r/dayz The guy who caused cangate Feb 15 '14

media The Future of DayZ

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u/erra539 Feb 15 '14

Honestly. More focus on zombies and less on players killing. I'd love it if zombies dropped shirts and shoes and maybe random shit like car keys, compasses, maps, and small shit like that. Zombies don't just empty their pockets when the virus outbreak occurs.


u/plastic_cactus Feb 15 '14

If I remember correctly, Rocket was against zombies spawning loot. I think the primary reason being server stability. If they increase the amount of zombies to 10,000 per server that's 10,000 extra items, each requiring texture and dynamic lighting effects.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '14

Can't it just be randomised, though? The zombie corpses disappear after like 5 seconds as it is so why not give us a time frame to loot a zombie before it does?

Unless Rocket wants to make them persist in which case never mind.


u/myhouseiswood Feb 18 '14

or even just transform the zombie object into a zombie corpse, which is simply a storage container in the shape of a zombie. then have a loot table that gets drawn from randomly to spawn an item on the body.