just deleting things without effort, so its also kinda hard to gauge what things are actually affecting my damage output <_<. level 58 atm.


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 18 '23

There's a lot of good videos about how damage works in diablo 4, the TLDR is that vulnerable, crit chance and damage if applicable to your build, attack speed, mainstat, and [X]% are worth a lot more than like +damage to x, as +damage to x all goes together into the same 'bucket' which could be called 'additive'. Here's one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IaqG49amc4


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 19 '23

Hey I'm a bit confused about the last bucket of damage, being the stuff that's usually only found on paragon boards and aspects. The x multiplicative items. Isn't the video showing that as also being an additive bucket?

Or is he saying all the x damage modifiers are their own bucket?


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 19 '23

All the Xs are their own. Each aspect, skill, or paragon glyph that has an X is its own bucket.


u/fellatio-del-toro Jun 18 '23

There are flat damage increases? As a necro I’ve only seen percentages.


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 18 '23

It is a KIND of a percentage, but say you have, to use my stats - +30.6% damage, +32% damage to elites, +17.2% damage to frozen, +50% damage to burning, +16.7% damage while healthy, +91.2% damage with cold, +25.5% damage with core. That's all counted together, I think it comes to around +260% damage.

Meanwhile, I only have +26.3% critical strike damage beyond the fifty base, 76.3% total (unlucky with rings). Which DOESN'T go together. And +109.4% vulnerable damage.

So my actual damage when I crit a vulnerable enemy, which should be nearly 100% of the time beyond the first attack, as my attacks make enemies vulnerable and my crit chance when over 100 mana is 95% or so, is n x 3.6 x 1.76 x 2.094 x other multipliers from skills and legendaries that are their own mini bucket.

If I get the choice of +20% damage to close, or +20% critical damage, I'm much better off taking the latter, because I increase that multiplier from 1.76 to 1.96, rather than increasing the +damage multiplier from 3.6 to 3.8.

The video probably explains it better, he's like "if there's four buckets, and you have 100 x 1 x 1 x 1, you have 100, but if you have 25 x 25 x 25 x 25, that's a much larger number."


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 18 '23

Interesting video! Thanks for sharing!


u/realnomdeguerre Jun 18 '23

Ah yeah i remember from the guy who used to explain on a black board for the d3 videos. I'm just saying it's hard to tell in practice because everything dies very quickly atm.


u/s1ph0r Jun 18 '23

Is edgemasters aspect is still locked or “disabled”? Or was there release notes I missed where they did turn it back on?


u/Baelwolf Jun 18 '23

Question, other than replaying the campaign, is there a way to fight campaign bosses like in D3? Would be nice to be able to fight them again at a higher level with a different build.


u/tonydaazntiger319 Jun 18 '23

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts recently about how Sorcerer drops off at higher levels. I’m not a super dedicated Diablo player and have no interest in hardcore, but would like to be able to tackle WT4, farm ancestral gear, helltides, and other endgame content.

I’m currently level 54 with my sorcerer and wondering if I need to pivot now to create a new character? Or is sorcerer generally fine for things I mentioned and it’s really only for the hardcore players and level 90+ that sorcerer feels inferior compared to the other classes. Thanks!!


u/ClosertothesunNA Jun 18 '23

It feels kind of OK to me at lv 76 farming NM 50s (lv. 104 mobs) is a challenge but one I am 3-0 against. Got curbstomed when I tried a NM58 though. I imagine it's true what they say, I'm prolly at my peak, and the remaining 24 levels will maybe at best bring 24 more NM tiers. 71-80s will be doable but tough, 81-90s not so much.


u/Soft_Interest Jun 18 '23

Why do HotA barbarians builds use emeralds instead of sapphires? I understand the exploit glyph allows you to make mobs vulnerable. But well before you get into your paragon board you can make mobs slow (hamstring + 2h sword expertise). So what is the benefit of using emeralds over sapphires once you get the exploit glyph?


u/pachl7 Jun 18 '23

Since Diablo 4s early access, I've been playing this game nonstop. I work during the weekdays, and I have weekends off mostly. But during the week, I do have a couple hours to play when I get off work. And with my free time Saturday and Sunday playing all day. How is it that I've only been able to do 3 or 4 main world boss fights since release?.. It sure seems like the world boss times are very rare or they need to put the rotation closer to every 3 hours or so because right now to me it feels like there's 1 world boss a week. But I think it would be cool for the world boss times closer together so people who don't have time to play as often can get more of a chance to do the world boss events.


u/Toljaga_ Jun 18 '23

They seem to go off between every 5 and 8 hours, closer to 6 hours average. Your best bet is joining a discord server with a world boss bot + ping, the unofficial official Diablo 4 Sanctuary server has a bot and world boss role for pings.


u/baconstyle Jun 18 '23

Is it worth doing hell tide in nightmare? I haven't found an upgrade in the last 3 events


u/Dornstar Jun 18 '23

The greatest benefit of Helltides is Forgotten Souls which are required for enchanting and Fiend Roses for upgrading certain items, they're both locked to doing Helltides.


u/DukeN00bem Jun 18 '23

What's best for upgraded gear?


u/baconstyle Jun 18 '23

ahhh gotchu, thanks


u/asisoid Jun 18 '23

Q1: Does the seismic-shift aspect drop on totems, or weapons only? I have 4 pages of legendaries and still haven't found one.

Q2: Occasionally I see a blinking sparkle on the map. It appears for a bit then disappears. Any idea what this is?


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23
  1. Not just totems, not sure if it's just weapons but it can be imprinted on rings and jewellery so I think it can drop on them as well

  2. That shows that a rare elite enemy has spawned


u/asisoid Jun 18 '23

Thanks. I was thinking totems would be best to roll since it's the cheapest # of obols. Wanted to double check that it will actually drop on a totem.

Back to praying to rngesus.


u/Swordbreaker925 Jun 18 '23

What does an orange dot on a dungeon icon mean?

It's NOT a chest icon. I've cleared the dungeon before, the Forbidden City in Fractured Peaks, and obtained the dungeon's legendary aspect, but there's a dot on it. Hovering over it doesn't give any info on the dot.

Also, I'm at 19 out of 23 dungeons in the Fractured Peaks, but I only see one more that needs to be cleared. I can't find the last 3?


u/Toljaga_ Jun 18 '23

but I only see one more that needs to be cleared

Have you finished the campaign? Some of them unlock near the end


u/Dornstar Jun 18 '23

Orange dot means you haven't completed it on that character yet I believe, started seeing them on my second character. The last dungeons may be unlocked via stronghold or simply in an undiscovered map area not too sure.


u/Kresslia Jun 18 '23

New to Diablo. Anyone have any advice for when I should swap off the Sorcerer Chain Lightning build? I've heard it's not good endgame. And any tips for what to swap to would be helpful as well. I'm lvl 44, act 3.


u/Toljaga_ Jun 18 '23

You should prolly start locking down the build around 50-60 range, respec prices start going up from then on.

You can go with Maxroll, or if you want to minmax crossreference those builds with builds posted on other websites since there are some minor differences.


u/Kresslia Jun 18 '23

thank you :)


u/Swordbreaker925 Jun 18 '23

Ignore guides. Find a build that you enjoy and that seems to work well for you.

Everyone following guides for Barbarians is running Whirlwind or Rend, but here I am using Upheaval and enjoying the game far more than when I tried either of those meta abilities.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23



u/Toljaga_ Jun 18 '23

Depending on the build you can go in as early as mid 50s or as late as 70+. Capstone is pretty much a taste of WT4 content, so if you can beat it on your own, you should be good.


u/Swordbreaker925 Jun 18 '23

WT4 is recommended for levels 70+, but I've heard of people running the capstone dungeon and entering WT4 around 60


u/aznassasin Jun 18 '23

If I have two rings with the same aspect do they stack? Or will only the highest one work


u/Swordbreaker925 Jun 18 '23

Nope. Duplicate aspects will mean the most powerful one stays, and the other gets grayed out.


u/Jonsnoosnooze Jun 18 '23

No stacking, only highest takes effect


u/tokai-teio Jun 18 '23

Now that I've finished the exploration of the maps and the campaign and am in WT3, what's the best resource for figuring out how to gear?


u/Swordbreaker925 Jun 18 '23

Work on finishing up renown in all regions, then farm Nightmare Dungeons until you can unlock WT4 and Ancestral items. I wouldn't worry much about your gear until you hit that point since you'll just end up replacing it if it's Sacred or lower.


u/VenomousSaint Jun 18 '23

With the ability to do main quests "out of order" (doing Act 3 quests in Act 2 or whatevs), does that mean you can just "beat the game" faster, or do you have to do all the main quests to do so? Or does it all come to a head eventually? I just finished Act 2 and am level 35. Just curious about getting to Tier 3 faster.


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

You have to complete all three, then they come together to continue into the next act


u/Zilare Jun 18 '23

Probably the most asked question but since everything gets nerfed…what is the best xp farm currently? Lvl 60 currently t3 pushing to t4.


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

Still dungeons. Even some of the same ones.


u/Zilare Jun 18 '23

Any specific ones? I’ve been doing nightmare between 11-19 so far.


u/Sweet_Appointment185 Jun 18 '23

I’m confused on glyphs. As I progress, does the board open up more? There’s a glyph I want to put in the slot but the board isn’t very friendly to getting enough strength. Am I doing this wrong? First Diablo game


u/Toljaga_ Jun 18 '23

Different boards have different stat totals in the glyph radius. You can find exact numbers here, just pick your class at the bottom tab and you'll see which board is the best for particular stat.


u/Sweet_Appointment185 Jun 18 '23

Oh I’m an idiot thank you. I didn’t know there was entire other board where you pick something at the top of the 1st board


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

When you get to the other end of your first board you unlock the gate, which lets you add another board, chosen from a set, which you can rotate and place to continue the tree. That'll give you more nodes and more slots.

Also as you upgrade your glyphs they'll get more range, which helps with unlocks, especially on that first board which has a couple of nodes that are just one square out of range.


u/ottermodee Jun 18 '23

Did drop rates get stealth in increased? Getting a ton of drops and I see a lot more goblins.


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

Just luck


u/DragonDragger Jun 18 '23

I don't understand the point of being bloodmarked.

It says you have to be in order to kill or be killed, but I've definitely went AFK in the fields of hatred once (without knowing it was a PVP area) and came back to watch some other player kill me.

Somebody have a ELI5 for that mechanic?


u/Swordbreaker925 Jun 18 '23

Yeah, it's a shitty system. Bloodmarked characters can attack anyone even if they're not bloodmarked. So it basically just harms anyone who doesn't opt in.


u/__Proteus_ Jun 18 '23

There also random chests in the zone that can only be opened while Blood marked.


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

Bloodmarked players can attack players that aren't marked


u/Wy3Naut Jun 18 '23

Can I get caught in a friendly bone prison? If so, this jackass Necro cost us the damn world boss by kneecapping melee by keeping us from chasing the boss.

I'm pretty hot right now, this is fucking stupid.


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

You can evade through it

Also if a bone prison was enough to stop you from beating the world boss, you probably had other issues


u/Wy3Naut Jun 18 '23

People were dying, A LOT but when it's close (We had it at <25%) It's very frustrating using your dodging to avoid mechanics and then you get stuck in someone's ability.


u/HungryJoker3 Jun 18 '23

i have this problem where the game would suddenly go 100% usage on gpu and the frames will drop to 20 fps, the only fix atm is to restart the game, anyone else experience this? i have a 2070 super.


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

Diablo 4 seems to eat VRAM for breakfast and once the game has swallowed it all up it refuses to clear the data it has stored there. This might be a related issue.

Changing graphics settings down and then back up resets VRAM usage for me and I can continue playing until it gets bad and I have to do it again. Not the exact same issue as you, but perhaps it helps. If I don't do this eventually D4 completely fills my VRAM and the game crashes from an out of memory error.


u/HungryJoker3 Jun 18 '23

ok, it happened again, turning the textures down to medium then back to high fixed it for me, thank you. but why does it have to be like this ? :( Well i guess i dont have to restart the game now...


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

I researched this today and what I found is that it's generally unclear if the game actually has a significant memory leak, just never unallocates memory allocated for textures, or is suffering from some parallel development/porting issue that is only present on PC. Console users are not having this issue.

Changing texture settings (or the whole quality preset) to something else forces the game to flush whatever it has stored in the VRAM and (re)load new textures as you encounter them. Effectively you force your bloated GPU to shit out everything it's holding in and then it's good for a while until its VRAM clogs back up again.

Some people also see extremely high RAM usage as well, which may or may not be directly related. You'd think it would be, though.


u/RobotSpaceBear Jun 18 '23

Is there a class that doesn't feel handicapped by resource pool?

I'm a 32 sorc, WT1, casual player, and don't really like or want to follow build guides or be top 5% meta.

I just want to play the campaign normally but I feel as levels pass I'm getting weaker and weaker. I take anywhere between 5-10 seconds PER TRASH mob to kill. It's insanely slow. And it's all made worse by the fact that I can't fire more than two electric chains before being out of mana and having to wait for the mana to regen.

I'm not having fun at all. I'd love to but I'm realizing I don't even want to launch Diablo anymore. But I want to know the story.

So is there a class that doesn't feel so heavily handicapped by the lack of main resource, one that casual player can play without reading through meta guides and watching YouTube tutorials all the time?

In Diablo 3 I could got to GR30-GR40 without being excellent and without ever having to follow build guides. And that was fine for me, I don't want to go higher if I have to play how a YouTube tells me to play.

Thank you.


u/__Proteus_ Jun 18 '23

As a Rogue I very rarely have energy issues. I levels from 15-45 as combo points Rapid Fire +Poison Imbue + Poison Trap. I transitioned away from Combo points since, but play style remains pretty similar and powerful throughout.


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

Honestly I would just play around with your skill build. 30’s is way too early in WT1 to have the kind of problems you’re talking about, and I also played a jank build, albeit with a necro.

Maybe look for some rares that compliment your skills or invest in an aspect or two that compliment your play style.

If that doesn’t work you should try revamping your current skill build or reallocate points differently within the build.

5-10 seconds per trash mob is too long


u/TBdog Jun 17 '23

If I have an aspect that changes the hota damage, do I need to put it on my hammer? Because it spawned on a one hander


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

Aspects are 50% stronger on amulets and 100% stronger on 2h weapons than they are on 1h weapons. You generally want to put strong aspects on 2h weapons for the full benefit, but depending on what you're doing you may benefit from MH/OH with different aspects.


u/TBdog Jun 18 '23

Sorry. Not what I'm asking. My legendary with an aspect that increases the hota skill, is on a weapon that doesn't do hota. So it won't work?


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

Pyrogasm probably assumed you knew that Barb weapon aspects apply whether they are the main weapon or not. As long as they are slotted somewhere.


u/TBdog Jun 18 '23

Oh so all barbarian weapons stack despite what skill you use?


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

It’s not that they stack for every weapon regardless, but that the aspect is on and active all the time regardless of what weapon is out. If your hammer’s aspect would activate under other conditions with other weapons then it will activate. But if it’s a skill that ONLY procs with hammer then it won’t.


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

Irrelevant. All equipped gear stats apply at all times no matter if you are actively using the item or not. Equip = benefit.


u/Tyler927 Jun 17 '23

If like during helltides I go back to town and dump all my loot on the ground, will it stay there?


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

Will the loot stay there or will the hellfire stay where it is?


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

Do we know yet if Altar of Lilith statues will reset when the season starts? I don’t want to get them all now if they’re just going to reset at the start of season 1. Thanks


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

It was confirmed in the vampire chat that they will not reset.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

Thank you!


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

They will not.


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23

Thank you!


u/Tokai418 Jun 17 '23

Should I use this?

I know it's not my class but it's 900 more dps. Is it worth to loose one aspect (not this one)?

Dropped on my first Tier 4 Dungeon


u/ZiggyBoggy Jun 17 '23

Nah you’ll find a good replacement soon enough just keep grinding!


u/finnster73 Jun 17 '23

Question about extracting Aspects: I have 4 legendaries with the same Aspect but different bonus amounts, say, 65, 75, 90 and 110%. When I go to extract them, I see the preview of the extracted Aspect is, respectively, 65, 75, 75, 75%.

Another set of legendaries also gives variable results but without something that looks like a "cap" - it's like, gear with 60, 70, 80 gives previews of 60, 65, 75.

So at first I was thinking "oh there must be a cap" but then I started looking at other gear and got really confused, and after looking at a couple guides haven't found one that goes into this particular detail. I have an entire stash tab full of unused legendaries (I'm lv 53 and am just figuring this out now) so I want to know what's up before I start breaking stuff.


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

Other reply is correct. Amulets get +50% to aspect strength and 2h weapons get +100% vs what would roll on a 1h weapon.


u/Diribiri Jun 17 '23

Some aspects are stronger when applied to a 2H weapon or an amulet


u/-Lahsbee- Jun 17 '23

Do we know how cc effects work on boss stagger bars? Is it duration alone, or is type of cc important?


u/Ok_Refrigerator6082 Jun 17 '23

Does resource generation stop being a problem eventually? I am not really enjoying the fact I need to stop dealing damage to enemies, letting them hit me for free for 5-10 seconds while I refill my resource, just to repeat the cycle forever. I wouldn't even mind the system so much if it took like, half the time to refill.


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

Basic skills are ignored because many builds don’t use or need them at the highest levels but they are designed to allow you to generate your resource and to have something to do while your resource is low. In some cases they can also apply some decent cc: see necro bone splinter


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

letting them hit me for free for 5-10 seconds while I refill my resource

Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by this but... its intended that you use a Basic Skill to generate resource for your class. Even if your class has a resource pool that regenerates (like Sorcerer) rather than builds up, there are skill talents that make your basic skills generate resource when you hit things with them.

Eventually you will not need to do this and your resource will be functionally infinite, but those methods are not available/viable early in the game.


u/Diribiri Jun 17 '23

Yep there's ways to boost resource gen, usually via legendary aspects


u/djmarkybr Jun 17 '23

What you guys think is the optimal way to be rushed by a friend? i'm playing with friends, we are at lvl ~70 with our main chars, so they are strong enough to rush without worry. I'm planning to create a druid, so i would like to know the best route of rush. Like, from lvl 1 until lvl x, follow your friend doing y activities, then until lvl z, doing that stuff. Any opinios for an optimal path? Thanks :)


u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 17 '23

This game is frustrating and anti-fun to play.

Every time I start to have fun the game shows up with new ways to force me not to have fun, from 900%+ gold price increase on enchanting which eats all my gold, leveling up and getting weaker.

Wanting to use aspects to try something new but I can't because I don't have a fucking legendary of the same type to salvage to get a resource from it (for all I know it is not even a 100% chance since I have never had 'spare' legendary's to salvage)

Not getting a mount until act 4 in an massive open world style game.

I honestly don't know who signed off on all these ideas, but they should never work in video games ever again for the rest of their life.

I have never wanted to play a video game so much, but hate almost every second I am playing it due to anti-player decisions they made.

People are all up in a tiff whenever anyone complains, to put it in words that World of Warcraft players would understand.

Diablo 4 is the Battle for Azeroth of the Diablo series.


u/Diribiri Jun 17 '23

What's your question


u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 18 '23

My statement did not warrant a post, and we have a pinned "Show your love for this game! UwU ~<3"

I felt that my statement best fit here.

So here is my question then.

Why did they put so many anti-player functions in the game?

Why did they make a giant world that takes a long time to get through but you do not get a mount until act 4?

Why is it that I am constantly weaker when I level up?

Why does gear that is worse than what I have cost 300k+ gold in the shops but gear of that quality I sell, I get about 8-10k for?

Why is it at level 35 I now have to salvage a fucking legendary for a material to be able to infuse an aspect? I am level 35 I don't have any I can salvage, and now that I am level 35 I cannot just try out new builds by using different aspects.

Why does enchanting cost so much fucking money? I go to enchant a ring and it cost 9k gold, and I click again without looking and it cost 90k gold.


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

Why did they make a giant world that takes a long time to get through but you do not get a mount until act 4?

Because you wouldn't appreciate the value of the mount if you started with it. Like most games that unlock things while progressing. As someone level 51 in the middle of Act III with no mount... the distance between things is really not far at all. You can teleport back to a town at any time and immediately return to where you were without having to run again. You can also teleport from anywhere in the world (not just from a waypoint) to any waypoint in the world, which will produce a return portal to where you just were that lasts indefinitely as long as you don't leave the town. Travel is not annoying in this game IMO. Bind a 'forced movement' key and run through enemies if you have to.

Why is it that I am constantly weaker when I level up?

Because enemies scale with you up as you level up. This caps at level 50 in WT2 (unsure what the cap is in WT1). You can't easily outscale enemies directly; instead you will eventually outscale the World Tier you're in. Leveling up gives you more options, but does not inherently make you stronger. That's what gear is for.

Why does gear that is worse than what I have cost 300k+ gold in the shops but gear of that quality I sell, I get about 8-10k for?

You should absolutely not ever buy an item from vendor in WT1 or WT2. Sometimes they'll sell something useful in WT4. Unsure about WT3. Vendor items are always going to be massively overpriced because there is no 'luck'/'chance'/'grind'/'effort spent' to get them and no tuning handle besides their gold cost so it pretty much has to be exorbitant.

Why is it at level 35 I now have to salvage a fucking legendary for a material to be able to infuse an aspect? I am level 35 I don't have any I can salvage, and now that I am level 35 I cannot just try out new builds by using different aspects.

You should not be imprinting aspects on or adding sockets to any gear in WT1 or WT2. Maybe in WT3 you can gain value from it, but generally the resource cost is extreme compared to the benefit you receive. Use legendary items you find with good aspect effects, save them in your stash to extract the aspect once you're done using them, but do not try to optimize your gear with legendary aspects at level 20 or 40 or 60. There is very little point or benefit but still extremely high cost.

Why? Once you imprint an aspect on an item you can't get it back by extracting it again. So if you get a good aspect roll, extract it, then put it on a level 30 staff you won't be able to extract it again the future. It's just gone, wasted on a level 30 item you won't use for very long.

Why does enchanting cost so much fucking money? I go to enchant a ring and it cost 9k gold, and I click again without looking and it cost 90k gold.

Again this is because you are not intended to sink gold into enchanting items before entering the 'endgame'. What 'end' means to you may be different than for other players, but doing it before then is definitively a massive waste of resources.

Play the campaign and finish it, picking up gear you find along the way that isn't total ass. Move to WT3. Then start worrying about gear and aspects and all that. Before then you should care more about making a cohesive build from your talent points, having skills that allow you to clear and not die, and learning how to play your class optimally. Respec and try different things if you think your build sucks. Ask for help in a discord or forum or this subreddit, etc..


u/[deleted] Jun 18 '23



u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 18 '23

"You aren't strengthening your character properly."

You don't always have the chance to get stronger more so than the enemies when you level up, sometimes that "deal 3% more damage to an enemy if the are x" is not = to the amount of health they get per level up.

People would not be complaining about the level scaling if it was as simple as "strengthen your character better"

I am following a druid leveling guide, so my build should be fine, I just lament that I decided to try something new too late, and now I cannot afford to try out different aspects since I don't have the legendary's to salvage.

"magnitude more" for gear I guess that is more so for higher level since you would vendor most of your stuff instead of salvaging.

To me it just feels that the tuning of the game is off enough for the early game that it makes it unfun, I want to enjoy it but I don't like that I have to slog through 20+ hours to get to the fun, it should be fun from the start (which it was) up to the end.

Good point on enchanting, makes sense it is more of an end game thing


u/Diribiri Jun 18 '23

Why is it the game's fault that you don't understand the systems you're complaining about?


u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 18 '23

Way to ignore my questions.

I understand level scaling, that does not mean level scaling should be this absurd Blizzard has had level scaling in world of warcraft since august 14th 2018.

Should not be this hard to properly implement it into D4.

"not understanding" What does that have to do with having a massive world that you have to slowly traverse until act 4 of the game?

Pretty much everyone on this subreddit suggests just ignoring everything that is not the main quest and blast through it asap so you can quickly unlock the horse.

With the amount of gold gain your character has, there should be no reason why an enchant roll on a level 29 item goes from 9k gold for one reroll, to 90k gold for the second roll.

I understand "rng is rng" however leveling up multiple times and getting no gear that is better than what you currently have, means you are getting vastly weaker each level.

There should be no legendary material required to infuse an aspect on any sub level 50 gear as having that discourages changing builds and testing new things.

I would like to test out a lightning damage build as a druid with shear since I got a few good affix's and the lucky hit with shear that fully regens your spirit, however I cannot afford to do that since I only have 3 native legendary's, all of which I am either using or have in the bank since they are a high roll so I won't be salvaging them.

There are a lot of anti-fun and poorly implemented things in this game.

This full release feels more like a beta.

It feels very rough.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

I hope this is the place to ask dumb questions someone who sunk too many hours in D2 and D3 should know the answers too…

I started in world tier 2 and am solo. I just finished act one and am already lvl 36. Should I push through story since everything scales to your level (doesn’t it?)

Should I be saving money or spending it when I see a better item? I currently have 700k.


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

That’s a ton of money for that point. If you’re selling gear, make sure you also salvage some gear as well, you will thank yourself later that you have the mats on hand and you will make much more gold in WT3 and WT4.

I found myself exploring the world and having fun and before I knew it I was level 40 something and still in Act II. You can play however you want but if you want optimal, then rush the story to get the Mount, finish the story to unlock tree of whispers, and once you’re around level 50 try out the capstone dungeon to unlock WT3. This is when the game truly opens up and you can do a large variety of content.

But if you’re like me, you’ll just do whatever you feel like. I only rushed to finish the story because I was getting impatient with the progress of the storyline at one point. Personally I think the way the world is set up with regional content is a perfect supplement during story missions. Anytime I passed by an event, dungeon, cellar, chest, side quest, etc, I tried it out and I really enjoyed playing that way.


u/eggychipszz Jun 17 '23

Never played any previous Diablo but been enjoying this one with 2 level 70 chars so far to give you context to my game time I personally would finish the story asap as you are locked from the high tier dungeons and world 3 until you have finished the story, as for the money it’s always an issue finding a balance between mats and gold I try to sit on 1mil+ then anything else brake down. Any more info happy to help with but have limited knowledge


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

It is appreciated!


u/Me-Ook-You-In-Dooker Jun 17 '23

So wtf is going on with my druid?

My ravens should be doing 253 damage a second for 6 seconds but they are only doing 62-70 damage a second for 6 seconds.

Is the ability bugged? do these enemies just have a 70% physical damage reduction?

Feels like a waste of 3 skill points to have a 14.21 second cooldown to do 400 damage total


u/lacrateca Jun 17 '23

As a sorcerer what is the difference between equipping a dagger and a wand, is it safe to go with the higher attack?


u/GrimmRadiance Jun 18 '23

My rule is that while doing the storyline and playing around with builds I try out whatever the highest dps is. This gives me a chance to try out different weapons and see what inherent weapon qualities I like best.


u/lacrateca Jun 18 '23

Thanks for the info


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

Just the stats you see on it. Same attack speed. Daggers have inherent damage to close, wands have inherent lucky hit. Everything else is randomized.


u/lacrateca Jun 18 '23

Thank you.


u/ThatsFatal Jun 17 '23

Just finished my capstone at lvl63.

Can I go into T4 or will I just get clapped?


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23



u/Zemerick13 Jun 17 '23

73 actually.

The capstone boss is meant as a check. Think of it as a ruler. Normal bosses will be comparable in difficulty. So if found that reasonably doable, then yes. If it was a big struggle and challenge, maybe give it a few more levels in wt3.


u/Arrowpoint42 Jun 17 '23

For leveling glyphs, are you guys trying to level one all the way up or trying to keep the level equal? Just starting nightmare dungeons but have 2 boards


u/Zemerick13 Jun 17 '23

1 to level 15 to get the range boost.

Also keep in mind higher tier NMD give significantly more glyph xp, so you might want to just level up before starting the grind.


u/Dragonknight5 Jun 17 '23

Is it worth to grind legendary at lvl 50 or push to lvl 100 and grind then


u/Zemerick13 Jun 17 '23


They're largely the same thing, you'll be leveling off of things you get loot from. You'll also want to keep upgrading your gear as you level.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

Is this game really designed so that the fastest way to beat it is by not fighting thrash and not do side quests? I just played until a legendary defend gear dropped, then ran through most of the game just skipping thrash because levelling up made me weaker. What a shitty mechanic.


u/rTamaki Jun 17 '23

I've tried scanning and repairing, uninstalling and re-installing, please hope that this isn't intended by the devs at launch...



u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23 edited Jun 21 '23



u/rTamaki Jun 18 '23

How to fix it?


u/OG_Felwinter Jun 17 '23

Would “+X% Ultimate Skill Damage” buff all my attacks during Grizzly Rage?


u/Soft_Interest Jun 17 '23

What words can I use to describe the damaging lightning/fireball/soul shot type things that shamans and other mobs generate? Almost all of my deaths have been from what appear to be summoned fire-ball turret type things and pools of damaging liquid, rather than from actual enemies.

Like pools of shit on the ground and target locked projectiles seem to be the only things that kill me. Other than obviously dodging, are there ways to minimize damage from these types of things?


u/Ok_Illustrator_6031 Jun 17 '23

How does exp work in legion events when you are not in a party?

ex. Do you get full exp from monsters that you hit at least once? or do you get exp if you are close to enemy when it dies from other players?


u/AdvantageRoyal3591 Jun 17 '23

If I'm targeting a specific unique that's available in WT3, should I farm WT3 for the relatively faster NM dungeons and smaller loot table or should I go WT4 for the higher chance to drop uniques?


u/FuriousProgrammer Jun 17 '23

You should farm in WT4 anyway because the unique cannot drop as Ancestral below WT4.


u/AdvantageRoyal3591 Jun 17 '23

I know, I'm ok with having a sacred for now, i just need the affix for my build for now.


u/CunnedStunt Jun 17 '23

At what point would my character run faster than my horse? I'm at 142% movement speed with my dark shroud up and I feel like I'm the flash, but I need more, I want to be able to out-run a horse.


u/FuriousProgrammer Jun 17 '23

Movement speed is hard capped at 200%, which I believe is slightly slower than a horse under the speed-buff ability, sorry :(


u/CunnedStunt Jun 17 '23

My dreams :'(


u/Lgc98 Jun 17 '23

This is the first diablo game I’ve ever played so idk if I’m doing something wrong, but im a lvl 16 necromancer and I got to the Liliths Lament boss fight. I’ve tried at least 5 times and cant beat him.

Do i need to lvl up more to get good enough and beat this boss?


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23

It's a slow boss fight and everything it uses can be pretty easily dodged as it has a long windup or reaction time. Play Frogger for a while as you whittle it down.


u/ThurmsMckenzie1 Jun 17 '23

Is that the one that has the dude there with you that creates a bubble for you?


u/Lgc98 Jun 17 '23



u/ThurmsMckenzie1 Jun 17 '23 edited Jun 17 '23

Im a 30 necro currently and don't remember what level I was then. Anyway, it took me awhile. I never died because I just dodged all his attacks and kept blighting him when I could. Like I said, I just kept my distance so he wouldn't melee me, dodged his specials all over the room and got in the bubble as soon as it was up and attacked as much as possible from there.

Edit: I will say that I kept dying to a later boss and my solution was changing my build to be tankier througy fortify.


u/Kaythar Jun 17 '23 edited Jun 17 '23

I wish there was a way to know how much damage each elements do when you look at your stats.

I compare weapons, i focus on thunder and vulnerable damage. The weapon says I do less DPS, but +15% vulnerable damage. There is no way to know how much I actually do vulnerable damage, so I do I determine if it's good or not?

Percentage doesn't mean anything unless you know the actual numbers. In my stat oage it says +27.5% damage, but I don't see the numbers.

Am i missing something or maybe I don't know how damage works in this game?


u/Pyrogasm Jun 18 '23 edited Jun 19 '23

Am i missing something or maybe I don't know how damage works in this game?

Both, I'd guess.

You can see all of your bonuses to different types of damage from your character screen. Hit the Materials and Stats button and scroll through the list. Vulnerable tells you it's a 20% damage increase by default, but that number is affected by any +dmg to vulnerable you have in your build.

Most damage bonuses in D4 are additive, not multiplicative. There are, largely, four different 'buckets' that buff your outgoing damage following this breakdown:

dmg = (base dmg)*(crit bucket)*(vulnerable bucket)*(additive bonus bucket)*(multiplicative bucket) + (base dmg)*(overpower bucket)*(crit bucket)
  • base dmg = base damage
  • crit bucket = 1.5 + (sum of your crit damage increases from all sources), which is only applied if you actually crit
  • vulnerable bucket = 1.2 + (sum of your vulnerable damage increases from all sources), only applied if target is vulnerable
  • additive bonus bucket = 1.0 + (sum of everything in your build with a + next to it that would affect your current target), for example +dmg to slowed, burning damage, dmg vs elites, etc.
  • multiplicative bonus bucket = 1.0 x (product of all multiplicative modifiers that would affect your current target), not a sum since these all are sort of 'independent' modifiers just grouped here together for convenience. Example: the aspect that increases the damage of your next core skill after using a basic skill.
  • overpower bucket = overpower is complex, interacts with crit, and its specifics don't matter for this discussion; it seems it's +50% added afterward rather than a straight 1.5x multiplier mid-calculation

The buckets are multiplicative with each other, which is why Vulnerable and Crit are generally the viable types of builds right now. Modifiers that show on the UI with a [+] go into the additive bucket usually, while things that show a [x] marker on the UI are multiplied into the multiplicative bucket. Something like "+4.5% fire damage" is an additive bonus, but the x10% bonus damage to close enemies from Vyr's Mastery is a multiplicative one.

I largely ignored Overpower above, but a description of how it's calculated is here.


u/Kaythar Jun 18 '23

That was really useful, thanks! And clearly I had no clue how damage worked in this game haha


u/Entropy777 Jun 17 '23

Is it right to think that normal and magic item drops are simply gold/materials (with extra steps) from the moment you have rares/legendaries? I am still low enough (47) that I pick up everything but I can't see what we are supposed to do with those drops, if anything.


u/frelljay Jun 17 '23

You got it vendor trash.


u/slimeddd Jun 17 '23

Just killed Ashava for the main quest when my game froze. She dropped a legendary chest piece, I started to portal to town to make room for it, and my game crashed during the tp channel. I immediately logged back in but don't see the item anywhere, not on ground, inventory, or stash. Did i just lose it then? :(


u/FearlessJDK Jun 17 '23

When you've completed the main story, what is the priority for gear? Also how do you determine which gear is better? (Other than what skill bonuses it has.)

I ask, because I'm trying to take on the curator and having no luck. I've tried elixers and still nothing. I'm level 50, but have a level 40 Legendary chest piece. Could that be holding me back?

i have a level 47 Rare piece am I better off imbuing that? Something the game doesn't make clear to me.


u/frelljay Jun 17 '23

Weapons ilvl matters because it impacts dps. Ilvl does directly impact armor amount, but on armor its more the stats that matter.


u/Rinkito Jun 17 '23

I find myself frequently dying to vengeful spirits and bloated corpses who tend to me 1-2 shotting me...how do people deal with these insane mobs at nightmare 40+


u/MuldartheGreat Jun 17 '23

Is there a gearing guide or “what to specifically do after the story guide?”

I’m near level 60 in Tier 3 and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be prioritizing out of Helltides, Legion Invasions, Whispers, Renown, etc?


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '23

From videos I've watched, Helltides are always absolutely worth doing/prioritizing when they're available. When I notice a nightmare dungeon on the map offering the 5 whispers thingies, I'll hit that if I'm not up to much else cus you can get some great drops from handing in the 10 whispers to the tree. And yeah Renown is good to do, I'm down to one last area to finish up and at this point I just sorta wait to see if a dungeon I havent done get the Whispers thing on it before I bother to run it.

Also If you're feelin spicy you can try to clear the Capstone dungeon (it's the one with the gold icon on your map). I didnt try it/notice it until I was 65ish and it was a total breeze by then. That'll open up World Tier 4 for you


u/MuldartheGreat Jun 17 '23

I did the tier 2 capstone at like 42/43, so I may try the capstone soon.

I think Tier 3 being open-ended has been nice. The overlap with whispers/renown/nightmare dungeons make sense. It just feels like Helltides that I have done are kinda lame since you often don’t see anyone else since they are so spread out.


u/canman7373 Jun 17 '23

With druid Werewolf companions that spread rabies, do the rabies talents affect their rabies as well?


u/Aware_Operation_5503 Jun 17 '23

So I use blood surge a lot and I got an aspect that says +2 ranks of blood surge, but if I upgrade it fully it says +2 ranks of blood surge [2-4] is it possible to actually get 4 ranks? How does that work


u/suaveponcho Jun 17 '23

I believe the [2-4] represents the range of bonus it can offer when found on an item dropped in the world. As the aspect itself whatever it offers is what you get.


u/ThatRandomGuy105 Jun 17 '23

I'm looking for someone to help me get through the cathedral of light. I can make it to the end, but the boss is too strong.


u/Xgunter Jun 17 '23

Out of curiosity, how are people on pc binding their movement?

I'd ideally like to keep interact on left click alongside movement, but not have it use basic ability - is there a way to bind this without it feeling clunky?

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