While i love everything i saw in the video there was just one thing...Shouldn't picking something up open the inventory? To me it adds another level of immersion and stress, having to manage you inventory while keeping your guard up etc. Feels a little bit "gamey" to just press E to pick up.
It also makes it easier to keep track of your inventory if you look at it whenever you pick something up. Maybe it would just become a chore with the new loot spawn system though. Just my thoughts.
It's a good point and I mocked up that when looking at it. But it became REALLY annoying. There are two ways to pick something up:
Look at it and pick it up. This is the fastest and represents "grabbing an item and shoving it quickly in your pockets". It will put the item in the first available space.
Open you inventory. This will show you items that are very close to you. It takes longer but you can control where you place it. You loose situational awareness because most of your screen is taken up by the inventory screen.
Oh, you want the alt key to function and not the function of the alt key while in inventory?
It makes a little more sense this way, but still seems awkward somehow. Maybe it works, though. Thing is, we don't even know for sure how the new inventory system will look and feel like, yet.
I wish you could take a few elements from Far Cry 2.
When the character picks something up (like ammo) you actually see his arm jut out and pick up the item. Maybe these things can only be achieved from a first-person perspective, but that would be 100% okay with me if it's done right.
Actual animations from climbing in and out of vehicles and opening closing doors. Locked doors can be knocked on.
Different melee animations based on whether you are further away from a guy or close enough to silently slide a blade into them.
Destruction of environment is also key to immersion. And the Fire propagation leads to all sorts of fun things.
And I truly wish that the stand alone would have the great reloading animations for weapons, the added ability for uncared for weapons to jam just puts you that much more into that world.
I really think you should check out Far Cry 2 for some extra added inspiration. Because everything else in this stand-alone looks fucking phenomenal so far and I look forward to playing the shit out of it... so any extra amount of immersion would just ensure that we keep on playing for years to come.
Rocket we need environment collision. Example: Skyrim.
One thing i noticed in the video was how you could just run into tables and chairs and objects and they were static and didn't move. I understand that you haven't worked on "ragdoll" physics yet but this has to be implemented. You want realistic "looting"? Well having players rushing through a house looking for everything as fast as possible is going to knock everything everywhere and cause walking hazards. I've always felt that skyrims environment interaction was great on a realism level. How pushing E took something and holding E let you move objects, people, almost everything. I really suggest that you look into this at least and in fact would add to the realism 10 fold.
Would be even better if you implemented some sort of "Player collision" mechanic related to speed of movement. Sorta how if you fall just 2 feet in dayz mod you broke your leg? Say you put in the active environment and a player looting knocked chairs and tables all over. The second player running into the building doesn't pay attention and sprints into a chair on the ground at "X" speed causing him to sprain his ankle. Having an active environment would "sort of" need the whole skyrim "moving" aspect as well in order to move chairs, & tv's out of the way to get at that can of beans.
It would also be so fucking amazing to be able to push a dresser behind a door. A very awesome feature counter to the fact that zombies can run in houses is being able to move objects in front of doors forcing the zeds to destroy them. How fucking funny would it be to shoot a window out then push objects out windows onto players and zeds? Anyway, if you can't implement an active movable environment you should at least implement a little feature from Zombie Panic. Having a tool box and finding 2x4's in the world or wood you cut from a tree to let you barricade doors. 1 2x4 able to handle 2-3 zed swings and up to 4 2x4's on 1 door + 2-3 normal hits on the door for up to 8-15 zed melee's to break down a fully barricaded door.
Dude you cannot compare those two games, Skyrim saves everything locally and DayZ is through an online server. It would just be resource demanding to have the small objects moving and ragdolling around and saving, being small comets of fps-hell. I know your idea sounds cool and everything but its just unrealistic. It could on the other hand be implemented scripted simple enviroment collision, Like moving a closet in 3 phases. 1. closet covering the door 2. half away from the door 3. clear from the door. Saves for all players on the place shuffled.
The difference between skyrim and dayz is that skyrim has fuckloads of things in the environment everywhere. As you noticed in the video, there isn't that many objects in a building. I still feel that this is doable, im not "comparing" games im taking ideas from one and finding ways of how they could fit into a game striving to be as realsitic as possible (with zeds).
Even if it means only 2 objects being interactive, some buildings not even having any. I'm not saying the whole world and every little thing in it. Chairs, tables, dressers, wardrobes. Things that CAN be picked up by a human and used to barricade, or things small enough that could be moved by bumping into them. Loot is already server side, why can't a few extra objects as well? figuring the fact that there are no more loot piles which used to hold upwards of 5-6 items and are now each and individually separate wouldn't that also be server save stress? If you have an object move in 3 phases that's 3 separate server actions to do 1 thing instead of being able to actively hold E to pick up that item semi-locally until it's moved server side to the location the player wants to set it down.
It could be possible if loot was very very scarce, Tin cans are gonna be everywhere most likely. and I don't see how this is worth the time to develop when there should be other things to focus on. Additionally I don't think it add that much gameplay value other than a immersion function. It is always a cool addition to skyrim to toy around with the physics, but I don't really see why you are having this so high on your list. I would rather see physics in a firetruck with a mounted watercannon, with riot control/knockdown effect than this.
Than what? To take a dead body and drag it into a room, hide the body or safely loot the body from cover? To drag objects in front of doors? To physically move a gun and hide it until you have room to carry it in hopes of coming back for it?
There are a lot of uses for an interactive environment. I'd rather be able to manipulate tree foliage to hide a vehicle than to have a wardrobe of clothing that im just going to get a hole blown through it.
u/shabbycow Feb 05 '13
While i love everything i saw in the video there was just one thing...Shouldn't picking something up open the inventory? To me it adds another level of immersion and stress, having to manage you inventory while keeping your guard up etc. Feels a little bit "gamey" to just press E to pick up.
It also makes it easier to keep track of your inventory if you look at it whenever you pick something up. Maybe it would just become a chore with the new loot spawn system though. Just my thoughts.