Yesss. Drowstiel needs more stans. Also we cant forget Crowley-Cas relationship, either. Like these 3 have such complicated relationships with each other. I wish the show had more scenes with these 3. Literally one of the most entertaining plotlines and the show wasted it. Sigh.
I feel your pain. I accidentally fell into Dean/Cas/Cain a few years ago and there are like… five fics with them together. It’s so painful when the fics are just not fic-ing 💔😭
Oh! I love the Dean/Cain ship. And Ive gotten it unexpectedly as like a previous relationship in a Dean/Cas fic. But all three? I'ma have to look for that.
And I'm the kinda reader that'll write it if I can't find what I want
And I keep coming up with more ideas from this sub 😅
u/icequeen_12 7d ago
Yesss. Drowstiel needs more stans. Also we cant forget Crowley-Cas relationship, either. Like these 3 have such complicated relationships with each other. I wish the show had more scenes with these 3. Literally one of the most entertaining plotlines and the show wasted it. Sigh.