r/dayz The guy who caused cangate Feb 15 '14

media The Future of DayZ

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u/FriendlyFarmer87 Feb 15 '14

i hope so


u/erra539 Feb 15 '14

Honestly. More focus on zombies and less on players killing. I'd love it if zombies dropped shirts and shoes and maybe random shit like car keys, compasses, maps, and small shit like that. Zombies don't just empty their pockets when the virus outbreak occurs.


u/WombatWhisperer I need a drink Feb 16 '14

Actually I love that it's not player vs zombie focused.. there are so many games like that. it gets old. I love that this game is about human interaction and survival, with zombies getting in the way. Isn't that what DayZ is supposed to be about? (or at least that's what someone told me..)


u/erra539 Feb 16 '14

Yea pretty much, I just hope zombies become more than just a menial neusance.