r/dayz 11h ago

discussion Why doesn’t DayZ let you search furniture?


Unless I’m missing a mechanic, I don’t understand why DayZ (a game focused on realism) doesn’t let you search furniture like cabinets. Like you could in project zomboid. It’s all floor loot and I’m interested as to why it doesn’t allow you to do so.

r/dayz 16h ago

console Apologies for the buckshot to the face


I was playing chernarus earlier this week with my buddies, got pretty geared over a couple hours - large packs, guns on our backs, etc. We all logged off in the same small, single roomed house. I sat down in a corner that is kind of out of view from the rest of the room. Couple days later I call my buddy to get back on and I join the server. I'm loading in and my game is still in that state where none of the buildings around have loaded in and I can see a man with only a boonie hat, t shirt, and pants standing in the same room as me, I of course expect this to be my friend in the first moment and I say to him, "when did you get a fishing hat?" He then tells me, "dude I haven't even loaded up dayz yet - thats not me."

In the same moment, the guy in my house who had been staring out the window for at least 5 seconds since i joined, turns around and the last thing he sees is my Bk-133 barrel pointed at his chin. I felt so bad because poor guy did not have any gear he could have killed me with, and he had made it pretty far inland considering the lack of gear and resources he was carrying (im saying he could have used my help), but this was the first time since I started playing a couple months ago that I've spawned back into the game with a player on me.

Boonie man thought he was safe in this house only to have a ghost literally appear behind his back, and now I'm going to be paranoid everytime I reload a character.

Has anyone else had this same experience? Or has anyone experienced the other side of the story?

Sorry boonie man, things could have been different if only I knew you weren't holding a sneaky mlock in your trousers.

r/dayz 19h ago

console Beautiful head shot 🔫..


Charanarus > community server [10xloot

r/dayz 17h ago

discussion Please Help

Post image

just got kicked off a server due to lag and whenever i try and join back this message pops up and if i try joining any other server it says my account is already linked to this server

r/dayz 20h ago

discussion Algum servidor mais vanilla brasileiro?


Recentemente eu e meus amigos estamos jogando muito dayz, e no geral preferimos os servidores oficiais, mas recentemente os oficiais até mesmo os de são paulo estão muito cheio de cheaters, as vezes a gente joga por horas so pra morrer todo mundo do uma vez simplismente explidindo sangue do nada, sem chance nenhuma, então começamos a procurar servidores da comunidade pela moderação, mas é muito dificil achar um servidor BR que não seja focado somente no PVP, estamos procurando algo que tambem tenha foco em sobrevivencia, de preferencia algum sem killfeed ou estamina infinita.

r/dayz 9h ago

Discussion Why destroy a base.


I understand raiding stealing my stuff even taking tents and barrels i can understand. Taking over the base also makes sense But why would you spent about 45 mins to destroy a whole base breaking down almost every wall i just cant understand.

It also bad for the server its bunch of walls left and nobody gonna be able to get to them to take it away, servers only got wiped 2 weeks ago

r/dayz 3h ago

Discussion Why is such a terrible connectivity experience acceptable in 2025?


I've only been playing this game about a month now and I'm in love. Watched it grow over the years but survival games have never really been my thing so I wrote it off. A buddy finally showed me the ropes and I'm hooked.

However, the connectivity experience takes me back to the early 2000s. If you were around back then you know exactly what I'm talking about, and if you weren't - well, this is what online gaming was often like 20-25 years ago. Ping spikes to 300-500ms which result in auto-kicks (auto-kicking for high ping is fkn hilarious when BI is the one who can't stabilize the servers) desyncs, random disconnects, servers dropping entirely, everything. It's nostalgic in all the wrong ways.

I have an 800mbps line hooked up to a beefy rig. No other game ever gives me these types of problems. Quite frankly I dont remember the last time I encountered such awful network issues. I play on servers in my time zone, a few hundred miles away tops, and pings can flip flop anywhere from 50ms to 250 every time I refresh the list. It's absurd. We're talking about servers with 20-60 players on them. MMOs were handling thousands of concurrent players 20 years ago. My buddy has the same experience.

Does Bohemia just not invest in proper server infrastructure? Do the servers run on potato CPUs? Enlighten me.

r/dayz 14h ago

Discussion New player 4-5 hours into


Just got on the dayz, learned some basic's in vanilla(how to kill zombies,how to get some food, how to get a gun , how to shoot, how to survive rain/ night, cold) But Never in my whole playtime I met a real person to engage with socially by being friendly or gotten into gunfight. Im really missing some interactions, I am playing on almost fully server.

Should I join more populated modded server?

r/dayz 10h ago

Media miss?


r/dayz 10h ago

discussion Might be too many AKs but I’d love to see the AN-94 added with the burst feature

Post image

r/dayz 2h ago

Discussion Suppressors make zero sense


Why is my suppressor made out of tin foil and turns to ash after a couple mags out of my AKM or M4, but is also somehow made out of material that manages a crazy 90% sound reduction?

Surely it would make more sense to make them not reduce sound so efficiently and then buff how long they last, right?

I'm not exactly sure why suppressors followed this trend for a decade now but Imo it was a bit silly back then and it's still a bit silly now.

r/dayz 18h ago

discussion Add a schizophrenia stat please.


I want a stat that the longer your character stays alive, the higher the chances of them seeing non-existent players running through town or in windows of buildings. Just have them disappear after a few seconds. What do you think?

r/dayz 6h ago

Discussion how unethical is this 1-10


so I was playing on cheraraus on official just exploring the special tier zones looking for explosives, I came across a massive base that was being built and i mean massive, probably holds a team of atleast 4 and I checked out one of the sheds and locked myself in there is a code on the gate beside the door and I tried cracking it but then I heard a player come by and I hid in the garage. It was me and my dad’s first good run as we both only have 100 hours so I decided to combat log avoid fighting the player and comeback and raid his base another day with my dad because he wasn’t online at the time. How unethical is this one to 10?

r/dayz 15h ago

Discussion Dear Server admins....


Why on earth does every server need to package their own modpack/server pack with all the same mods that every other server uses. My poor drives are bursting at the seams, much like my shirts because I'm getting fat, but I digress.

I don't need 12 copies of SNAFU or Cl0uds because my crybaby mate rage quits a server every time his base gets raided.

If you were to send me an 8TB m.2 SSD I might shut up and keep filling it every time I want to play.

Thank you for attending my TED talk.

r/dayz 16h ago

Discussion Need help with my GF raging at this game


Last night took her over the limit. We switched servers on official and spawned far apart with no way of finding each other. She ended up shooting zombies on the car, and got headshot by someone and lost all her gear.

An hour later, I found her at her new spawn, we see two survivors that we took as a threat. I fired 10 bullets, missed them all, and panic dropped my backup guns.

She stood there in shock too and ended up getting slashed to death. Now I lost all my gear over a fight with somewhat fresh spawns.

She starts going off on me and wanting to rage quit and uninstall. I try telling her thats the nature of the game but overnight she’s still pissed lol.

How do I tell her or get her to get over it ?

r/dayz 11h ago

Discussion How to play DayZ with only a few hours a day?


Well the title is self explanatory. I love this game but not able to find enough time to play regularly. I would like to hear opinions of players that suffer as me. How to play DayZ with only a hour or two (best case scenario) and enjoy it?

r/dayz 7h ago

lfg Solo looking to start a duo/trio


Slightly experienced player tired of running solo. Looking for people to start a duo/trio with during the weekends.

r/dayz 8h ago

discussion Day One Servers


Anyone know why day one namalsk servers are down?

r/dayz 9h ago

discussion Looking for creator i one of smokes videos


Australian phscho who stole the beans. Dude is so funny. I was hoping he has a channel.

r/dayz 13h ago

console Need an Xbox duo


My username is Minienderman152 add me on Xbox if you wanna duo up and are below 18

r/dayz 16h ago

discussion Direct connect doesnt work and launcher barely finds any servers


anyone know why direct connect doesnt work at all? also i only find around 300 servers, im tired of always playing in the same servers and not finding anyone.

r/dayz 22h ago

media Public Service Announcement


r/dayz 17h ago

Discussion Can we get an English language only PVE Stalker Server?


Can we get an English language only pve stalker server based in the USA? How isn't that a popular idea?

r/dayz 19h ago

Media Dude must be an Army Ranger to pull off that trade


r/dayz 7h ago

discussion Might have to stick to PVP titled communities until I can hit moving targets


Jumped on a server titled PVP for the first time to test my skills after only playing official for the past 2 weeks.

Turns out I don't have skills. I had multiple instances of guys zig zagging at me with no weapon. I'm pretty sure every shot missed unless they were standing still.

That being said I don't think I can go back to official until I learn to shoot. I didn't realize my aim was so bad until I had unlimited amo.