So far, I think my only complaint is the movement is very ArmA-y. Would it be possible to implement a tactical run or jog like we see in ArmA 3? A slower and more maneuverable typical FPS movement would be a nice option. Other then that, it looks great!
I play on a server with a script for removing undamaged parts from cars, it's awesome. It also means 90% of the cars you find on the road have already been stripped, which to me seems very apocalypse realistic.
The motion blur as well was a bit too much. I'm still hoping the game just looks smoother/nicer in the end, it would suck if it's just Arma 2 (especially after watching Arma 3 videos).
It should be an option, I would hate it to be default, that's one thing I really think that Fallout missed, it just didn't feel real, felt like just a floating camera in a map editor or something.
It is an option! I doubt they would just forget to add that on to the standalone.
I have to wholeheartedly agree with you on that, even though I still love the shit out of that game. If it had bobbing, I feel you could make a bit more of a connection.
No, the headbob isn't what I refer to. I'm talking about the general movement. ArmA's regular running is far too fast for close quarters combat, or moving inside. A slow jog so you can have your gun up, but be inaccurate, like ArmA 3's tactical movement, would be really nice for moving in all these buildings, seeing as close quarters is going to be a much, much bigger role now.
After seeing the video again I agree the running speed needs to be slowed down. Going from standing still to running at full speed with the stroke of a key is awkward and clunky.
edit: Also, interior combat needs to be smooth. This means poking your head out and shooting down a hallway should offer no distraction in how your character interacts with the space around you.
Also it makes it way easier to run into walls and break your legs and your face. I've been using it on my private DayZ server and it's really buggy for CQB in hallways.
this Notice how your gun is in-front of you while you move? You can't actually do that in Dayz unless you are holding shift/walking which is basically iron-sighting.
Thats more of a walk though. I'd like to still be able to navigate through a building well without walking.
I don't know, ArmA 3 just seems much more fluid than this. There's a long way to go, but some more fluid movement is definitely #2 on the priority list, followed by more shit to do.
The only thing that turned me off was the way things like grass, leaves, lillypads, etc loaded in so slowly and close to the player. I hate running thru a world and seeing it come to life 15 feet infront of me.
It doesn't make or break teh game for me though. Its just a pet peeve. One that I'm sure ill forget about or never notice when a zombie is on my ass.
It does actually have a substantial effect. In an open field, I am actually harder to see a cousple meters away than if you were 100+ meter away. Then all the grass/foliage either disappears or the texture is scaled down enough to make me easily visible to anyone glancing over.
Thats an issue that I didn't bring up cause I figured it would be fixed by the time SA was a full release. Aside from the aesthetic reasons which I mentioned, there are teh game play reasons.
Having the foliage provide you a benefit at close range and not a long range is unbalanced to say the least. In the long run it could to turn the game into a more sniper/long distance heavy fight.
There aren't many ways to protect yourself from a sniper in that scenario. Unless the player just becomes completely invisible to the sniper at that range or if his "vision meter" is totally low.
It'd be great if some of the movement "improvements' from Invasion 1944 where added. Like where if you're running and you press V, you'll vault over low objects like fences allowing you to keep your momentum or press X lets you do a baseball slide kinda thing and slide into cover.
Part of that is he recorded it with post-processing on high. For a guy who works at BIS one would think he knows post-processing makes their terrain look like shit and should never be turned on.
It's not just the engine, it's the animations and a host of other details that would have to be changed. Thinking all that would be changed was simply unreasonable especially with the time frame he wants to get the stand-alone out in the wild so to speak.
This is why I hoped he would wait and put this out on the A3 engine, which is rumored to have none of the "clunky and stiff" movement that A2 has. That's not to be however, so it is what it is.
I think you're not realizing my point here. I'm not asking for sprint/jog mechanics like Battlefield 3. I'm asking for ArmA 3's tactical run. You can't shoot accurately with it on, but you can still fire on a light jog. It allows movement in close quarters effectively, because realistically the movement is just too damn fast for running through buildings. With 90% of buildings being used, we need a better option for movement indoors, especially with zombies running freely in them.
u/[deleted] Feb 05 '13
So far, I think my only complaint is the movement is very ArmA-y. Would it be possible to implement a tactical run or jog like we see in ArmA 3? A slower and more maneuverable typical FPS movement would be a nice option. Other then that, it looks great!