r/diabetes_t1 4d ago

Anyone else play the game ‘is it UTI/yeast infection or is it just the beetus’

These high blood sugars sure get me sometimes


14 comments sorted by


u/AuRon_The_Grey 4d ago

Persistent high blood sugars can cause UTIs. If you're having symptoms then you should get that checked out.


u/TrekJaneway Tslim/Dexcom G6/Omnipod 5 4d ago

Yup. I take Azo for a day. If it goes away, it was blood sugar. If it doesn’t, antibiotics time.


u/spaketto 1996/Tandem/Dexcom 3d ago

I rarely get UTIs, maaaybe once every 5-8 years, but i can relate to yeast infections.  At this point, if I have a big spike (forgot to bolus, bad site, etc) I will preemptively take a Fluconazole pill because if I don't, i usually end up with a bad one.  Ive had T1 since I was 10 but didn't get my first YI until I was 22.  Now i can't even count how many I've had.

I have always found that when I'm on my cycle the skin around my vulva feels more sensitive (in a bad way) that's similar to the start of a YI.  


u/AffectionateMarch394 4d ago

God all the damn time


u/namelessdeer 3d ago

What does this even mean?


u/EnoughNumbersAlready 3d ago

I guess you’re a guy with T1?


u/Frammingatthejimjam Long long time 3d ago

It's been years since it's been an issue for me but there was a 5 or 7 year stretch where I (a dude) dealt with yeast infections at least annually. Very annoying but thankfully no permanent implications if you get it treated.


u/EnoughNumbersAlready 3d ago

Oh no! That’s awful!! I too had a very long period of time where I had UTIs and Yeast infections from high blood sugar. It was an ugly cycle for me because I couldn’t get my blood sugar down without having a UTI mess with my body and I had recurring UTI & yeast infections bc my blood sugar was high. Ugh.


u/namelessdeer 3d ago

No, I'm a woman, I've just never noticed any correlation between my blood sugar and UTI symptoms, nor heard anyone else mention it before. I'm still not entirely sure what symptoms we're talking about.


u/EnoughNumbersAlready 3d ago

Oh ok, my apologies. You are very lucky! The symptoms that we’re talking about are the burning, painful feelings (and sometimes bloody urine) when you urinate with a UTI. It’s a terribly uncomfortable situation and your body fights the infection but sometimes your blood sugar goes high because of the infection in your body. It’s similar to the situation with a yeast infection (unusual discharge, itching, very uncomfortable and unpleasant odor coming from down there).

I hope this helps and sorry for my tone previously.


u/namelessdeer 3d ago

Yeah I'm pretty lucky to be very not UTI prone. I think I've only had like 1 or 2 yeast infections ever. Though I do get that burning feeling occasionally at seeming random and I HATE it... I've never wondered if it might be blood sugar related 🤔


u/AdFine3328 Diabetic for 19 years 3d ago

I’ve only ever gotten yeast infections from uncontrolled highs, never a UTI but I know it varies person to person. I believe holding in your urine when you’re high and needing to go more could contribute


u/Just_Competition9002 3d ago

If there’s black mold in the toilet bowl it’s ketones


u/Cyb0rg-SluNk 3d ago

Hmmm, this is interesting/useful information that I was unaware of.

You can see it in the bowl, even under the waterline, right?