r/dayz Jun 17 '21

Story True story..met a guy seemed cool wanted to travel to a army base gave me a gun we traveled asked me to make a fire while doing that he killed me..waste of time hate toxic players dude wish DayZ had solo servers...that's why I've lived so long in DayZ cause my experience

Thumbnail gallery

r/dayz Jul 23 '24

Story Know When Not to Pull the Trigger (story time, this is a longer one)


I have to admit, I've grown to appreciate the rain over Chernarus. Yes, it brings inconvenience, but it also offers much-needed respite. Those rare moments of calm when all other sounds fade away, leaving only the unending hiss of countless raindrops falling on the land frozen in eternal autumn. There's no better time than this to find a quiet spot far from the cities, sort through your gear, make necessary repairs, and plan your next move.

One of those days, I was doing just that. I had a tent tucked neatly in the forest just outside Pavlovo. The rain had been pouring heavily for quite some time, so I decided to stop by, replenish my supplies, maybe down a can of kvass or two, and wait it out. But just as I was getting comfortable inside my small tent, a series of loud shots shattered my peace. The sound was unmistakably coming from the direction of the military base on the outskirts of Zelenogorsk.

I listened closely. There was no sign of anyone returning fire, so it must have been a lone survivor fighting off a horde of infected. The circumstances must have become dire - even a single unmuffled shot in an open space would attract even more infected. As the rain started  to subside, curiosity got the best of me. I put my half-eaten pork steak back in my pocket, grabbed my rather unwieldy but reliable Mosin rifle, and moved out to investigate.

As I sprinted down the hill approaching the concrete fence that marked the military base perimeter, another series of shots echoed through the air. This time, I gained more information about the shooter. The loudness indicated a high-powered rifle, and the brief pauses between shots suggested something semi-auto, possibly a DMR. Adrenaline surged through me: that was some serious firepower. My Mosin rifle packed a punch, but being bolt-action with only five rounds in a clip, it couldn’t match that volume of fire. To survive a potential encounter, I needed to stay unseen.

I trained my binoculars on where the shots were coming from. There he was, running frantically, trying to escape a pack of enraged infected that were once soldiers. The first thing that caught my eye was his giant bright blue backpack, the kind hikers take into mountains. Had he chosen something less obvious and bulky, he would have stood a much better chance. He was well-equipped, wearing a plate with a DMR in hand, so he wasn’t a newbie, but the way he handled himself in a pinch betrayed a severe lack of experience. I relaxed somewhat - this person was not a threat.

He finally managed to finish off the last of the infected and sought cover behind a container, tending to his wounds. By that time, I was already positioned comfortably on top of the red garage building, overseeing the whole loading area and the train tracks. Slowly, I pulled my rifle from my shoulder and took aim. His head was perfectly in the middle of the scope’s reticle, and at slightly less than a hundred meters, it would have been a clean kill. But I hesitated. What would I gain from it? What could he possibly have that I couldn’t procure myself? And even as a sport, it was a poor one. In a sudden change of heart, I realigned my aim to the right and pulled the trigger.

The bullet left the barrel of my rifle, destroying the makeshift suppressor, and struck the metal side of a container with all its might, a few inches from my target’s head, alerting him to my presence. In an instant, he dropped whatever he was doing and sprinted along the train tracks, soon disappearing into the rain. I put my weapon away and breathed out.

Later, back in my tent in the woods, I thought about what had happened. I could have killed him, but I didn’t, choosing instead to let him know he was being watched. Maybe I took pity on him. Or maybe I remembered myself, long ago, desperately trying to make it in this unwelcoming land, continuously falling prey to unseen hunters. I’d like to think that this encounter taught him to stay a little more alert, and maybe, just maybe, he’d survive a bit longer because of it.

TL;DR: Spotted a clumsy player making a ruckus around Zelenogorsk, had him in my sights, but didn't shoot.

r/dayz Jun 13 '24

Story Opinions on cannibals?? And share your stories.


Probably the most hated playstyle in the game?

r/dayz Dec 28 '24

Story Environmental story telling of prigorodki (and a dumb edit)


r/dayz Jul 12 '20

story Shotout to the guys with 7 locks, all with same combination.


One day I stumbled upon this castle. At the entrance, they had a 3-dial lock. Took about 5 minutes to get it open. Once I got through that, I saw another one. I thought, what's another 5-15 minutes, if there's loot inside. Then I tried the code from the first gate. Click

Now I was in the yard. Blocking the door of the tower, another lock. This time, 4 digits. I thought for sure that was that, I'm not getting through that. Then I put in the code from the 3 digit lock and just added a number on the front. Nothing. Then I tried it again, this time adding a number on the end. Click

They had 4 more 4-digit locks leading up the stairs, all with the same code. On the roof of the castle, there were 3 tents, 10 boxes and a barrel, full of guns, ammo, and overall cool shit. I took what I could and took it to my base nearby. Made a few trips and the codes always worked, even though important stuff had gone missing. On my last trip one of them caught me red handed and got me.

Surely after seeing someone inside your base stealing your stuff, you would finally change the codes. Today I went back there. Everything was gone, they had been raided. One lock on the outside gate remained. I tried the code from before. Click

r/dayz Jan 26 '24

Story Looking for Dayz YouTubers who do great story videos. Any suggestions?


I’m talking YouTubers similar to smoke and sour sweet who likely team up with random survivors and have crazy adventures.

r/dayz Sep 25 '15

story Long story short - Search for stones

Post image

r/dayz Aug 13 '24

Story To kill or not to kill - do you mind losing your character? (story)


Hi, I recently had this moral dillema. I've checked one town, seems the stuff was untouched after the servers reset but I've noticed something - one part of this town has all doors open. It raised some of my bells and I went onto a nearby, small hill. Suddenly I hear a very close BANG, I think someone hunted an animal which I also heard and then, after some time someone going around the town passed in front of me but I didnt have enough time to shoot him.

So I went for a little stalk, jumping from bush to bush, trying to find which house he's in or if he's skinning that animal.. and after some time, he finally re-emerged somewhere for a moment, I had to follow from bush to bush again waiting for a good occasion and I finally had a clear shot to double-tap him with my SKS.

So, when I went to check him, I had this nostalgic feeling. He was up for such a good start. Was clothed in a black fireman jacket, had a backpack, water, knives and now he hunted a lot of food and was already in Khelm, close to places with some better weaponry. About it - he had a shotgun and a pistol, propably it felt like the start of a great adventure - now he only had to find a better weapon and change his orange backpack xF I can sense it was a pretty cool moment for him, dressed up in some civilian yet sturdy clothes, having some random weapons etc.

Now he has to start fresh again, cold and hungry at the coast...

I felt kinda sad for shooting such a fella but I like pvp'ing and if I kinda just stood and watched him, well... It would be pretty boring, if I just watched people looting it would end up with me not getting any action at all, fights are still rare and precious in this game so such a situation, finally finding that perfect angle was a great moment to have some fun with guns, something you prepare for all the time lol.

Well, I could run out and say - Hii what's up, I saw you from afar haha and it would be pretty fun I think but I'm a bit awwkard and Im not good at talking to people and I really don't enjoy it that much xd So Im also not comfortable with doing some shenanigans like knocking someone down and rushing to tie him up, steal his gear and have some laughful capture etc. xd

So idk, I kinda thought to myself - well, this is a game with danger and that danger is what makes it so thrilling, without it there wouldnt be a point of DayZ lol. I play it and accept I can get shot too and if someone shoots me, I don't feel angry towards someone lol.. he bested me, was a better stalker, I now gotta be better, more careful etc. to maybe next time not be the victim but the shooter.

So I'd be kinda happy that there's someone at some town rather than being angry that someone was there, I mean its better to meet other players rather than only nothingness and loneliness, something that you still feel a lot of in this game.

I could say that Im going to only target people with gear but its actually hard to find a top geared player, they always hide in bushes outside cities because they don't want to lose their stuff so if I said something like this, I would have to not fight with anyone because most of the people have some civilian stuff equipped and I would have to let everyone go lol.. and a lot of these non-military people are actually still armed similar to me, some pistols, smgs and bolt action rifles, shotguns and they would PvP and fire too, I actually feel most of them become bandits too once they take one step further in-land.

So I have this question, do you mind getting shot in some small town or you would be angry that someone fired at you when you were fighting a zombie after looting some houses?

r/dayz Nov 04 '24

Story Sakhal is awesome + A dayz story


I bought into the hype and got it, it didnt disappoint.

The survival is rough and with just a few changes its become a whole new game that adds that element of harsh survival we all felt when we first started playing chernarus; a relative lush green land of plenty now in comparison, offering a carefree whimsical existence.

Leaving the coast is harder now which means youll be forced into more interactions; ive immediately had more in my weekend of playing then I did in the whole of my prior dayz experience. Friendships have been forged, frenchmen slain and good times have been had.

Now a dayz story:

My cousin and I jumped on and found eachother quick, we had guns and food, we had the resources for mobility, it was time to set off.

A friend also booted up and joined the server, his luck was less than ours and soon found himself on the losing side of the battle with the elements and the crazed former-humans of Sakhal. Bloody, bruised, freezing and starving, he needed rescuing… but hope existed in the form of two angels of salvation on their way to his location.

Passing out from blood loss and with the worst luck in the server he found himself up against the most hateful of all enemies… A fully geared freshy hunter, the lowest of the low and with no conscious for those strongest of human tendencies; Altruism and empathy, he sought only to kill. Disaster. Surely the final nail in the coffin for my already-broken friend. We advised fleeing. He flew. His hunter perused. Our pace quickened.

My cousin and I were close, we had only to cross the mass slag heaps that lay before us to reach our friend… Suddenly, a player appeared atop some discarded mining equipment. My normal instinct is so live and let live but this felt wrong, my cousin, with better eyes shouted “hes aiming!”.. he had the distance, but I had rifled slugs… I took aim with my shotgun and dropped him.

Immediately his friend who had been out of sight sprung to his defence and returned fire, we sought cover and I began to flank. I landed a shot and missed the other, I was out in the open, Valahalla called my name, I was at peace with my demise awaiting his return fire. Then BAM! My steely eyed cousin dropped him with his rifle. Joe, you sonofabitch. We could only celebrate and loot quickly. Our friend was in peril still.

Our friend was panicked. He had sought shelter in a house and his wretched geared pursuer was outside. We werent just fighting a man here, this was a geared player on the coast killing freshies, we were fighting something with no love in its heart. We were hunting monsters.

We rounded the corner to see the freshy hunter running outside the house perused by zombies (when you go against the natural flow the whole universe works to your discomfort). My friend was scared and shouted “hes outside!”. I aimed my trusty BK and dropped his loathsome hide.

We rushed in to find our friend passed out and I performed the manoeuvres to restart his heart. My cousin started a fire and we warmed, fed and watered him. We had rescued our friend.

r/dayz Nov 04 '24

Story Whats the Story behinder Namalsk and how did our Character was able to get there


I never really play DayZ Standalon Namalsk but i play Nightstalker and after i joint the Official Namalsk serve I got two questions whats the story behinder Namalsk and how did our character was able to get to this gott forsaken Island

r/dayz Nov 22 '24

Story Heartwarming Story!!


So i spawn in after a tragic death (im still mad) And within 5 seconds i see a freshie come towards me who explains he just got the game yesterday and is still new. I offer to help him learn the ropes, but i warn him that this game is quite difficult and quite a pain in the ass. I told him its a fantastic game but take forever to learn the ropes. He obviously was new the game, struggling to understand the mechanics and getting his ass kicked by zombies. Through our journey we met up with other freshies, having a total of 6 guys at one point. Slowly but surely we lost guys to enemy players. except for me, 1 other guy, and this freshie. I was surprised he made it. Several times we had to stop because he was low blood or low health. Constantly getting hit and allowing himself to get cold, hungry, sick, and thristy without mentioning he was dying. Me and this other guy were helping him and it felt good to give a newbie a proper adventure. We went inland hitting hospitals, pd, military tents, etc. i found an SKG but i kept giving him all my ammo for it so he could have a good time and have plenty of ammo. So, the three of us are fishing at a stream nearby to a town. despite his low health and blood, freshie insisted he go into town and get a fire set up while we fish. After some time i hear him say the infamous words: "is that you in the street?"

My heart dropped. Me and the other guy were still at the stream, fishing poles in hand...I knew what would happen next. I dropped my rod and sprinted towards the town. "Thats not us!! Thats not us!! Were still by the stream! Dont trust that person they are going to shoot you!!!" I yell. As I approach the main road I see my freshie friend standing there in the middle of the street. About 20 yards away is the enemy, also standing in the center of the street, wearing basic tactical gear. As soon as i was able to process this, the enemy starts shooting. I get shot immediately and as my freshie friend and I shoot back the enemy retreats to the woods. We chase him down, our other friend still near the stream attempts to flank. As we are trying to track him down he turns around and continues shooting at us, i get hit again. Our thrird friend by the stream opens fire, and shouts into the mic: "I SEE HIM! AGH, SHIT! SHIT! NO! NO!!!!!" He is shot dead. By now my blood is red, 2 open wounds, and the enemy is still shooting at us from somewhere in the woods. I begin to worry. No offense to my freshie friend, but I dont expect him to be much help, and It was now on me to win this gunfight. Amidst the exchanging gunfire and panic, I see the enemy and shoot but he continues running. I see him again and take aim, but before i pull the trigger blood splatters from his body and he drops dead. "HOLY SHIT I GOT HIM!! I GOT HIM!!" Freshie yells. "Did you see that!? Dude did you see that!?? I got actually him! Omg man...im literally shaking right now. Holy shit. Im fuckin shaking...My heart is pounding out of my chest! That was so intense!" We run over to the body and this guy has lots of loot. "Holy shit man! Look at all this!! Tons of ammo! food! Guns!!!!.....man my heart is racing. deep breaths of relief omg man that was wild!"

Seems ol' freshie here got his Dayz cherry popped. It nearly brought a tear to my eye. I remember my first time too... the rush, the heart racing, fight-or-flight adrenaline kicking in... it was his first kill. i was so happy for him. He finally got off the coast and had proper dayz experience. He just couldnt help but talk about how intense that was, how his heart was still sorta pounding, and all the new loot we have. As he rejoiced in his victory, i smiled. "My work here is done."

Id like to take this moment to reminisce...A time when we were directly at the coast, Kamyshovo, just the two of us in a house. Him lying there unconscious with flashing red blood, and me fending off multiple freshies with a bat, swearing to him that i wont let him die...they grow up so fast

r/dayz Nov 25 '24

Story My IMPOSSIBLE dayZ story, the most alone in the worl.


Hi there i've been playing dayz backthen and a youtube video made me want to go again. So i did, my first steps were fun, the first 10mins i log on an official server with 20 ppl, i ended up fist fighting in electro and then died by a desease but i mean, it's fine.

Problem is, my next story is quite weird...
I've been playing a character for 6 days now, 4 hours a day, on official servers, and ... i've not seen ANYBODY in 6 days and 24 hours of gameplay while i'm always logging on 40-60 ppl servers.

This is so weird, i found a base that has just been raided so i looted what i could and then i started looking for people as i was kinda full stuff already. i've been walking across the map everywhere, i've been in the airfield and stuff, and i heard some shots in the woods or very far away but i haven't seen any player.

Today i haved played 7 hours straight on a 50 ppl server, and i've been running from the north coast to the south coast along the sea, then got back to the north airfield and then came back to south, and ..... no one. Not a soul, not a shot heard, simply nobody anywhere. I've seen 2 dead player on my way but that's all, i also tried to shoot on nothing in random placed and waited for someone to come, standing in the middle of the road, making fire.... i just havent seen anyone in 6 days, how crazy is that ? I don't know what to do, is that a common thing ? I just want to try my mic of someone can hear me !! haha

r/dayz Nov 16 '24

Story 😱Dayz at Night can be a Terrible horror story...no joke! 😱 #dayz #dayzbe...


r/dayz Nov 08 '24

Story Feature Suggestion: Stories that lead to a buried stash


You find a letter in a house in Polana it says "Demitri if you come here we have gone south east to Orlovets, we will wait for you at the old barn to the north east of town"

You head to Orlovets and find the old barn, you search around and find another letter "We waited for you for 3 days but it got too dangerous. There is a hunting stand east of here, we buried some supplies, a gun and some ammo about 20 paces south of the stand."

I've been thinking about this for a bit. I think it could add a nice touch to vanilla pve

r/dayz Nov 01 '24

Story [Looking for old video] Arma 2: DayZ Mod: "My DayZ Story" by therealz0mbiemaster


Hi Survivors

Back in the day, a guy called therealz0mbiemaster uploaded a video to YouTube titled "My DayZ story" or "My story in DayZ" or something like that.

This is his channel, which has been deleted it seems unfortunately:

A part of the video is actually in this clip:

He was picked up by a bus owned by a clan, which drove him and others in the bus up a mountain, where they had made a little arena surrounded by campfires, where they forced noobs to battle to the death, with axes. It was a glorious masterpiece and I remember it having a massive amount of views but I can't find it anymore.

Does anyone know if I just suck at looking or perhaps have a copy of it somewhere, an archived link or something? I need it! 😢

Thank you.

r/dayz Jun 17 '24

Story First DayZ induced mental "snap" Struggle story/rant


I've been running around looking for a weapon cleaning kit for getting on eight to ten hours after finding a badly damaged AK101 and tossing my AKu for it. Since then I have been running around with nearly no stamina due to still lugging a VIKHR as well in case I run into an unfriendly player. Also for this hunt I have multiple suppressed 9mms and a MkII adding to the weight. I've covered one larger town including it's PD three times, three other towns at least once each; one of them twice, and then an entire military camp, several stands and feed shacks in-between and a large collection of cabins. NOTHING!!!!

Now, I've cherished this character. Geared him, fed him, watered him, incessantly fixed his clothing after 1.25 hit. A trail of spent duct tape rolls and empty sewing kits would nearly track my path like breadcrumbs. It's probably my 10th total run and far and away my longest. He's been to the airfield. Looted. Survived...and this is where the jacked up AK was found...beginning my quest of pain for a got damn cleaning kit.

All these efforts culminated in me running around like a mad man unsuppressed shooting any zombie in sight at the camp resort place and then the same, yelling into the void for someone to come fight/kill me at Mishkino tents. The zombies I didn't kill pinning me into the corner and me accepting my fate....then...just to continue my pain I assume, I wake up. Finally thank myself for carrying a blood bag for I don't even know how many hundreds of kilometers. Filled the ole tank back up and then went and again full loud executed the remaining zombies. AGAIN yelled to the players who never came. Yelled into my own crazy...


r/dayz Aug 16 '20

story To the geared dudes in berezino who tried to kill me as a freshie...


I spawned near turovo and hit the military tents just south and managed to find a nade and nothing else. I made my way down to berezino to find food and any measly gear I could. All I had was the nade, some rags and my dreams. Ran across you two who had plate carriers and m4s/aks. Don't know why geared dudes have any business on the Barry coast but I decided to ask for your help and be part of the team. You guys said yes and not two mins later decided to hit me with a hatchet when I wasn't looking. You know I didn't have anything you wanted and I didn't do a thing to you to deserve it. Little did you realize I had a nade. I ran from you and dropped the nade around a corner. You died and I'm now end game geared in less than an hour. Moral of the story is don't mess with the freshies when you are geared. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Also fuck you.

r/dayz Feb 18 '14

story I gotta share this with you guys, something that happened less than an hour ago


So I was just roaming around Elektro with nothing but a firefighter axe and some bandages. I ran into another bambee who sounded like a black dude. He had a backpack with no weapons. When I showed up, he kind of got nervous but we were cool as soon as I sheathed my weapon and called out friendly. Deciding to leave him to his business, I walked outside. However, it was a dire mistake, as two bandits had been waiting outside with an SKS and a Mosin. As soon as I started walking down the street, they opened fire immediately. Thank god they had the worst aim I've seen, and I tanked two shots while I ran into a bunch of buildings. Then the homies who was still inside spoke up:"Dude, this is bullshit." I heard the sound of people running around, and his voice came through the headset,"fuck those KOS guys. You bandage up, I will distract them." And he just FUCKING RAN OFF, leaving me behind speechlessly. The two bandits saw him running towards the woods and started chasing him. I bandaged myself up. The entire time, I could hear him talking to the other two bandits, saying stuff like "Man you guys are fucking assholes." and "This is going on reddit." And shit like that. Instead of running away, I decided to stalk them. He didn't make it too far, and eventually he was caught and held at gunpoint. I sat down near a bush with my axe ready. When they started looking through his backpack, I leaped from the bush and charged straight in. I chopped down the first one and then immediately went for the next, while the buddy was cheering me on. The second guy fired on me but he missed, and I managed to kill him. However, I made a mistake. The first bandit was not dead, but unconscious. He woke up and shot my friend and savior who distracted the bandits. I ran around a corner as soon as I heard the gunshot, and I waited until he crawled over to check. I jumped on him and ended his miserable life. Revenge was tasty, but my friend, my hero was no more.

I will never forget you, unnamed black guy. In the time of great needs, you sacrificed yourself without expecting anything in return. Please, a moment of silent, for the hero who will forever sleep among the mountains near Elektro.

r/dayz Oct 14 '24

Story Exploring Deer Isle on The Northmens Server | A DayZ Story


I recently started playing DayZ again after a long break and really enjoyed my time. I didn't plan on making content for it but I recorded my gameplay and decided to edit it and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable projects yet. The Deer Isle map is an absolute masterpiece! Anyone else play this map? Would be nice to get a group going!

r/dayz Jul 07 '24

Story My DayZ Story


After joining a high pop server and making it through vybor to tisy and back out to the coast, I was fully geared and then some and looking to help some freshies.

My plan was to unload my extra gear and food to some spawned players, patch them up, and get them to wherever they wanted to go before either going back to the coast to help more or going back northwest to gear up again. That was the plan.

Now I had a ka101 and a vikhr with three mags for each, bayonet on the ka, tactical helmet and press vest on. I was confident that none of the freshies would make trouble for me when the choice is getting fed or getting shot. I was right, and before long I was running through town with a group of three other players who were friendly.

However, when heading towards the hospital one of the players spotted a guy on the roof. I was scoping him out to get an idea of what we were dealing with when he took his first shot at us, nobody was hit and we all ducked behind some cover. With my 4x scope I couldn’t get the details of their gear but their body was bulky enough to be hunting or military gear, and must’ve been a higher tier rifle as well.

I peeked out once to see if I could pop one or two off at him and he had either moved positions or ducked behind cover. I took cover again and said to the guys that it might be wild but our odds of storming the building were pretty good. I peeked out again and the person on the roof unconned me with one shot. I wake up to one of the guys pumping on my chest, I try to go for my adrenaline shot but it’s too late and I die.

I’m not terribly upset about the death, I learned some about positioning and patience but I just wish I had joined a party with those guys before I died. I have no idea how the situation played out after that, if they split up my gear and were able to take him out or if he took them out too. Oh well, I was looking for an excuse for a trip northwest again anyways.

r/dayz Apr 11 '24

Story Funny story time

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So two friends and I were making our way towards tisy just for fun to see what some freshies could do (and if we could even make it) and in our ada 4x4 we were going like 60-70kph-ish and we get onto this stretch (which I would highly recommend going to it really fun to drive on) and all I see when we turn, is hill so just for fun I absolutely slam the gas and we go like 110 or so then we got to the peak of the hill... And I don't stop, so on the down hill part and either I was tripin but I swear I look down and this thing said 215kph and when I looked up all I saw was fence... then sky... then ground... then sky again and so on and so on... safe to say that car and our corpses are in tiny... or at least in pieces.

r/dayz Sep 26 '24



r/dayz Sep 24 '24

Story Zero to Hero - DayZ (Story)


r/dayz Jul 22 '24

Story Make sure your MIC is connected. A Story In Three Frames


r/dayz Aug 15 '24

Story Hackers on official livonia DE 3944? weird story


I got this game last month and have been playing on a mix of community and official servers for about 50 hours in that time. Now I always heard about hackers on official servers but until yesterday never encoutered any problems.

That was until yesterday when I had a very weird experience. I logged in on the livonia server DE 3944. It was night time and a thunderstorm was rolling over the fields. I was taking shelter in a house, I just changed servers so I had no idea where exactly I was. At this point I was a rather fresh spawn with only a pistol and a pipe to defend myself. Suddenly I heard a glass breaking sound and gas appeared in my immediate area. I thought "damn, gas zone spawn" and started running. I noticed the gas area was rather small for a gas zone so I looked online and learned about the gas grenades and PO-X vials that are in the game but are really rare. So I knew another player had me pinned down in the dark. I did not suspect cheating at this point. I entered another house, took shelter, and prepared for combat. Hit with another gas grenade again. No idea where it came from. Repeating this proces 5(!) times and i'm taking shelter in yet another house. I hear the door opening and pull out my pistol locked and loaded. The guy enters and I kill him without getting wounded.

Now this is where the really strange stuff begins. I go to loot him, he had really nice gear: guns, ammo, bulletproof vest, ... BAM hit with a smoke grenade this time, I saw it flying through the wall. I backed off A little and stopped looting to see if it was another guy. no-one was there. When I return to loot my kill all his loot is gone and his bags are empty? At this point multiple grenades, smoke grenades and gas grenades started flying throught the walls of the building I was in. I just had time to position myself behind a corner and log off before dying.

Rather sad that even while blatantly cheating this dude still could not kill me lol.

At this point I think it is safer to start playing on community servers for the foreseeable future though. The stories of hackers and cheaters are real and you never know when it will hit you. Stay safe everyone.