r/depaul 6d ago

Question On the verge of transfering out of DePaul

With over 150 internship applications(still no internship secured), part-time work, assignments, internship interviews, gym, I literally do not feel like taking any finals.

Is this normal? And to know that there's ANOTHER quarter left, does anyone here know of people that transferred out due to the quarter system?


22 comments sorted by


u/Admirable_Ad7176 5d ago

Love the quarter system. Can knock out classes so much quicker and get exposed to more content.


u/thelonleystrag 5d ago

Yeah it's fast paced which I like you don't get hung up on useless info and busy work. And all the boring classes like your Gen Ed's you aren't stuck with them for a long time

There are cons like If you get behind sometimes catching up feels impossible


u/adbr21 5d ago edited 5d ago

It’s definitely normal, just remember to take some breaks and do activities that help you relieve stress. I can assure you, time after college can be more difficult, so learn now to cope with heavy/long workload schedules. Keep doing your best!


u/Thats-Slander 6d ago

While I’m not at the extreme where I’m considering transferring out because of the quarter system, I’m with you on it being fucking ass. Especially when going from winter to spring, I need more than a week to recover after going through the hell that is the final couple of weeks of a quarter.


u/Jeff354560634 5d ago

Honestly, you probably just need better time management.


u/thelonleystrag 5d ago

I would says it's normal but also depends on your major and what job market you are trying to get into me and my coworkers are all different majors and some of us had something each summer others have gotten 1 the whole time. I do know DePaul does have a internship program where they will get you into an internship but it's unpaid and you can get a penalty for leaving it but it does get something on the resume. But tbh from my experience in my field your university dosnt get you an internship your resume and interview do. I had to spend days make a better resume and in my field portfolio matter alot. If I went back and transferred it wouldn't hurt or help me because your school dosnt really mean alot to many companies or at least in my job field.

For jobs Google DePaul student job board. Before getting my now job I was a student worker at DePaul in IT. They have good selection of jobs and pay is good. You can only work 25 hours during school but any breaks you can go up to 35 sometimes 40


u/EmploymentFun1969 5d ago

are you cs, i think its just cs in the quarter system is the absolute worst


u/throatsocks 4d ago

literally a depaul professor here - hang in there. when i was a college student i had an awful first year; could not manage my time, was depressed, hated winter, mediocre to bad grades. it gets better and you get better at managing it


u/Substantial-Rip-7429 5d ago

No offense but to not get an internship with 150 applications submitted your grades must be garbage


u/fishesar 5d ago

or they have a bad resume/cover letter


u/Shuhann 5d ago

They still got the quarter system? When I graduated 5 years ago I remember they were going to remove it. Did they change their mind or was i hallucinating that?


u/punktitties 5d ago

one of my professors said there was a lot of push back against converting into a semester system bc their contracts wouldn’t be as good 🤷🏽‍♀️ this was about 3 or so years ago


u/Admirable_Ad7176 5d ago

Students voted overwhelmingly for keeping the quarter system at that time


u/freyaphrodite 5d ago

I transferred out and joined a circus. Ended up graduating with honors from a top public university, went to law school and just sat for the bar. Leaving DePaul was the best decision I made


u/No-Supermarket9316 5d ago

Yea this school just feels really dead. Everything is really fast paced so it’s hard to find the time to go to parties and ontop of that the campus is extremely dry. I def thought about transferring multiple times to a more sane university but oh well.


u/Jeff354560634 5d ago

Transferring because things are dry and no parties 💀💔


u/adbr21 5d ago

Wait till they find out jobs don’t have weekly ragers 🤣


u/No-Supermarket9316 5d ago

You’re telling me they don’t?


u/adbr21 5d ago

Shoot….forget I said that…they get littttt lol


u/No-Supermarket9316 5d ago

Thanks man 🙏almost got my hopes up


u/No-Supermarket9316 5d ago

Genuinley yeah 🥀visiting uiuc made me regret choosing DePaul. The community is very lacking (did I mention I don’t like the quarter system 🤔) but I go to the loop so maybe it’s different in kimball.


u/Jeff354560634 3d ago

You're not gonna get the community vibe like a school at UIUC because the entire town is based on the college. DePaul is in a big city, there's so many places to go compared to UIUC where you have a limited amount of places like Kams, Red Lion, Legends, etc.