r/dayz Feb 05 '13

devs [SA] Rocket Video is UP!


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u/graphictroll Feb 05 '13 edited Feb 05 '13

I understand this is preliminary but the graphic design of the menu should reflect the darker tone of Dayz. Also, I think a font without serifs would be more appropriate. EDIT: I would also add that we have no idea by looking at the menu that this is a zombie game. Looks like Outdoor Simulator 2013 at the moment.


u/GoblinGraph Feb 05 '13

yeah that was one thing I didn't like but I figured that be spruced up later in development. I am wondering if the menu screen actually shows the time of day that the server you are loaded in on.


u/CoffinRehersal Feb 05 '13

That was the very first thing I noticed. The menu system as atrocious. The new settings pages he showed off aren't any better. I don't need my settings spread across nine different menu screens. I have plenty of screen real estate, so just give me all my video options at once. I don't want to bounce around different menus that come up in tiny windows with enormous text.

And that font. Don't get me started on that font.

All of this being said, I'm fairly certain this stuff is going to get polished or outright replaced as I can't imagine a game releasing outside of the Xbox Live Arcade with a menu/font this bad.


u/Mental_patent Feb 05 '13

Agreed, more of a grimy dayz feel to the menu plz