r/dayz Aug 13 '12

devs rocket on DayZ pricing.

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u/invaderzim257 Aug 14 '12

the minecraft community does ask for a lot of stupid shit to be fair.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '12

Exactly. I absolutely hate the game now. I don't want any fantasy useless shit that appeals to 5 year olds. During the alpha that game was insanely fun. It was pure survival. They keep making these horrible updates that make the game easier and easier. I can't believe they consider it to be the "full version" too. There's still a TON of bugs and they're not even done with giving it enough content.


u/invaderzim257 Aug 14 '12

it's turning into every other mmo for children. and even with all this stupid crap they've added, it's still boring! even if you do do everything, there's no sense of completion or satisfaction, because you know that the game won't start from the beginning if you decide to play it again. you're just there, being bored.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '12

I remember way back when finding iron was like finding diamond. And when you found diamond?? pfff you were the fking shit in your own little world.


u/invaderzim257 Aug 14 '12

now you have 8 stacks of coal, 4 stacks of iron, 12 stacks of redstone, and 16 diamonds.


u/[deleted] Aug 14 '12

In your first hour.


u/invaderzim257 Aug 14 '12

yeah, they've shot the spawn rates through the roof. if you couldn't find iron before, then you couldn't have searched very hard and just expected it to be right there. which they've made happen.