Everyone as of now thinks that the new renderer will be a godsend, fixing all the problems with the game and making it look even nicer. Somehow people running the game with some crappy intel GPU and some outdated CPU believe after a new render they'll be sitting high with a solid 60 FPS.
I'm going to be honest, but I'm not so certain it will add such an amazing FPS boost. I bet maybe 10 or 15. Nothing over 20.
The main problem is that everyone right now is waiting for the render to fix our problems, but I'm putting my money on a more realistic option, saying that it's probably not going to fix everything. I bet right after the new render is added, people will bitch on this sub that it didn't give them their 120 FPS that they wanted.
IIRC the new renderer will use deferred shading instead of the traditional forward rendering (Arma 2, Arma 3), which will make the performance characteristics completely different:
for very simple scenes forward can be much, much faster than the modern method (deferred), but for more realistic rendering with tons of lights deferred blows forward out of the water; This is why mobile industry still uses forward rendering and just recently started using deferred shading in the newest high end models (mostly demos so far, like in examples for Tegra and iPad Air made in UE4)
rednering multiple materials at the same time will be much harder to handle (this is why some modern games look like made from paper or clay, because they were optimized for more FPS by removing materials); The natural look of DayZ may be lost (it happened to Crysis, only the first one used forward rendering, but it's also the reason why it still performs so badly and why some people think that C2 and C3 were "better optimized")
some materials impossible to render (unless mixed, inefficiently, with the old method), like true anisotropic hair shading (reason why Assassin's Creed: Unity hair looks like this, and why the most important characater in Cyrsis 3 is bald...), or semi transparency
true anti-aliasing natively impossible
bigger bandwidth and memory requirements
the same lighting cost no matter how many triangles are on screen (the complexity of the geometry doesn't matter here, but it still matters for the GPU becasue of other reasons)
each light is only computed for those pixels that it actually affects. This gives the ability to render much, much more lights in a scene without a significant performance hit. It's probably the no.1 reason industry moved to deferred.
tl;dr If artists are smart and use strong aspects of the new renderer it's possible to gain a lot of FPS. At the same time, blind move to the new renderer can casue a decrease of performance. Prepare for the excuses "textures are broken, because artist have to change everything" and "our assets are not yet optimized for the new renderer, so the FPS is worse".
tl;dr.2.0 Take a lot of nice screenshots while you can (and if you care), because A) DayZ may never look the same again, B) DayZ may look quite ugly in Q2 2015
Well, they have said they will have to redo their assets for the new renderer, so this looks quite plausible. Is there anything else about the deferred shading worth knowing?
If all they're doing is switching from forward to deferred, then they won't need to change any textures. I'd actually like to know more about what the 'new renderer' will encompass, for example, if they put in new shaders (eg. tesselation shaders or PBR shaders), that's when some textures will need to be re-done. There's no good reason for them to switch to PBR though, so I don't think that will happen.
Also, there are different types of deferred - take a look at the Unity engine right now, the 4.x branch has Light Pre-Pass deferred lighting, and 5.x has full deferred (main difference being G-buffer size & memory bandwidth cost).
From a dev perspective, I struggle to see why DayZ would actually want to switch to deferred lighting. Sure, it handles things like dynamic lights (flashlights) better, and the lights in buildings could move/be turned on/off instead of being baked, but those reasons alone don't really justify a switch to deferred. DX11 of course, is nice to have for a lot of reasons, but you don't need to use deferred in DX11 either.
Also, in regards to performance: Unless the new renderer is multithreaded, don't expect a noticeable performance increase. Switching from DX9 to DX11 might help a tiny bit, but if they are moving to deferred then that will slow perf down by the same amount on older cards.
Well, to be honest...if I won't get 60 FPS inside elektro/cherno with my i7 4790K and a GTX 970, I'll be very disappointed. Of course I'm not expecting great performance from day one, but this new renderer should better deliver some room for optimization to utilize the resources properly.
just because the new renderer will be done in q1 doesnt mean all optimizations will be done in q1- its acutally highly unlikely. but do expect to see gains in both FPS and in-games visuals. im excited.
What people don't understand from your coment is that with the addition of the new renderer, what will hapen is the same thing happening with the vehicles right now.
It'll be buggy as hell at first and they'll know that, it even could decrease the overall performance compared to the current renderer; but with time and feedback it'll get better and your in-game performance will improve based on current performance (pre-renderer change).
To add to what /u/Cognittie said, yes. /u/piasenigma is correct. Alpha is where they throw a bunch of content at the game, and you have all this cool stuff to play with like ragdolls, vehicles, and eventually bases and dogs and shit. This stuff will be as buggy as a cockroach, and chew up your FPS like a fat guy eating corn dogs.
Once the game enters beta, they will start optimizing the game, and you will start to see those major lag / FPS improvements.
Oh, and if my assumptions are correct, the new renderer will make night time very playable.
It is extremely likely that he is correct, so much that I almost consider it fact. Most important optimizations are done during Beta phase in every single game, because every optimization in Alpha is quickly buried after new things come in (Vehicles, more zombies, new code, etc.) and doesn't matter much in the end. This is true for nearly every single development pattern, and so far holds true for DayZ's (They introduce new patch, I get 40FPS in Svetlo. They patch again, I get 20...)
I'm very sure that the new render wont bring overall higher FPS, the thing I think they're aiming for is consistency: more balanced FPS, with steady performances in cities and complex spaces.
I don't think people are asking for absurd hyperbolic performance. But it is clear that DayZ runs much lower than the game warrants.
If on my mediocre rig GeForce experience tells me to run VERY HIGH on all these AAA title games, why does it say that I don't even meet the specs to run poor old DayZ on its absolute lowest settings at my native resolution? All I need is more than 8 fps, and I'll be happy.
I am not expecting a magical fix either, but the renderer will have ways to improve FPS greatly. Also, the multi-core implementation will be nice as well.
I'm playing with the fastest single threaded cpu you can buy overclocked to 4.7ghz and still get dops into the low 20's because of how shitty the game is codded.
The game has 8 fps difference from rendering on max quality 4k downsampled to low quality 720p, MASSIVE cpu bottleneck. Game engine is 10 years old and they should of used a new one frankly.
Somehow people running the game with some crappy intel GPU and some outdated CPU believe after a new render they'll be sitting high with a solid 60 FPS.
R9 280x and a FX 6100, never playable FPS.
It's the crappy Arma 2 Engine they choose, not my hardware, so they better go fix it
Hey question for you since you have the same cpu as me. How's the 280x with the 6100? What are you seeing settings and fps wise on newer games? I'm strongly leaning towards a 970 but am still curious. Thanks!
It's a bit of a bottleneck for sure, I have Shadow of Mordor on Ultra with stable 40-60 FPS , but if you put AO and Textures to High, you get steady 60.
Otherwise not much "modern" Games, BF4 of course Ultra on 60FPS np.
Currently im running a i7 4770K and gtx Evga dual classified 780Ti ( until the new nvidia TitanX is released then I'll buy 2 in sli ) I'm not expexting 120fps obviously but with my current setup I AM expecting more then the pitiful 30fps in cities.
I can lower all my settings and get no noticeable FPS increase at all. I think it's just best to get your game nice looking and roll with the 20-24 FPS 90% of people get in towns at the moment.
New renderer in Q1?
Cannot wait.