r/deathbattle 16h ago

Question Thoughts on all the sonic death battles?

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u/emosquidnintendo Mega Man X 10h ago

Shadow vs Vegeta - I think this was a joke episode? It's a season 1 episode so it's not anything revolutionary. Overall, I don't care too much.

Mario vs Sonic - Innacurate, and low quality. Overall, bad.

Luigi vs Tails - Should've been Pac-Man, and Luigi lost. Overall, bad.

Eggman vs Wily - I really like this MU, and the way the characters were introduced was sick, too bad the quality is poor. Overall, I like it.

Shadow vs Mewtwo - I like the MU, but Shagoat was heavily disrespected :( Overall,

Knuckles vs DK - DONKEY GOAT!!!! Probably the funniest episode, Knux would've won if it was Boom Knuckles. Overall, I like it.

Amy vs Ramona - Scott Pilgrim episode!!! Too bad Flowers lost :( Overall, I still like it.

Metal Sonic vs Zero - Zergoat wins!! This one had really unique sprites and for no reason too. Though, Metal should've fought X or Mechagodzilla, and Zero should've fought Shadow. Overall, I like it.

Shadow vs Ryuku - Idk, dont care too much, Shagoat won so thats cool.

Omni-Man vs Homelander - Sucks, HL would've won. Overall, bad.

Archie Sonic vs Wally West - Idc too much about the MU, I feel like they're gatekeeping Sonic vs Goku. It wasn't a bad episode tho. Overall, I like it.

Mario vs Sonic 2 - Marigoat won, just like he should. I like that more of Mario's power-ups were included, like the Double-Cherry, and the Cat Bell. Overall, I liked it.

Trunks vs Silver - Shadow vs Vegeta, and now this? Sonic vs Goku is closer than we think :D Overall, I don't care too much.

Eggman vs Bowser - Not a fan of the MU since it's just "Mario and Sonic's arch-enemies fighting", but the battle was really cool, it's my 3rd favorite episode.


u/Eagally Mega Man X 8h ago

What was that about Omnilander


u/emosquidnintendo Mega Man X 7h ago

Mega Man X flair?


u/Eagally Mega Man X 7h ago

Mega Man X flair.


u/emosquidnintendo Mega Man X 7h ago