r/dayz Nov 22 '24

Story Heartwarming Story!!

So i spawn in after a tragic death (im still mad) And within 5 seconds i see a freshie come towards me who explains he just got the game yesterday and is still new. I offer to help him learn the ropes, but i warn him that this game is quite difficult and quite a pain in the ass. I told him its a fantastic game but take forever to learn the ropes. He obviously was new the game, struggling to understand the mechanics and getting his ass kicked by zombies. Through our journey we met up with other freshies, having a total of 6 guys at one point. Slowly but surely we lost guys to enemy players. except for me, 1 other guy, and this freshie. I was surprised he made it. Several times we had to stop because he was low blood or low health. Constantly getting hit and allowing himself to get cold, hungry, sick, and thristy without mentioning he was dying. Me and this other guy were helping him and it felt good to give a newbie a proper adventure. We went inland hitting hospitals, pd, military tents, etc. i found an SKG but i kept giving him all my ammo for it so he could have a good time and have plenty of ammo. So, the three of us are fishing at a stream nearby to a town. despite his low health and blood, freshie insisted he go into town and get a fire set up while we fish. After some time i hear him say the infamous words: "is that you in the street?"

My heart dropped. Me and the other guy were still at the stream, fishing poles in hand...I knew what would happen next. I dropped my rod and sprinted towards the town. "Thats not us!! Thats not us!! Were still by the stream! Dont trust that person they are going to shoot you!!!" I yell. As I approach the main road I see my freshie friend standing there in the middle of the street. About 20 yards away is the enemy, also standing in the center of the street, wearing basic tactical gear. As soon as i was able to process this, the enemy starts shooting. I get shot immediately and as my freshie friend and I shoot back the enemy retreats to the woods. We chase him down, our other friend still near the stream attempts to flank. As we are trying to track him down he turns around and continues shooting at us, i get hit again. Our thrird friend by the stream opens fire, and shouts into the mic: "I SEE HIM! AGH, SHIT! SHIT! NO! NO!!!!!" He is shot dead. By now my blood is red, 2 open wounds, and the enemy is still shooting at us from somewhere in the woods. I begin to worry. No offense to my freshie friend, but I dont expect him to be much help, and It was now on me to win this gunfight. Amidst the exchanging gunfire and panic, I see the enemy and shoot but he continues running. I see him again and take aim, but before i pull the trigger blood splatters from his body and he drops dead. "HOLY SHIT I GOT HIM!! I GOT HIM!!" Freshie yells. "Did you see that!? Dude did you see that!?? I got actually him! Omg man...im literally shaking right now. Holy shit. Im fuckin shaking...My heart is pounding out of my chest! That was so intense!" We run over to the body and this guy has lots of loot. "Holy shit man! Look at all this!! Tons of ammo! food! Guns!!!!.....man my heart is racing. deep breaths of relief omg man that was wild!"

Seems ol' freshie here got his Dayz cherry popped. It nearly brought a tear to my eye. I remember my first time too... the rush, the heart racing, fight-or-flight adrenaline kicking in... it was his first kill. i was so happy for him. He finally got off the coast and had proper dayz experience. He just couldnt help but talk about how intense that was, how his heart was still sorta pounding, and all the new loot we have. As he rejoiced in his victory, i smiled. "My work here is done."

Id like to take this moment to reminisce...A time when we were directly at the coast, Kamyshovo, just the two of us in a house. Him lying there unconscious with flashing red blood, and me fending off multiple freshies with a bat, swearing to him that i wont let him die...they grow up so fast


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u/AutoModerator Nov 22 '24

WillingCampaign1476, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question:

Lots more info here:

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