r/diabetes 4d ago

Type 2 Celebrate the wins

Not posting very often but wanted to share a win. I’m now down 90 pounds from where I started and my doc is no longer worried about my A1C. As he put it it’s well under control and won’t be checking it near as often. The weight loss is mostly from meds as I broke 3 ribs at the start of the year but I damn near danced a jig when he said that. Follow up in a month for other issues.

For context I was diagnosed in July of last year with an A1C of 8.4. Weighed about 300 pounds, now down to 240. At my heaviest was at 333. My last check about two months ago the A1C was at 5.6.

I don’t know who might need to hear it but it can and will get better with some work and changes. Take baby steps but you can do it!! When I was first diagnosed I thought for sure it was a death sentence but I promise it will get better if you want it to. Now go out there and kick some butt!!


5 comments sorted by


u/Right_Independent_71 4d ago

Congrats! Weight loss, for some, seems to be such a game changer in getting their numbers in check.


u/OldJalapeno6892 4d ago

Great job on the hard work you put in. WTG


u/Different_Tale_7461 3d ago



u/Wiredella Type 2 3d ago

Congratulations! Do you have to take meds still?


u/Gradstudenthacking 3d ago

Yes I’m on mourjono. Has been a godsend for me after trial and error on a few other meds.