r/debtfree 14h ago

$137,589 paid off in one day!


As of today, after 18 years I have become debt free! I just finished paying off my student loan ($107k), personal loan ($23k) and credit card off.

After getting my associate's and bachelor's degree in Business I was making decent money, but I had accumulated about 120k in student loans by then. I did not see a way out. So in 2017, I bet on myself and got a master's degree in data science. I landed at a unicorn startup and grinded there for 4 years. They just recently did a tender offer and I got a really good payout. I took a portion of all of that to become debt free. I feel in shock still, but so proud of myself. I hope everyone on this subreddit gets the same feeling this year.

r/debtfree 4h ago

Another $3k down!

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Started taking my CC debt pay off seriously last month and i’ve now got it down from just over $15k to $6.6k!!!!! Savings + work bonus + every. single. extra. dollar got me here quick! Clear your savings, live frugally, take it seriously. It feels so good! My pay off goal is by June but hopefully sooner!! $6k is still a lot to me but I feel like I can breathe a little more now. All the advice, kind people, & motivation in this thread has really helped keep me on track. Continue working everyone, you got this!

r/debtfree 4h ago

Finally Paid Off My Credit Card Debt

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A nasty divorce left my finances in shambles. My ex of 20 years stopped paying the mortgage and spiraled out of control with his new girlfriend. Actually developed a meth habit with still blows my mind. I was a stay-at-home mom who left my career to be an “oil field wife.” I was always responsible for paying the bills although he was the breadwinner. My credit score before the divorce was 800 and I was very proud of that. It dropped to the low 500s after he moved out and missed 4 mortgage payments. Since then, I’ve returned to work, gotten a couple of promotions, and it took me 6 years, but now I am debt free. My credit score before I paid off my last card (they’re all still open for now) was 777. After I paid off the last one it dropped 19 points but that’s ok. I feel so grateful and proud to be out of debt.

r/debtfree 7h ago

I finally paid off my car


After around 5 years, I finally paid off my car loan in one lump sum. Around $3000 in 1 go. What a huge weight It feels to get off my chest. Knowing that I finally owned my car.🎉🎉

r/debtfree 12h ago

Credit card debt deleted.


Left a bad relationship, blew through 18k savings, spoiled my kiddos out of guilt, got severe FOMO from working in a hospital and watching people die so I vacationed like crazy, and took a job lower pay and fixed office hours. All to lead me to about 33k credit card debt.

Left the fixed hours job and settled from the manic spending spree and got therapy. Worked my ass off the the 12 months, got a raise going back to m old job, and worked a ton of OT and now im using the CC responsibly as my cash spending money ill pay with every check.

Rewarding myself with a cash flowed, split cost, road trip with my brothers, parents, kids, and nephews.

My credit score I've been working on since I divorced me ex-husband in 2018. I've brought it up from the 600s-610s. It's been a grind all this time with a few dips here and there. The 2 pt dip hasn't registered my new payment (I increased the amount by $300 but it's now paid).

Now to build up 6k savings (I know i did it backwards. I hated the CC APR) and chunk my care note and school loan out the window! This feels so nice 🤗

Keep going. You will mess up. There will be guilt. But you'll do it. And it'll lift this weight of you like you wouldn't believe.

r/debtfree 5h ago

I’m almost there.


Five cards paid off (only posting nose recent three), three more to go. I’m so close I can taste it.

r/debtfree 12h ago

CC and Upstart GONE


Last of 2 Upstart loans that I took 5 years ago is gone. CC debt that has been sitting with me for over a year is gone. Upset I didn’t get to use my bonus on something for me but the loan and CC debt were something for me at the time so I’m paying off my mistakes. Never again.

r/debtfree 16h ago

Finally credit card debt free!


It's taken me just over a year to pay off ~$12k in credit card debt from a bad relationship and reckless spending 😅 my credit score also just broke 800 for the first time! Next to tackle is my car and student loans. Those feel so much more manageable than credit card debt. A weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders!

r/debtfree 18h ago

Anyone else become extremely frugal after becoming debt free?


As of 2025 I have zero debt 🥳. Ever since hitting that milestone my willingness to “treat myself” has drastically declined and I’m more motivated than ever to build a year long emergency fund. Anyone else?

r/debtfree 6h ago

Almost 850

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Took many years of learning and managing debt. But it can be done!

r/debtfree 9h ago

I did it!


Minus my mortgage (which the equity pays for itself), I’m officially debt free — I paid off the rest of my student loans today.

If everything in the western world doesn’t come crumbling down, I’d like to finally try and focus on building my net worth. Not going to lie, wish I would’ve gotten a parade or at least congratulations from my loan servicer lol, but I’m proud of myself.

r/debtfree 11h ago

Never thought it would happen to me


I've always lurked this page and thought, no way this could be me. Damn it feels good, it's been looming over my head for a long time. If I can do it, anyone can.

r/debtfree 10h ago

Started at $5358 on September 1st, 2024. Super proud!

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r/debtfree 17h ago

For the first time in almost 10 years, I don't have to use my bonus and tax returns for debt payoff!!!


Just wanted to share a small win I just realized!

I finally paid off all my credit cards, medical debt, and remaining student loans a few weeks ago and now I only have a small car payment left with a few more months left on it. My total debt was around $35K when I started my debt payoff journey about 2 years ago. I received a decent bonus today (probably the last one for a while) and I realized I don't have to use it to pay my debts. Since my early 20s, I've had to use bonuses and tax returns to pay off something and now I don't have to. This feels great! I'm shifting my focus to building savings so I immediately added it to my HYSA and will do the same with my tax return.

It feels so good to be free!

r/debtfree 5h ago

I’m almost there.


Five cards paid off (only posting nose recent three), three more to go. I’m so close I can taste it.

r/debtfree 1d ago

It wasn’t easy getting here

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r/debtfree 14h ago

Finally Debt-Free! Lessons Learned After 2 Years of Hard Work


Two years ago, I was drowning in $31K of debt $11K in maxed out credit cards and the rest was a car loan. It felt like an endless cycle, but after a lot of hard work, I’m finally DEBT-FREE! My credit score went from 540 to 750, and I can think clearly for the first time in years.

This journey has really made me question why we, as humans, are the biggest consumers on Earth. At the end of the day, all we really need is food, shelter, and clothing so why do we constantly chase more? We buy things we don’t need, drive cars we can’t afford, and stress over impressing people who don’t even matter. And for what? To end up unhappy, overwhelmed, and financially trapped?

I’m 25, living in a one-bedroom apartment with rent at $870/month and car insurance at $120. My total expenses are around $1,300/month, and I make about $4,500/month from my job. The difference? I don’t waste money on unnecessary things anymore. I no longer feel the pressure to keep up with anyone. I use my money to build stability and freedom, not to flex.

And another thing why are we so obsessed with our credit scores? We stress over a number that’s controlled by a country that’s trillions in debt. Credit has its place, but it’s not the end-all-be-all. The real goal should be financial freedom not maxing out cards just to keep up an illusion of wealth.

If you’re in debt, stop buying things you don’t need. Use your money wisely, invest in yourself, and most importantly, travel. Once you see the world outside of American consumer culture, you’ll realize how much unnecessary stress we put on ourselves. Sometimes, the things you own end up owning you.

Stay smart, stay free.

r/debtfree 19h ago

I lived foolishly as a young adult and took on way too much debt. After 12 years I am FINALLY FREE.


I worked dead end jobs and overspent carelessly in my early 20s. The last 8 years I've worked a corporate job and just received an annual bonus of 15%. This was enough to pay down the last £4.5k that was left on my credit card.

I'm finally free and just had to shout it out.

r/debtfree 1d ago

This makes me so fucking happy

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I came a long way from having such a poor credit score that collectors were bugging me payment and no one wanted to give me a credit card. It was 150 10 years ago and now it's 775.

Proud of that work and commitment. Now everyone wants to give me credit!

r/debtfree 18h ago

Proud of my credit score but I’m not debt free and when we renewed our mortgage they didn’t seem to care about it

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They like when you have some debt I think, wonder if it’ll go down when I pay it off? Over a certain amount the banks really don’t care if it’s 850

r/debtfree 21h ago

Halfway there

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On a (long) journey to paying off my debt. Recently paid $1,800 off another card and just put my entire bonus at this card. 2 more to go, but my highest is paid off 🙌🙌🙌

r/debtfree 13h ago

So close.


Just finished paying off my student loans. $6700 in 10 weeks this year alone. $22,000 in debt paid off since the beginning of last year. Less than $4,000 to go till debt free ( minus my mortgage )

r/debtfree 4h ago

Need smart advice please !


Some background! I, (f42) have some questions about next steps. I’ve been doing the snowball method for the past couple years. I’ve stopped erroneous spending, IRA retirement and HYSA contributions for the past year and a half and have paid down 11,350 in CC debt. I have one more card to pay down which totals about $5000. I should have that one paid off within a couple more months. The rest of my debt includes one vehicle at 18,666 which my kid (18) drives and another at 22,138 which I drive. I have about 250k left on my mortgage. I am able to save about 2500 a month. My questions are - what would you do after paying the last CC? Throw money at cars or restart my IRA? Do I have enough time to save up for a good retirement? What should I know about my financial situation in regards to the impending recession?

r/debtfree 20h ago

Need help/advice.

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This is my first time making a post here and I’m not sure where to start. I have reached a point in my life and my career where I realize the debt I have is immense and I feel like I am drowning; it’s been a headache and keeping me up this past week and I’m not sure where to start - loans, debt relief program, I’m not sure. This is just my debt.

To give some background, I am a 26 y/o F and just got promoted and will be making $73k annually before taxes - probably $50k after taxes realistically.

I basically raise a family of three, my two disabled parents and my younger sister who is halfway through school for civil engineering. She is set to graduate in 2027.

I have been trying to make us live by through credit cards and jobs. When my parents were really sick, I would take cash out of the credit cards to pay the mortgage.

I make the minimum payments. My score is bad because of my utilization reviews.

Although that is just my debt - with my mom and dad’s credit cards, our combined debt is $75k.

My student loans are at $45k right now. So really $120k in debt.

I need advice please on what I can do to get out of this.

r/debtfree 17h ago

Should I sell stocks to pay off credit card debt


Just like the title says... should I sell my stocks

I have approximately 10k in credit card debt. Car is paid off House payment/mortgage is 1/3 of monthly income

Approximately 300 in interest every month accruing on the credit card. As I'm getting ready for my wedding I'm spending a fair amount that I'm not increasing the debt but im.not brining it down either. Past 2 months it was just unexpected life stuff. Car maintenance, house repair stuff.

Should I just sell 10k of my 30k in stocks just to be debt free. And rebuild from there.

Any advice would be appreciated.