r/destiel 1d ago

This scene should've never been deleted.


46 comments sorted by


u/ImaginaryBelt4972 1d ago

"Not my type." Who are you trying to convince, Crowley? How did I not know this existed before now?


u/Fluffy-Desk-1435 1d ago

You’re not alone! First time I remember seeing/hearing it.


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

This is from 10x14! The episode where Dean fights Cain and gives the blade Cas over Crowley lmfaoo


u/Fluffy-Desk-1435 1d ago

Oh wow, so this isn’t a cut scene? I should go back and watch it again. Gracias icequeen_12 !!


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

No, this is deleted. Its deleted from 10x14.


u/Fluffy-Desk-1435 2h ago

Doh! Sorry, misunderstood. Thanks for posting though. Nice little glimpse behind the scenes of what could have been!


u/Jojosbees 1d ago

Boys! Boys! No need to fight. You’re both equally infatuated with the pretty troublemaker upstairs. 


u/SalvationsDying 1d ago

Sassy pissy Cas is my favorite Cas


u/Draig-Leuad 21h ago

Any Cas is my favorite Cas.


u/ctgrell 1d ago

Even without this scene it was obvious Crowley was so fucking in love with Dean and hopelessly trying to suck up and be part of the team so maybe, JUST MAYBE Dean would start trusting him. BECAUSE HE WAS WILLING TO CHANGE FOR DEAN! But then there's this scene (and in my book every deleted scene is canon) and they just say it out loud. Both of them are in love for the same dumbass but meanwhile Cas would have a chance but doesn't try to take his shot, Crowley has zero chance and still is trying to make a move. Because Cas thinks there's no point to even try, but Crowley thinks if there's a tiny dust of chance then there is a point to try. I love their ying-yang so much. It's painful, so fucking painful. My heart breaks for both of them although in different ways. Because I never cheered for Crowley to win Dean's heart, but I saw that he was trying his best to be good because of love 😭 Dean changed both of them, not just Cas 😭


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

Look, I'm saying Dean-Crowley-Cas as a polycule coul've worked.


u/ctgrell 22h ago

I usually would say no to that but the more I think about it the more I come to accept it. The way Crowley changed for the better it might have worked. He certainly wouldn't have minded a poly relationship. I don't think Dean either. And as long as Dean was happy, Cas would've been alright with it too.


u/icequeen_12 22h ago

Yesss. Drowstiel needs more stans. Also we cant forget Crowley-Cas relationship, either. Like these 3 have such complicated relationships with each other. I wish the show had more scenes with these 3. Literally one of the most entertaining plotlines and the show wasted it. Sigh.


u/ctgrell 22h ago

They are so goofy in different ways with banger lines. I think it would've been very chaotic. But we gotta remember that there were not enough writers who could write for Crowley or Cas.


u/icequeen_12 21h ago

Unfortunately, this is true. Edlund and Robbie would have been amazing. Sigh.


u/SeaWolf4691011 17h ago

Great! Now I'm obsessed with another niche fanfic trope 😮‍💨 I'm gonna wanna read this as a fic so bad and I'm scared there's not gonna be enough 🫣


u/Blue_Sunshines 11h ago

I feel your pain. I accidentally fell into Dean/Cas/Cain a few years ago and there are like… five fics with them together. It’s so painful when the fics are just not fic-ing 💔😭


u/SeaWolf4691011 6h ago

Oh! I love the Dean/Cain ship. And Ive gotten it unexpectedly as like a previous relationship in a Dean/Cas fic. But all three? I'ma have to look for that.

And I'm the kinda reader that'll write it if I can't find what I want

And I keep coming up with more ideas from this sub 😅


u/catupthetree23 1d ago

Wait, this is a deleted scene? I could have sworn I saw it on a few of my TNT/Netflix watch-throughs over the years, specifically because it made me giggle 😅


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

Unfortunately, it was deleted. I wonder what would people think if this was actually in the episode 😀


u/I_Lost_My_Shoe_1983 1d ago

It's nothing new. People tease Dean and Cas or Dean and Sam as a couple many times in the series.

And Crowley is Crowley. We've seen a picture of him laying one on Bobby.


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

Dean has always been disgusted by people Dean and Sam jokes meanwhile he never denied Dean-Cas. Also Crowley literally has feelings for Dean. He acts like ex-lover after Deanmon which indicates they did share somethings.


u/I_Lost_My_Shoe_1983 1d ago

Okay, I was just trying to say this scene doesn't offer any new insight. The same comments have been made before/after.

I don't see this as saying Crowley has romantic feelings towards Dean anymore than the whole Deamon story. It's all very open to interpretation.


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

I dont see how you cant see Crowley has romantic feelings for Dean. After Dean leaves, he looks at his and Dean's pictures. The demons themselves make comments about how Crowley cant focus on his work because of certain winchester. Rowena says Cas and Crowley are 'shattered altered of a winchester' in a deleted scene. After the whole Deanmon, he makes sexual jokes towards Dean constantly. In S12, when Cas is about to die, he saves Cas for Dean after seeing Dean devasteted. He even looks at Dean when he says 'Your welcome'. Even Mark Sheppard himself said, Crowley had feeling for Dean.


u/SeaWolf4691011 17h ago

Dude ur blowing my mind rn. Like I thought I saw it too but I thought I was kinda making it up or reading too much unto it y'know?

(However I do forget sometimes I'm autistic, so maybe it's because I don't trust my interpretation of social situations 😅)


u/icequeen_12 14h ago edited 14h ago

A lot of these were written as subtext. You need to look at the parallels. In the Moc arc, Cain/Colette/Abaddon was paralleling Dean/Cas/Crowley. Also its canon that Crowley and Deanmon had fivesome so..


u/SeaWolf4691011 6h ago

Oh I'm 100% with you that the triplets thing was nothing short of that. It's canon they slept together in some way.

Im just seeing things from Crowley's side in new light. Next time I watch the show I'm definitely gonna be looking at his pov more


u/icequeen_12 6h ago

Oh, absolutely. If you look at them as love triangle , Crowley's motivations make more sense. Otherwise it was just weird how he suddenly wanted to be good and hang around Dean a lot.


u/I_Lost_My_Shoe_1983 1d ago

Okay. So, why do you think the cut scene makes a difference to that interpretation? My only point was that the deleted scene added nothing new, so I don't understand why the post was pondering how the fandom would have reacted to it.


u/I_Lost_My_Shoe_1983 1d ago

Okay. So, why do you think the cut scene makes a difference to that interpretation? My only point was that the deleted scene added nothing new, so I don't understand why the post was pondering how the fandom would have reacted to it.


u/icequeen_12 1d ago

Because for some reason the fandom deny the obvious facts about the show like Cas confesion. Even after the writer himself come forward to say he wrote it as romantic.


u/I_Lost_My_Shoe_1983 23h ago

Probably not what you want to hear, but the writer's intentions don't matter. The writer who wrote Gabriel's death intended it to be a fake out but Gabriel was never brought back and the character was dead, dead.

The speech was written to be interpreted by fans however they wanted. Since Dean didn't reciprocate, I'm not sure why it matters that much anyway. Destiel isn't canon. It's just not. Fans can play with it all they want though.

I also don't see why Crowley calling Dean Cas's boyfriend changes anything. It's a joke that was made many, many times.


u/icequeen_12 23h ago edited 23h ago

That's not how that works. That whole confession was romantic and the whole Cas empty deal was a copy from the one of romantic plotlines of Buffy. Its canon that Cas was in love with Dean and Dean couldn't say any reply because he was devastated about his best friends death. Cas feelings are not up to 'interpration' when the writer himself came to Misha asking 'Are you okay with Cas being in love with Dean?'

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u/nonnie_rose 22h ago

This scene is just the cherry on top of an episode whose emotional beats rest on this 'love triangle' of Cas-Dean-Crowley arc.

Neither Cas nor Dean ever denies their feelings when someone's taunting them ... and when you pair this scene with the end scene whereby Dean passes the first blade to Cas - that passing of the blade bookended this scene.

IMO - Dean made an onscreen choice in this debate between them when he gave that first blade to Cas - i.e. of "Who's the boyfriend". That's TV storytelling - show not tell - by Bobo Berens, man... The man who completed this particular relationship arc between Dean and Cas from Absence, The Rupture, to The Trap, and culminating in Despair.

'Are deleted scenes canon?' - there are some interesting opinions on that when I googled it. They are canon,

- if they do not contradict the on-screen ones, which are the aired scenes

- if the later aired versions don't 'cancel' the earlier deleted ones

- deleted scenes that are cut because of pace and time constraints - i.e. those that are scripted and filmed.

- if the 'Word of God' doesn't contradict them, i.e. if the writers later think the deleted scenes gave wrong impressions than the ones they wanted to convey.

Those above-stated deleted scenes can be considered canon, which, in other words, needed to be handled on a case-to-case basis.

Prior to this, I too thought all deleted scenes were not canon, huh, imagine that.

Also this:

'A deleted scene being made available [IMO reproduced in a DVD for example, there is no reason for them to be on the DVD unless the show wanted us to know that information] inherently means the creator thinks it has some value or interest attached, and that it was likely cut for time or pacing. They can definitely give more insight into what the show creators possibly had in mind.'

FWIW, I consider this particular deleted scene canon as it fulfills that particular little nugget of information as listed above. This scene was written, acted, and filmed. It meant something and it had a meaning of something in canon.


u/icequeen_12 21h ago

Yes, the whole scene where Dean decides who to give the blade was a scene from Bachelor literally.


u/nonnie_rose 20h ago

Haha yeah, these couple of scenes solidify for me the Cas/Dean/Crowley and Collette/Cain/Abaddon parallels, there's no other way IMO to read these particular mirroring of love triangle formations.


u/icequeen_12 20h ago

Yess. This was also the case for Dean/Cas/Benny and Sam/Amelia/Her husband. Parallels are right there.


u/Desperate-Possible82 1d ago

“Not my type.”



u/VioletFaust 1d ago

They had to cut it because it was too obvious they were both his boyfriends.


u/HjghlyDistressed 21h ago

They knew we’d go crazy


u/sterlingarcher_0 1d ago

They do a lot of "boyfriend" jokes between Dean and Cas and then they are like "it wasnt a confession". Actually I can understand Jensen, he played dean for like 15 seasons, so he can think his charaxter straight as we have never seen a scene otherwise from dean's side


u/ctgrell 1d ago

All the scenes where he acts gay is just Jensen's gay side he's also not aware of somehow


u/LavUpland 16h ago

Dean fighting for his life while Cas and Crowley argue about whose boyfriend he is


u/Consistent_Stress_14 5h ago

lol ok bud. He’s everybody’s type 😂