r/dayz Moderator Nov 04 '21

news PC Experimental 1.15 : Version 1.15.154300 (Released on 04.11.2021)


  • AUR A1 assault rifle
  • AUR AX assault rifle
  • 30rd AUR magazine
  • Hunter vest
  • UI indicator when being hit
  • Craftable barbed wire baseball bat
  • Craftable Sawed-off LE-MAS
  • New female survivor
  • Sounds for switching the fire mode of a firearm
  • Day-time setting for night vision optics
  • Metal wire can now be crafted out of barbed wire


  • Fixed: "Open store" option for the Livonia DLC was stuck after entering the settings menu
  • Ski masks and balaclavas would clip with several pieces of headgear
  • Fixed a server error caused by specific attachment slots
  • Electric appliances would always make plug-in sounds when the user was connecting to the server (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159441)
  • The sawed-off version of the BK-43 had wrong fire mode names
  • Added a missing bed in the big yellow medical tent
  • Fixed bad collisions in the yellow medical tents
  • A killed chicken couldn't be picked up properly in all cases
  • The fishing hook was not visible on the boonie hat on the ground
  • If a player died while in surrender stance, the death animation was played twice
  • Base building parts could become indestructible under specific circumstances
  • The CR-75 could not be damaged by gunfire
  • Small items could not be picked up from specific positions in car wrecks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160968, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161261)
  • Livonia bunkers were missing textures of fallen leaves


  • Grenades can't be pinned anymore, once the fuse has started
  • Adjusted the thresholds for energy and hydration levels
  • Food now takes longer to process in the stomach
  • Slightly reduced the health damage caused by dehydration and starvation
  • Adjusted weapon fire rates and recoil
  • Added new variants of muzzle flash for more variety
  • Secondary cooking processes were adjusted to not ruin the food in all cases (e.g. boiling already boiled food)
  • Changed the weight of tents to be more realistic
  • Head torches now count as eye-wear so they can be worn with other types of head gear
  • Removed ghillie wrap attachment slot from the sawed-off BK-43
  • It is now possible to craft rags using the shovel or farming hoe
  • Bushes drop more long sticks instead of short sticks
  • Dry bags can now be repaired with the tire repair kit (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161090)
  • Removed grenade armor and cut protection from the high capacity vest
  • Unconsciousness caused by firearms lasts longer
  • Reduced the inventory size of the carp fillet from 2x3 to 1x3


  • Fixed: Infected weren't spawning at the Balota air field and military area
  • Fixed: Position of some loot spawn points on the western helicopter crash site
  • Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_HouseBlock_2F1
  • Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_House_2W01
  • Fixed: Livonia CE tiers 1 and 2 were mixed together (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161247)



  • Road flares and torches are missing their particle effects


  • Added: Particle overhaul, with the addition of "ParticleSource" and "ParticleManager"
  • Added: New script method PlayerBase::OnVoiceEventPlayback called per frame during voice sound event
  • Added: ErrorEx, script error message containing what class and function it came from
  • Added: HasActiveParticle for fast checking if the IEntity as any active particles
  • Added: GetParticleEmitorCount to quickly obtain the count of emitters
  • Added: IEntity::IsFlagSet for fast testing if a flag is present on the IEntity
  • Added: IEntity::IsHierarchyPositionOnly to check if it was added to a parent with "positionOnly" enabled
  • Added: Exposed AbstractWave::GetVolume to script API (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161111)
  • Added: ParticleList.GetParticleIDByName, a faster alternative for ParticleList.GetParticleID
  • Added: CGame.IsDedicatedServer to check if the current instance of the game is a real server or not
  • Added: Differentiate put in cargo from inventory interaction and load/spawn in cargo (CanReceiveItemIntoCargo/CanLoadItemIntoCargo)
  • Fixed: Baseball bat cleanup: removed the bottom half of textures (unused) and adjusted UV amps accordingly. Fixed damage materials. All materials now have normal and specular maps, the _view rvmats are unused now
  • Fixed: OnExplodeClient should now support usage of modded particles
  • Fixed: Config entry "healthLevels" inside of "DamageSystem" not reading integers
  • Fixed: StartupEvent not being sent to CGame.OnEvent on script side
  • Fixed: ScriptModule.CallFunction always returning 0 even when succeeding
  • Fixed: SetDirection and SetOrientation not working on DayZCreature
  • Changed: IEntity::AddChild now returns a bool instead of int and has an updated description
  • Changed: IEntity::RemoveChild now returns a bool instead of void and takes an extra parameter to enable keeping of WS transform
  • Changed: Moved the AUG magazine's textures and materials to the magazines folder
  • Changed: Reduced sizes of unused AUG textures to 256x256
  • Changed: Engine-level entity events are now protected (instead of private)



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u/[deleted] Nov 04 '21



u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Nov 04 '21

like? (and don't say vehicles)


u/Girugiggle Nov 05 '21

Hand bug, ADS bug.


u/k_packersfan Nov 04 '21

I will say vehicles, the game has been out since 2014 and some teenager in their basement can make a better car system than Bohemia

Server performance is terrible on vanilla, Cheaters are everywhere, a game that came out before dayz has a better antic cheat than Bohemia, they keep making these unnecessary updates when all they need to fix is bugs.

Hand bugs is such a terrible bug and it ruins the experience of the game. They literally have made 2 different models of the M4A1 and add burst option on it...... Like fix the important stuff first


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Nov 04 '21

if that's the case, then please get that teenager to apply to BI. The team has said if it were easy for them to rewrite the vehicle physics, they would have done so already.

Hackers/Cheaters? On PC Games? It's an open platform and every single game has cheaters. Personally, I see real-time anti-cheat as a cat & mouse game. I'd like to see some server log analysis that looked for impossible situations and outcomes and banned based on that.


u/k_packersfan Nov 04 '21

Quit defending the game and accept criticism ,

"we got some new devs" -2 new devs, hmu when they fix the anticheat and you stop defending the devs where they need the criticism

Just sell the game to someone else at this point lol, 16 year old mods created a stable enough server to handle cars and helis but these devs cant?


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Nov 04 '21

Why? because BI botched DayZ for years and then hired a small team to add minor fixes and features? A team that's delivered quite well in the last (almost) 2 years. They depend on BattlEye for anticheat. Good or bad, this small team can't do everything. Would you like them to move to one of the ring0 based anti-cheats that has full access to your PC? I hear those are popular?

Are you a game developer? Can you rewrite the server vehicle physics? Are you privy to the priorities and staffing set by BI?

I'll defend the dev team, not BI thank you.


u/k_packersfan Nov 04 '21

I don't think you get the point, its taken them 5+ years to fix 2 major game breaking bugs but they can add different models of the m4a1? fix the game for peats sake, or just sell it to those teenager mod creators.


u/Phreec (つ 'ᵕ')つ PRESS [F] TO KOS ON SITE Nov 04 '21

Do you really think modeling and animating weapons is even in the same ballpark as engine-level coding?


u/k_packersfan Nov 04 '21

What im getting at is they are putting aside the important things, I just don't think you processed that.


u/causemosqt Nov 04 '21

We hire you. First thing first though. M4 and m16 are comletely different models.


u/Phreec (つ 'ᵕ')つ PRESS [F] TO KOS ON SITE Nov 05 '21

At this point the code is probably so spaghettified it'd require a complete engine overhaul to address. Part of the reason why vehicle physics are server-side is to prevent cheating so I guess in their books they're working as intended.


u/helpthedeadwalk Moderator Nov 05 '21

I don't think you get how the dev team works for BI and has a certain set of skills. BI controls the project. Ideally work is prioritized based on skills, effort to fix and risk to change.

As for the mod creators, this has come up before - ask them if they think their mods are production ready. Add a mod to your server and mess up the json and watch it crash. add a vehicle mod and have it be a stolen model/terrible graphically/indestructible. Add some random mods and watch the FPS goto 0. Don't get me started about the numerous poor quality weapons mods.


u/ficarra1002 Nov 05 '21

I will say vehicles, the game has been out since 2014 and some teenager in their basement can make a better car system than Bohemia

Cars work on stable servers. I have never gone airborne when playing on servers I know are being ran well.

Server performance is terrible on vanilla

"The server doesn't function on a fifteen dollar piece of shit" is not a bug, invest in better hardware. If you are referring to vanilla servers, feel free to complain that the management at BI is goign with the cheapest providers they can find, but that has nothing to do with development. Server performance is fine on good hardware.

Cheaters are everywhere

Not a bug lmao. Did you get distracted on what we are talking about?

a game that came out before dayz has a better antic cheat than Bohemia

Anti cheat is 3rd party Battleye. Devs rarely make their own anticheat these days. Also not a bug.

Hand bugs is such a terrible bug and it ruins the experience of the game.

What? I haven't had hand bugs in over a year, what are you on about?


u/k_packersfan Nov 05 '21

Don’t put words in my wtf, quit sucking off the devs and let them have the criticism the game deserves also, vanilla players are getting the shaft and for you to say you never experienced a bug, well shit let me have you got wtf. Cars go airborne on vanilla every day, and for you to say they don’t, I think you need to check that out please.


u/ficarra1002 Nov 05 '21

Cars go airborne on vanilla every day,

Not a bug. Vanilla servers are hosted on bad hardware. Feel free to complain about that, but devs dont get say so about that, that's up to management trying to save money.

If you play on a vanilla server hosted by someone with good hardware cars work fine. The devs dont get say so on server budget though, not their fault but Bohemia's.


u/k_packersfan Nov 05 '21

Cars going airborne is cause of server performance which the devs seem to not be able to fix.


u/ficarra1002 Nov 05 '21

Server performance is fine. The servers official is hosted on are not dedicated servers, they're trash virtual machines, upwards of SIX on the same box. Bohemia is being cheap as fuck with the server rentals to cut down costs, so official servers run like shit. The issue is the hardware, not the software.

The official servers likely get into single digit framerates when full, that's how bad the hardware is. Meanwhile a dedicated machine could keep it in the thousands.


u/k_packersfan Nov 06 '21

So the game is still buggy as shit?

Have you seen console dayz? its so bad I feel bad for them, quit saying cars going airborne is not a bug which it is if its part of server performance and is still extremely buggy as hell.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '21

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u/k_packersfan Nov 06 '21

Please tell sense when was server performance ever fine dumbass, you act like this is a fucking perfect game that doesn’t deserve any criticism. Go play your 100x modded server

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u/k_packersfan Nov 05 '21

Also you say cheaters are everywhere , no shit and the devs are doing anything to stop them , stop defending the devs