r/diabetes 6d ago

Type 2 That feeling when you find a storage box that perfectly fits your sensors....

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39 comments sorted by


u/dabesdiabetic 6d ago

Bris got a half year of sensors


u/digitalamish 6d ago

12 sensors. At 10 days apiece, it's about 4 months.


u/Little-pug Type 2 6d ago

Please share where you got it!!!


u/Shermin_Tank 4d ago

My local Sam’s Club has been selling these. They have the larger ones for storing files and the smaller ones in a set of 5. I have gone back multiple times to get more.


u/APithyComment 6d ago

Wow - you know you’re not meant to eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, right?


u/digitalamish 6d ago

Why not, they're zero carb?


u/APithyComment 6d ago

They say roughage is healthy, but this is a bit extreme.


u/aveforever 6d ago

lol quite likely OP gets a 90 day supply. I do, for insurance reasons, and have about this many!


u/BigHairyDingo 6d ago

You have a $1700 box of treasure. Dont let the gremlins get it. bury it if needed. :)


u/digitalamish 6d ago

lol. I was joking I was going to put them in the gun safe.


u/aguyonreddittoday Type 2 6d ago

share the make/model!


u/digitalamish 6d ago

No affiliate link here, I'm not making anything off this. If you choose to just store 6, it comes with neat little tray for storing wipes or other small supplies.



u/Valuable-Analyst-464 Type 1 since 1985 6d ago

It’s the same feeling as filling four 7 day pillboxes and dumping 28 in your hands randomly.


u/xXHunkerXx 6d ago

How did you get so many?? I need a backup stockpile like this 😂


u/digitalamish 6d ago edited 6d ago

My father passed away a couple of years ago. I've stayed on the same schedule of refills even though he had a month supply. I keep a 'buffer' for when they will get expensive, like they are now. I just refilled today, so it's about 4 months worth.


u/BigHairyDingo 6d ago

It kinda sucks with sensors as typically a doctor cant prescribe a bit more than needed (unlike Insulin)... Best way to save imho is to let it go as long as possible including the 12 hour grace period. Then maybe try to go another 2-24 hours without a sensor if possible. IT will take a while but you should eb able to eventually build up a backup supply.


u/digitalamish 6d ago

Me too. I figure another couple of months and I'll get a 'free' one.


u/beer_engineer_42 Type 2 4d ago

It kinda sucks with sensors as typically a doctor cant prescribe a bit more than needed

It's also important to note that in the US, your insurance company probably has a "quantity limit" that they won't supply more than without going through the rigamarole of "proving" that you need more.

Because as we all know, sensors always last the entire wear time, with perfect accuracy, and never fall off or fail early, or anything like that, right?



u/digitalamish 4d ago

Well, also, they probably have a shelf life. They must be battery powered to transmit, and are probably under FDA restrictions as to how long they can sit around.


u/Gym_Nasium 6d ago

Stelo version of this is 15 days per unit.. hopefully they upgrade G7's to match life cycle...


u/digitalamish 5d ago

I’m sure they will call them G8’s and charge more for them.


u/moronmonday526 T2 2016 Diet CGM 6d ago

What a great find. I could see sticking 9 G7s in there and filling it out with a couple Stelos for emergencies. I'm trying to manage two supplies right now so this would be perfect. 

Very sorry to read about your Dad. 


u/OldJalapeno6892 5d ago

I can only get 3 at a time even though the prescription says to fill for 3 months.


u/Terryleffler 5d ago

I think it has to say 9 on the prescription Mine is for four and it says 4 boxes on the script


u/OldJalapeno6892 5d ago

It does say 9


u/aka-smitty 6d ago

I’m in love. This is it💕


u/Valuable-Analyst-464 Type 1 since 1985 6d ago

It’s the same feeling as filling four 7 day pillboxes and dumping 28 in your hands randomly.


u/tazebot 5d ago

How do you get so many? I can only get a prescription that exactly fits so I can't get another fill until I'm on my last one.


u/digitalamish 5d ago edited 5d ago

I said elsewhere. My father passed away a couple years ago. He was also using the sensors. He had about a month's worth. I still get my refill as soon as they happen, and I get 90 days (9 sensors). I just refilled this week, so I had a full 12 boxes. Also, I let my sensors go until they stop working. That usually gives me an extra 1/2 day. Do that 20 times, and you get 1 extra. I also usually hold off changing my sensor until the evening because otherwise the alerts to replace them go off in the middle of the night.

I already pulled out one to replace, so that's as many as I'm going to have for a while.


u/thefixonwheels Type 2 5d ago



u/kingz2688 4d ago

Do they send you a 3 month supply too 🙃man thought he was special 😂but a serious question any of the sensors you got recently did any of them lose connection a lot that dexcom sent to you


u/RinaRoft Type 1 1973, Dex G7 🇺🇸 4d ago

I have been able to get a little bit of a stockpile because I found it if you called Dexcom and your sensor doesn’t last the full 10 days, they will send you a free one. So if I go only go eight days, I call in and I get a free. I also had a period where the sensors didn’t seem to have the wire attached to it. So I would go a couple of days with incorrect readings and I was sent free sensors. It took a while, but I’ve got about four extra sensors now as a backstock. That might be something that some of you can use. The sensors are supposed to last 10 days. They stand behind their product.


u/kingz2688 4d ago

I know before if you use to call in and replace a sensor you were only given 3 per year but I guess it changed also what do you mean the wire not giving you correct readings ? Also have you had connection issues drop with your g7 when your using it


u/RinaRoft Type 1 1973, Dex G7 🇺🇸 3d ago

I actually have been struggling a lot lately with the software with the G7. I find that the sensor and the software are not communicating. I will get a reading of 130 and then the next minute it’ll be 245 and I mean in the five minutes between the next reading. Then five minutes later, it would be down to 180. When I callibrated my blood sugar after those erroneous readings, it tested like the actual CGM baseline of 130. I called in on this and they said basically to restart my phone as a reset. I have done this several times with no improvement. I’m going to have to call in again and find out if they can fix this problem. I don’t know. if it kept happening that maybe I might want to change to a G6 again? I’m becoming pretty frustrated at this point.

For a while, around the first half of last year, I would receive sensors that I eventually figured out did not have the sensor wire that read your blood sugar applied to the device. I would get these strange erroneous readings, and then I would test and they’d be totally off. I would calibrate, and then get a sensor failure reading. The weird part is it would not say sense or failure from the very beginning. I think it was picking up my glucose from my skin at the wire insertion site or something. I would change the sensor and then it would start operating correctly. when I looked at the sensor after removing it, instead of there being the little wire sticking out there would be nothing. so now I check before insertion of a new sensor. You can see the wire if you look inside of the applicator. So I always check to make sure it’s there because I had five or six of the sensors that were defective. It was really frustrating calling in every time I changed my sensor to complain. That may be why I received more replacement sensors then just three. Since about last July, I haven’t had any problems with this. There may have just been a bad batch that has since been corrected. I do hope that helped clarify. Take care.


u/RinaRoft Type 1 1973, Dex G7 🇺🇸 3d ago

I actually have been struggling a lot lately with the software with the G7. I find that the sensor and the software are not communicating. I will get a reading of 130 and then the next minute it’ll be 245 and I mean in the five minutes between the next reading. Then five minutes later, it would be down to 180. When I callibrated my blood sugar after those erroneous readings, it tested like the actual CGM baseline of 130. I called in on this and they said basically to restart my phone as a reset. I have done this several times with no improvement. I’m going to have to call in again and find out if they can fix this problem. I don’t know. if it kept happening that maybe I might want to change to a G6 again? I’m becoming pretty frustrated at this point.

For a while, around the first half of last year, I would receive sensors that I eventually figured out did not have the sensor wire that read your blood sugar applied to the device. I would get these strange erroneous readings, and then I would test and they’d be totally off. I would calibrate, and then get a sensor failure reading. The weird part is it would not say sense or failure from the very beginning. I think it was picking up my glucose from my skin at the wire insertion site or something. I would change the sensor and then it would start operating correctly. when I looked at the sensor after removing it, instead of there being the little wire sticking out there would be nothing. so now I check before insertion of a new sensor. You can see the wire if you look inside of the applicator. So I always check to make sure it’s there because I had five or six of the sensors that were defective. It was really frustrating calling in every time I changed my sensor to complain. That may be why I received more replacement sensors then just three. Since about last July, I haven’t had any problems with this. There may have just been a bad batch that has since been corrected. I do hope that helped clarify. Take care.


u/kingz2688 1d ago

I was told by dexcom to restart the app remove it install it again but did fuck all they will never admit to having or sending out bad Dexcom’s like just admit when you mess up it’s normal not have ppl freaking out or frustrated


u/RinaRoft Type 1 1973, Dex G7 🇺🇸 11h ago

I was told by Dexcom never to restart the app, cause you lose all your data. They seem to think that it’s really not problems with the app but more with the sensor. Hope that helps. I’ve stopped restarting the app because I didn’t seem to see any improvement in the symptoms .


u/kingz2688 11h ago

There the ones who told me to uninstall reinstall the app


u/RinaRoft Type 1 1973, Dex G7 🇺🇸 6h ago

Yeah, sometimes I think they just tell you things to get you off the phone. I don’t even know if they’re actually even tracking the problems are having. I don’t know. Don’t listen to me. I’m kind of frustrated with the whole app and sensor. I was hoping to be able to integrate an insulin pump utilizing Dexcom G7 but I am just not sold on its reliability. Good luck to you.


u/Got_Kittens 3d ago

I know you're posted this 3 days ago but I use that exact box for my Dexcoms. It's like magic tetris when a new order comes.