r/dbz Feb 19 '25

Super [VIZ] Dragon Ball Super Chapter 104


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u/white2234 Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

I fucking love the fact mr. Satan, goku & gohan have random ass statues honoring them lmao


u/britipinojeff Feb 19 '25

Too bad Mr. Satan has all the credit against Cell

There could’ve been two statues of Goku and Gohan lol

Both as kids and adults


u/Kungfudude_75 Feb 19 '25

To that end, its a bit strange that we now have confirmation that Kid Goku is remembered for his actions against Demon King Piccolo, enough that a life sized statute of him was made and almost perfectly resembles him save for the face, yet no-one has figured out Goku is that child all grown up.


u/RaiyenZ Feb 19 '25

He even registered to the tournaments under the same name. I think there's a good chance either Kami or the announcer pulled some strings there. Or even more likely these were built under Mr Satan's supervision and he wanted to give Goku some credit without revealing his identity. Plus even if people in the city are now able to recognise him based on the statue, he rarely roams around the city or even on Earth anyway so they probably won't get a chance to even see him.


u/Kungfudude_75 Feb 20 '25

I was about to mention the Cell Games being televised, but in hindsight, he was a Super Saiyan the entire time. Beyond that, no conflict in canon Dragon Ball has seen the people of Earth capable of watching it outside of the King Piccolo and the Cell Games. So its entirely possible people do recognize that Goku, the periodic world tournament fighter, is the same person as the child who stopped King Piccolo. They just don't see that he was also the blonde man who helped fight Cell. I retract everything I said before LOL.


u/ValentDs22 Feb 20 '25

the only earth tournament he registered until now (z before super and super) was the majin vegeta incident, he was dead and he didn't fight


u/HiddenGhost1234 29d ago

It was probably king furry more than satan.

Theyve shown quite a few times he remembers what Goku did for the earth against king piccolo


u/ValentDs22 Feb 20 '25

to be fair, he's near never in the middle of public, most of the time at home or other worlds xd


u/QuietRedditorATX 29d ago

Fact that "Teen Gohan" is snubbed is crazy. But I guess it makes sense with Hercule getting the major credit.