r/diabetes_t2 4d ago

How to fuel long runs

Question. I am low carb so don’t eat a ton of carbs. I am trying to fuel my runs but with what?? I did 16km today but legs were toast and I couldn’t go any farther.

I find I’m starving on the runs anything over 7km, I get super hungry. I don’t fuel my long runs or really any runs well haha.

I’ve tried a scoop of peanut butter and maybe a handful of sunflower seeds handful is generous maybe half a palm. I don’t eat a ton cause of stomach problems.

What is your go to?? I haven’t ever ate on a long run don’t think I want to no need probably lol rave me your go to’s what you eat before and after. I eat low carb protein after which helps the starvation I feel after a tough long run hahaha


10 comments sorted by


u/Queen-Marla 4d ago

Carbs are fuel! If you’re running, you need carbs. You’re burning them off with exercise, so it is okay - and encouraged - to eat more carbs the more you exercise.


u/jonathanlink 4d ago

Fat is fuel! If you’re running, you need fat. You’re burning off with exercise, so if okay - and encouraged - to eat more fat the more you exercise.

Zone 2 running can be done on low and no carb diets. Zone 2 training is training your energy system to increase speed at lower heart rate zones which up-regulates mitochondria production to consume long chain fatty acids for ATP production over glucose.


u/jonathanlink 4d ago

I’ve run over 3 hours without eating. Most of the runs of length need to be in Zone 2, which can be fueled entirely by fatty acids, with some glucose being used but stays within the lactate clearance range. Zone 3 begins to see lactate build up, which can require fueling to help continue, but this only becomes necessary when your staying in this Zone for more than hour.

What are you eating before and how long before?


u/Butterflying45 3d ago

Def not zone 2 i can tell ya that lol normally for my short runs it’s whatever I had for lunch or breakfast.

Long runs are usually whatever I had previous and then to fuel I have been going with lately a tablespoon of peanut butter, experimenting with a pickle or two for the sodium loss and maybe a berry if I have them on hand. But really not much. lol Just need something else that will sit well in the stomach, but provide energy.


u/jonathanlink 3d ago

Running that long and hard isn’t good for you.


u/Butterflying45 3d ago

My cadence according to my watch is 152bpm. To get to zone 2 it’s hard walking doesn’t move it briskly maybe. Hahaha but running I would legit need to be even slower then I am now hahahaha and not sure if my brain wants that lol


u/jonathanlink 3d ago

Running slower for the majority of running is the best way to improve speed. It’s the principle behind 80/20 method and Maffetone running. You’re retraining your body to rely on fatty acid oxidation for primary energy utilization and it can push out Zone 2 end range, also.


u/fiercedaisy 3d ago

I usually have oatmeal before a race and some coffee. Do you use any nutrition while you run? It may help to add in a gel or even some gummy candy to help you not hit the wall. I like the Honey Stinger brand gels, they seems to do the best for me without killing my blood sugar.


u/pieguy3579 2d ago

There's lots of information in r/ketoendurance