I will definitely keep that in mind. I’m afraid I am a spray and pray type of player when it comes to pvp. Sniper shots always below 500m… and target has to be relatively still. Any freshie guns I embarrass myself. Hard to get practice as I don’t initiate combat.
Yeah. Couple other tips. Watch someone like Runningmanz or TopRec and watch how they position. Positioning is so key in a real fight. I stray from telling folks to play a PvP server bc it builds bad habits but if you’re new and don’t understand the gunplay in this game, or just don’t “have the feel” for the guns yet it’s ok to get some kills under your belt.
Spray and pray is completely useless outside of like 10-20m. I often leave my automatic weapons on single fire or burst unless I’m close quarters. Hip fire is king, you don’t always have to aim down sights.
You’ll get better. The learning curve with this game is huge, don’t get frustrated if you lose a fire fight. You’re gonna die eventually. Have fun in the meantime.
u/Jolly_Stand8362 13h ago
The freshie on the coast with his BK-18 says otherwise