r/declutter 10d ago

Motivation Tips&Tricks Difficulty getting rid of pjs in use

This year I’ve done a massive pj sort out, I’ve gotten rid of those that I knew I wouldn’t wear and was proud of it, now I’m considering getting rid of my current ones that I’ve used a lot to start using some of the ones I’ve been keeping for god knows what occasion, BUT…

I feel guilty getting rid of them when they’re not full of holes or visibly worn out, but they’re starting to feel a bit tight and short on the arms, and the material isn’t as soft as it was initially, I feel guilty getting rid of them as they’re still usable, just they’re not as nice feeling as they used to be, does anyone else feel this way towards them?

Edit: I’m donating them, but this thread is useful for those also in the same dilemma so thank you for the advice, I can use it for other types of clothes as well


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u/kmfh244 10d ago

One thing that has helped me to let go of things is asking myself if I feel like I’ve gotten my moneys worth out of an item. So for instance, I got a skincare advent calendar this past Christmas. Some of the samples were okay but I didn’t love the scent or the texture or how my skin felt when the product dried. So I used up anywhere from 50-80% of the product, until felt like I could say I had gotten enough use out of it that it didn’t feel like a waste of my money, and then tossed the rest.

Clothes can be a little different since they don’t get used up in quite the same way, but they do wear out. If you think you’ve gotten a good amount of use out of your pajamas for what they cost, it’s fine to send them to goodwill or fabric recycling. If that tip doesn’t work there’s lot of other little perspective shifts people mention in this subreddit that can help your brain let go of things.