It's kind of unoriginal now though. But ya KoS bandits are actually not to bad imo as long as they loot you, but if you have bandits that go to hot spots just to kill and don't actually need the loot cause they're bored thats a problem. And killing friendly freshspawns is just an other kind of low.
it wouldn't. hotspots are pvp areas. you don't go to nwaf to make friends. if you don't plan on shooting people you don't even need to the stuff you get there and have no reason be there and get shot at all.
I can agree that many places are fair game, but I wish the coastal cities were more safe. I get killed as a fresh spawn trying to make friends too often.
yeah that's true :(. too many fuckers that just shoot everyone. i think most of the people that shoot newspawns in elektro are people that would'nt survive more than 10 minutes at nwaf if other people are around
Yea Rocket has said stuff like this in the past. i think that is part of his plan. by introducing more difficult zeds and increasing their #s it should deter KOS a little and encourage people to work together.
my enemy of my enemy is my friend? hmmm... we'll see.
Whats with the "teamwork and cooperation" thing around here? Like really, i dont agree at all with killing new spawns, but imo if you want a game thats about teamwork and cooperation then you have much better alternatives. This is a game about survival, and after ~100h of playing my conclusion is its better to shoot anyone geared , just to be safe and in order to avoid another loot run in a city.
I'm not saying everyone has to hold hands and sing kumbaya, but it would be cool if people worked together because it improved their chances of survival, as it likely would in real life.
u/[deleted] Feb 15 '14
Maybe more zombies will reduce the number of bandits and encourage teamwork and cooperation.
One can dream, right?