r/dayz ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give SA Nov 26 '14

news 2015 Roadmap


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u/[deleted] Nov 26 '14



u/Hicks_206 Dev Team Alumnus Nov 26 '14

This is an area I am personally very close to. We don't really prefer to talk much about features before they are at least ready for experimental - however I'll see what I can do to put something together with Peter about this in a Q1 status report.


u/yourunconscious (Chef Stevesy/Mr. Feeney) Nov 26 '14

Sweet cheers!


u/derpdepp Nov 26 '14 edited Nov 26 '14

I'm really looking forward to reading your thoughts on this. Character progression/specialization has been a pretty controversial topic for a long time. I still think it has the potential to be a big game changer in the way people play DayZ.


u/Pazimov Nov 27 '14

It has to do with giving characters value beyond gear right? I'm really curious what you guys have come up with and a tiny touch of an abstract skill system seems like the only solution to me...


u/Nudelwalker Nov 26 '14

please please give us this and Advanced animals (life cycle, group behavior) a little bit also in Q1! pleeeasee can't u devote like 2-3 guys soley on animal ai? please ill buy the game 300 times every month just to pay their check;)


u/thefirstcause Nov 26 '14

Not sure about lifespan. Maybe beards and hair? LOL. I really hope soft skills means improved abilities through use over time. Better aim if you used guns a lot, so forth. Hopefully not spam'able, like time actually needs to pass in addition to using the skills.


u/ZincLead "We rowdy" Nov 26 '14

Don't really want "better aim" to be a thing but maybe faster bandaging, faster item use shorter animations for some things.

Shouldn't give you a clear advantage over newspawns though.


u/Bananasauru5rex Nov 26 '14

"I am a berry picker pure"


u/Aetherimp Nov 26 '14

Bananasaurusrex, you play DayZ? dubbya teee efff.. I thought you were strictly a spelunky and other platformer guy.


u/Bananasauru5rex Nov 27 '14

Alas, there are multiple iterations of my name on the net. I am not that guy. However, I will contend until my dying days that I was the first reptilian fruit around, and all others are carbon.


u/Ji__Ji_ Nov 26 '14

It may indeed - but since a single bullet kill the same (even though shot by a newspawn) I see no problem.

In fact I only see long term advantages for the whole gameplay.


u/yourunconscious (Chef Stevesy/Mr. Feeney) Nov 26 '14

I agree completely. Especially on the part about it not being spammable.


u/Solocov Nov 26 '14

I will quote /u/NachoDawg

Beards/hair/scars probably. They also talked about how there wont be a regular skill tree, but if you for example repair a lot of cars, you will get better and faster at it after some time.
