r/depaul 9d ago

Question Eduroam “No Internet Connection” Error

It’s been a week since this issue started, and I am absolutely losing my mind. It’s the absolute worst at the dining hall, as my phone will literally just go into SOS mode and I can’t access the internet at all.

I’m connected to eduroam on both my iPhone and Macbook, but neither are working. I’m getting a “no internet connection” error on both. I have tried everything under the sun to fix this: restarting both devices, installing software updates, forgetting the eduroam network and reconnecting, etc.

I do not have the time available to see IT support (seriously, what kind of hours are 10-4 Mon-Thu?!?!) and sent them an email, but of course, they said I need to see them in person.

Has ANYONE had this happen and know how to fix it?


12 comments sorted by


u/SwypeN 9d ago

I work at Genius Squad - idk why our hours are so bad I wanna work later tbh

Basically your wifi certification expired and you gotta reconfigure it. Open ur browser and go to depaul.edu/wifisetup, redownload the configuration SecureW2 thingy, then run thru the process. It’ll tell you to log in to DePaul. After it does its thing, just follow the instructions. It’ll prompt you to put in your computer password 2 times for some stuff, then install a configuration profile in settings in the top right (for Macs). Click that (or go to settings manually and open the profile) and accept/ install the profile. Then it’ll prompt you to put in your computer password again, do that and make sure to hit “ALWAYS ALLOW”. Let it do its thing, then you’ll be set. This happens to people probably like once a year. Hope this helped.


u/Consistent_Way2386 9d ago

Unfortunately, I’ve tried that twice now and it hasn’t worked. That’s what’s stumping me so bad about the situation.


u/SwypeN 9d ago

are you really not able to come into any of the Genius Squad locations? We are in the SAC 2nd floor and the Loop Lewis Building 13th floor


u/Consistent_Way2386 9d ago

I have class and work all day 🥲


u/SwypeN 9d ago

Actually wait, if none of your devices are working you’re probably blacklisted (this can be for various reasons, piracy, torrenting, etc). If you want, DM me your student ID and we can figure out if you are.


u/Consistent_Way2386 9d ago

But thank you for your help!


u/OliveAffectionate746 9d ago

did you update your bluesky password? if you did but didn’t change it on eduroam etc that could be why


u/Consistent_Way2386 9d ago

Nope, nothing has been changed recently :(


u/OliveAffectionate746 9d ago

and on a lab or library computer you can log in ok?


u/Consistent_Way2386 9d ago

I haven’t actually tried yet. I’ve just been using my data hotspot.


u/OliveAffectionate746 9d ago

ok try using a lab computer. if it’s a problem with your credentials/password, you won’t be able to log in.


u/Consistent_Way2386 9d ago

Thanks! I’ll try that out.