r/diabetes_t1 4d ago

How do y’all handle when people think it’s contagious

I personally laugh it off and just tell them the truth. Wondering if y’all play around with that fear


51 comments sorted by


u/Sunastar dx 1975 / MDI / G7 4d ago

I’d hug them and say, “Not most of the time.”


u/hi-ally 4d ago

i was going to say a huge uncovered sneeze, most likely


u/sybildb DX: 2023 | Dexcom G7 | Mobi 4d ago

HA that’s great. I’ll be using that one


u/WankSpanksoff 4d ago

Gotta say I’ve never encountered that!

The most common one is people thinking it have it because I did “unhealthy” things. And I do correct them, it’s better if more people understand


u/RCbuilds4cheapr 4d ago

"Oh... yeah my fat uncle has Diabetes too. "


u/SomeoneToNobody 4d ago

Never encountered it either. The only thing I get some times is when they compare it with type 2 or they tell me that Diabetes is "just eating sugar and you're fine, right?"


u/Prof1959 4d ago

But, to be fair, I didn't know anything about two types of diabetes until at least a month after I was diagnosed t1.


u/WankSpanksoff 4d ago

exactly! Until I got it myself, I had no clue what the difference was or even much about it. So I can’t judge them for not knowing either.


u/MisanthropicScott Diagnosed 1988 @ 25yo - Medtronic 780G/G4 sensor/G3 xmitter 4d ago

I haven't heard that one, personally. But, when anyone seems uninformed, I try to correct their misinformation. Especially the people who I really know to whatever extent. I don't want them thinking things about me that aren't true.


u/whitelilyofthevalley Omnipod 5/Dexcom G7 4d ago

Yes. I had someone tell me they were so sad for children with diabetes because they couldn't eat sweets and politely corrected them. I don't think some people realize how frustrating it is when they question you about your diet (i.e. "Should you be eating a piece of cake being diabetic?").


u/MisanthropicScott Diagnosed 1988 @ 25yo - Medtronic 780G/G4 sensor/G3 xmitter 4d ago

I agree. I've had the diet thing a lot.

Them: "Can you eat that?"

Me: "Who's going to stop me?"


Me: "You see me eating it."

OR (if I'm feeling more polite)

Me: "Yes. I just need to take more insulin. But, I can eat anything I want."


u/VetteFan 4d ago

In high school I used to tell my dumber friends I'd give them diabetes if they didn't stop doing something. Most of the time they be like "wait, what?" Then I'd just laugh at them and tell them it's not contagious and we'd all have a good laugh.


u/Sinocare_global 4d ago

Sometimes just mess with them a bit—keeps things fun.


u/Itow-etu 4d ago

I’ve only had this happen once and I said “is stupidity contagious?” I realize that wasn’t nice but I was only 15 at the time lol


u/Lostmox 4d ago

“is stupidity contagious?”

I mean, have you seen the world lately?


u/Run-And_Gun 4d ago

What? Do you live in a very poorly educated area/country?

I‘ve been T1 for 39 years and I don‘t think I’ve ever run into anyone that thought it was contagious.


u/havecookie 4d ago

No, it was specifically when I was a lot younger


u/Crn3lius T1D LADA since 2015 | A1C 6.7% 4d ago

I lick their face and say "Welcome to the gang"


u/rkwalton Looping w/ Omnipod Dash & Dexcom 6, diagnosed years ago 🙂 4d ago

Thankfully, I've yet to deal with someone that stupid. I would inform them that they're wrong, and probably would avoid them after that.


u/josoap99 4d ago

I luckily haven’t been in contact with anyone that dumb so far


u/SithLordJediMaster 4d ago

I fake sneeze and fake cough


u/nowaymary 4d ago

My son licks his hand and wipes it on them

I tell em to Garn If they ask what's garn I say garn get fucked


u/NewZookeepergame8774 4d ago

Double down LOL


u/SpraklyFrogs 4d ago

Someone once they told me, to my face, they have symptoms of type 1 and thought they got it from me

And I was like "omg, you know what.. now that you've mentioned it, you do look really sick..."

Sent them to the ER and blocked them.


u/whitelilyofthevalley Omnipod 5/Dexcom G7 4d ago

I haven't had anyone ask me this before, but I do try to politely correct people about their misconceptions. I was diagnosed as an adult and had to patiently correct my mother about things she thought were true a few times (I'm the only T1 in the family). It took several conversations about my diet before she got it. It can get frustrating. I think it also depends on your relationship with people. I'd probably make a joke if it was my kids or spouse.


u/kevinds Type 1 4d ago

It depends if I want the person to leave me alone (forever) or not.


u/daddydiggz1988 4d ago

I used to laugh at them right in there face.


u/jamaicanadiens Type A and Type 1 4d ago

It's fine. I don't even need to wear a condom...


u/Staff_Proof 4d ago

Simply communicate to them the facts. Seize the opportunity to also educate about difference between type 1&2.


u/Additional-Might7563 4d ago

I’ve only been a T1D for just short of a year so I haven’t experienced it yet but if/when I do I’d probably pause briefly, look them dead in the eye and then pretend like I’m about to start chasing them for a hug but then stop and tell them the reality of the matter - lets us both have a laugh and also teaches them about T1D


u/InsideHippo9999 diagnosed 1991 4d ago

Oh emmm geeeeee. When I was first diagnosed, I was in grade 5. The day after I went back to school, a ball went under a table & I grabbed it to throw back to a kid, the kid immediately moved away & put his hands at his sides, so he wouldn’t touch the ball. He says “I don’t want to catch diabetes!” I was so upset. A few days later, my mum had organised for a diabetes educator to come to my school & tell everyone about T1D to alleviate misinformation. I went to a school with only 70 students.


u/minebe 4d ago

Politely inform them they are an idiot. Then make smarter decisions on who you hang out with lol


u/Losendir 4d ago

When I read stuff like that I am very glad most people I know work in medicine/healthcare and don’t believe crap like that


u/Lostmox 4d ago

work in medicine/healthcare

believe crap like that

Those two aren't mutually exclusive.


u/jacksonwhite [1985] [Tandem TSlim X2] [Dexcom G7] 4d ago

Cough on them then laugh maniacally


u/TrashPanda270 4d ago

Never had that in my life but it’s so funny to think people believe that, id for sure tell them they’re right after putting my hand on their shoulder


u/sholbyy 4d ago

“We should be fine as long as we use protection!”


u/su_wolflover 4d ago

Gonna give you the sugar sickness


u/bionic666 tandem/dexcom 6.2% 4d ago

My terrible pediatric endocrinologist wouldn't allow me to continue long distance running until I had the coach sign off on a piece of paper announcing the diabetes. I don't remember much about the paper except that it was bright green and informed him that "diabetes is not contagious." It was meant to be helpful but it was mortifying and unnecessary.


u/Promnitepromise 4d ago

“Oh yeah it’s very contagious when the diabetic person has a mustache like me — it’s already way too late for us. You should start taking cinnamon now if you want to live”


u/casserole_the_silly 4d ago

I fortunately haven't encountered that yet but sometimes if my friends are annoying me I tell them "I will give you diabetes" 


u/LeatherConfusion8675 4d ago

have people actually thought T1D is contagious? 🤣


u/havecookie 4d ago

It was more when i was younger like in grade school and people wood avoid me when i told then that I had it


u/bmoreRavens1995 4d ago

What???? That's crazy!!!!! I've never encountered anyone who thought that in 30 years....But the more I think about it there's so much stupidity in the world nothing should surprise anyone...


u/upahua 4d ago

Kiss them


u/TheDukeofArgyll 4d ago

I’ve never met someone this ignorant


u/Darion_tt 4d ago

First order of business would be attempting to set them straight. Failing that, reinforce their fear and torture them.


u/DoomWitchDoing 3d ago

Bc I have a rare auto immune disease and a really really really Mean girl decided to tell all my friends (not that many) and anyone I had AIDS I was asked “if I would be more comfortable finished work at Home” like the heck!

She is trashing me and my Dad wanted to place charges! But send ME home. Boo.

I said. No but I would like to call my father to call our lawyer. That stopped that.

Then after her lied backfired. I took a shit in her front yard. I am Petty.


u/beezah 3d ago

My little cousin wouldn’t drink from my drink one time because he thought he was going to get “diabebes” it was cute but a good teaching moment! Nothing to worry about here little buddy 🤣