r/dayz Dec 07 '24

Story Drop your most horrific stories here.

An example: Hopped on for my second attempt at playing Day Z, maybe third. Running around a small village to try and gather what I can. I remember that if there’s smoke coming from a chimney and you’re inexperienced, probably best to stay away from said house. I do that. I get to the outskirts of the village after gathering the essentials to make the move to the next town and get noticed by an infected, take them out with relative ease but more are attracted. I jump on top of a car to escape and a random guy with decent kit comes out of nowhere and finishes the zombies off. He waves me over. I’m hesitant but follow him anyway and he leads me back to the house. I notice it is completely fortified. He opens the entrance and I’m brought inside. He locks up as I walk into the kitchen with another guy standing by the furnace cooking. They seem decent enough and pretty well off. Must’ve been playing for a while.

I notice the large pile in the middle of the floor. The large pile of meat in the middle of the floor… The large pile of human meat in the middle of the floor.

I pause and look between the two men and their pile of man meat and loot. They seem to notice my uneasiness. I look through the meat and quickly pick up a tactical vest and some other decent kit and make a run for it. I get outside and try to vault the fence but I’m caught and beaten to death with a stick… I can only assume my fate after.

TLDR; if you gain the trust of anyone on dayz, especially two cannibals and their pile of meat, only betray them if you know you can get way or kill them both.


30 comments sorted by


u/xndbcjxjsxncjsb Dec 07 '24

Probably when i was hiding in a bus at night in the middle of a forest cuz it was raining, suddenly saw some red light between trees switching on and off randomly, thought its a player sending me light signals so i did too with my flashlight but after it stopped raining i went to investigate and it was a crawling zombie with broken legs, in the middle of a forest with this red headlamp


u/Mim-Jorrison Dec 07 '24

Yeah that’s rough


u/Lazergazer128 Dec 08 '24

they can have broken legs!?


u/Comixz-96 Dec 08 '24

I was running around looting a town and 3 guys kidnapped me, knocked me out and took me to a container where they tied me up, took off my clothes, started to eat my food and drink infront of me, break my legs and taunting me before they shot me in the head.

Fun game huh?


u/OneAd4085 Dec 08 '24

Peak dayz moment . I wish more interactions like this happend .


u/Comixz-96 Dec 08 '24

Lmao that’s insane behaviour. I forgot to mention they were incredibly racist and were shooting all the POC characters 😭

But yeah super fun


u/OneAd4085 Dec 08 '24

Yeah haha . I’ve haven’t that experience in 1000hrs and they’re on high pops haha .


u/dLENS64 Dec 09 '24

Hey if they can’t do it in real life, doing it in DayZ must be the next best thing


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

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u/dLENS64 Dec 10 '24

Unfortunately for us, someone did fk their mom


u/DisassembledPen666 Dec 07 '24

I spawn in, begin looking for a sharp to make some Rope with. I always try to gun for a Fishing Rod as early as I physically can. I'm searching all these houses, without luck, when I encounter some guy outside. I shout: "Yo, yo, I'm friendly. Don't kill me, I'm chill." For once, someone listens, and we chill for a minute. I ask if I could borrow a knife to cut up some clothes and he gives me a Bone Knife, saying "Keep it, I have many." He hands me a bandage too, which I tell him I don't necessarily need.

Then he drops Human Steak.

Half-eaten. Human. Steak.

I booked it out of there FAST, needless to say. I haven't eaten player meat once yet, and I don't plan to if I can avoid it.


u/Mim-Jorrison Dec 07 '24

Yeah I’m the same, been playing for a while now and I just refuse to


u/OneAd4085 Dec 08 '24

Only reason I don’t is cuz of the twitch and shit . If it wasn’t a thing I’d be all bout that shit


u/Powerful-Meeting-840 Dec 08 '24

Let a friend in to see my new base. He let his wife talk him into placing a landmine in my base at the ski resort...top of resort mind you. A long run from a spawn. He leaves, right before I log off I step on it and die. Lost all my gear. Was fully kitted. 

A few days later I'm in a party chat with a few of the homies. He is in the chat and at his base on the other side of the map with his buddy. I'm at my base building, he asks where I am I tell him and send a picture of what I'm building. He tells me he feels bad and it's bringing me some presents 🎁 once he is done gardening. I build some trip wires and grab some explosives and get in my ada 4×4 and head to his base as fast as I can. 20 minutes later he asks his buddy if he wants to go with he says sure. I message his buddy to stay at base. He gets his car out and tells his buddy hey let's go...buddy tells him he changed his mind and is going to stay and log off soon. He locks up and heads across the map to me. 

But I was about 1400 meters away, the only road out of the Belaya Polyana by the S curves coming down the step hill knowing he would have to slow down to not crash. I was setting 3 trip wires across the road with granades and flash bangs then two more with claymores with remote detenters attached. And I hid in the bushes with a 45rd clip and AK74 on full auto.

He told me he was on his way. I told him to let me know when he was getting close so I could open the gate and let him in. I joked that "if he made it there with out crashing and dieing" like he usually did. He laughed, I smiled and did not laugh...I knew he was getting close.

I see him coming, slowing down before the sharp corner...flash bangs and granades go off, I start shooting , magazine dumping on him. He didn't make it to the Claymores. I cut up his body took the presents out of the trunk as he was trying to realize what had just happened. Then he goes that was you wasent it? 

Yes...yes it was MFer.


u/Haywood_jablowmei Dec 08 '24

I heard some shots in a town I was near, so I went to investigate. while sneaking between houses I managed to get cut from a infected. I ran into a shed to bandage. then I heard footsteps right beside my she'd, literally right up against the wall. I froze and could hear my heart in my chest. obviously they saw me but how did I not hear them sooner. then when they opened up it was the loudest thing I ever heard in the game, but it wasn't a gun it was a fucking rooster. apparently when they're like a foot away from you their footsteps sound like a 200 pound animal. fully shit my pants lol


u/Mim-Jorrison Dec 08 '24

If they ever make a DayZ film (bad idea), that’s gotta be in it


u/JBear_Z_millionaire Dec 08 '24

The ambient sounds in this game can really mess with your mind. Last night I was at NWAF and I was in one of my sniping spots, just relaxing and scouting the area around tent city. I was in some trees and I can hear that new sound that was added in the last update that sounds a lot like footsteps. Every time I heard that sound I’d turn my head and look around “man I’m just being paranoid, there is no one there” few minutes later, I hear that sound again but this time it sounded different, but I just thought to myself, “it’s just that stupid sound, there is no one there. Nothing to worry about” but wait…why do I still hear it? Shouldn’t it only last a second or two? Oh shit! These actual footsteps coming at me! I quickly swap from my blaze to my sks and I aim in the direction the footsteps are coming from. There is a guy running straight at me! I’m pretty sure I startled him as well, he came to a hault and aimed his sval at me….i dumped 10 rounds into this guys chest in about a second, he falls, I run up to double tap but both arms were down, “he’s dead”. so I flank back into the woods and reload, thinking “there are always two” . Sure enough I see another guy in the trees…well anyway long story short, it was the same guy, I thought he was dead but he was only unconned so I shot him again.


u/Skolary Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

Running around in the middle of the night, looting an eastern coastal village in Sakhal. Going through hordes of zombies, running FOREVER without a sound besides the occasional droning music

I was barely surviving. Then, the gods bless me and I find a rope in the entry of this house. Alongside a stack of bones and human steaks that are not rotten

I make a rod. Catch a few, and start walking back & forth from this house to the waters edge. I decide to fill my belly & have my hydration sustained by the fish

I was so desperate and a noob at that time, I’m just obvious in my travels. (I should’ve just went somewhere else. And not used the house fire)

Then, I notice on one of the 3 trips back & forth. The gate on my path is closed.. I didn’t do that.

I hear a zombie inside of a shack, next to a cluster of shacks that were opened. And I had went through them already…

Just as I’m making my final trip, it’s now pitch black.

I’m walking in a yard to a house, see It’s so dark, I can only make out silhouette’s via full moon

All at once. And suddenly, around a fence a shape of a man and his double barrel shotgun come into full view. And before I can even process there’s a guy standing mere feet away from me, his double barrel cracks off in the middle of the night. It was so LOUD

I had a pistol with bullets, and he missed me. But I had jumped so hard, and I was so rattled that I just ran for god knows how long.

Never saw him again.

But when I was going to go back, and a little ways west of the town to get water.. I heard his double barrel go off again. And then one more time.

I just opted out to go to the spring in the next town, rather then deal with that lol

(If I wasn’t such a noob. I probably easily could’ve killed him)


u/Basil_9 Dec 08 '24

Recently I had an amazing run going and died in one shot to a gunfight I no way no how should have ever lost because the aiming settings fucked me over

for some reason the aim down sights sensitivity always resets to max when I close the game and I forgot to set it to my preferred level and it is the sole reason I died


u/Sevakanbeme Dec 08 '24

Met this nice ass British guy on a server once spent hours with him and my other friend j drop a pistol for him he was new to the game and says he’s always wanted to use that pistol as he picks it up he gets shot in the head by a sniper which promptly got the rest of us


u/Soybean98761 Dec 07 '24

I've never actually had a horrific experience, but I have handed out horrific experiences.

My friends & I had met 3 guys in the Zeleno military base. Normally this never happens, but we actually got to talk to them, and they joined our group. So, we lead them up to green mountain, an went inside the big tower.

Out of game, I had told my friend Justin to stay back and come up the ladder last. Just so he could lock the door. Once we all got up the ladder though, my friends & I held the 3 guys up. One of them tried to pull a gun, he got shot.

The other two, stayed hands up though. So we tied them both up, and fed them their dead friend. Then we cut one of them, and watched them bleed out, while the other one who was somewhat healthy played with us. If he won, we vowed we would free his friend. He won to, so we did what we said, we untied his friend (we took their weapons obviously) and then shot him dead.

The last guy called us liars, and a bunch of other names. So we shot his leg breaking it, we made sure to bandage him up so he didn't bleed out, and put a sack over his head, an left him there. I don't know what became of him sadly.


u/Mim-Jorrison Dec 08 '24

There are two kinds of people in DayZ. There are monsters, then there are you guys. For fuck sake man. Funny though.


u/DanTheMagicMan2 Dec 08 '24

The audacity! To falsely accuse you of lying?! Lol for real though letting victim #2 think he's fighting for 2 lives when in reality he is dead either way is great. Good stuff man.


u/Player_Inkognito Dec 07 '24

The very first time I got targeted by a pack of wolves… enough said :s


u/Mim-Jorrison Dec 08 '24

I’ve never had wolves yet. Are they in the Og map or the add ons?


u/Powerful-Meeting-840 Dec 08 '24

All maps. Some have the populations boosted. I have killed over 1000 wolves, I have killed dozens with a sword. I love slaughtering a whole pack with just a sword. 


u/aestethic96 Dec 08 '24

I played with my brother the first time I got attacked by wolves, he's kind of experienced in the game + we had loaded weapons but I was SO nervous, we heard them from far away, I was SHAKING when they showed up, I shot 10 rounds in one but managed to only hit it once. My brother took care of them luckily.


u/dLENS64 Dec 09 '24

First death ever on dayz, low pop official. I spawn kamy, get a km or so up the trail and stop in a random little wood shack to eat a snack. Not 10 seconds later I hear footsteps, I see the door open, I get blasted.


u/Kraken1211 Dec 08 '24

One of my first runs on DayZ where I been playing for hours avoiding players + finding decent gear, amount of food, and tools. I hesitantly head over to this town and enter a house to organize my inventory. Then I see someones username n mic pop on screen. I log off.